
Sunday, June 28, 2009

maxy boy~ lol i luv that name

'transformers-robots in disguise' lalala~ on saturday...who went agn?, jen, will, erica, erin and cathy went to watch transformers 2. i got myself a well deserved easyway b4 that. it was well deserved because i hadnt had an easyway in a long time and...skool was being stressful o.o on the way down i say maxy (hehe his pp kids r so cute) and found out that actually the mafia were watching the same movie same time.

so me and will went to explore toys r us and found. to my utter dissapointment. that there were no foam swords == we got foam baseball bats instead~ sigh little kids nowadays, specially girls, r being so brainswashed. there were THREE whole isles dedicated to barbie and co. and everything was so many toys directed at FOUR YR OLDS tell them to go paint their nails and colour their hair and then maybe, they can have their very own ken == getting to the bike section, i found that the bikes were much smaller than i remembered. how could i fit onto those b4..?

in the cinema, jen and some1 bought a huge tub of pocorn,cept they didnt let me hold it cos they sed id eat it all. which prob wouldve been true...the movie was pretty gud tho-not 2 much uneccessary action. and maxy, wen they were running, they didnt focus solely on megan fox's boobs-maybe u just wish they did. the ending was kinda corny, the same as the one 4 terminator-something along the lines of how they will prevail, and stick by each other, and gud will over come evil...

afta the movie, ever1 ditched us and so i thought it would b a gud idea to catch up on some sleep. cept this time the cleaning ppl came rlly early and they had 2 ask us to leave...I went and asked 4 a job application form and waited anxiously 4 the person to come bak with it. not that I expected anything would happen (cos some1 had CONVENIENTLY squashed all my hope. u no who u r ==) let alone get the job. cept wen the person came bak she told me she couldnt find 1 and to come bak another day wen they weren’t so busy. that’s EXACTLY why u should gimme the form so that next time ur busy, some1 like ME can help out. logical thinking-u need some of that. another reason y u should hire me.

my plan of sticky fotos failed cos i didnt have enoguh money, and i couldnt rlly buy anything from morning glory since it was as usual, over priced, and i still didnt have money.

that night i went to a dinner wth family friends at a restaurant i liked. cept they didnt have the food i wanted. == wat is this? y cant they put lunch items onto the dinner menu? i mean is it that hard??? so i sat so bored for an hour, listening to the boring cconvo...that restaurant has gud taste in music, they played disturbia-rihanna, go on girl-neyo, mockingbird-eminem, closer-neyo. and in that order. u c i was so bored i remembered their was also rlly hard 4 me to not sing out loud-harder than u think. but wen they played neyo, i couldnt resist and started mouthing it and half singing, hoping no1 saw me lol.

next day-sunday-was DFO. nothing interesting there. it wasnt as cheap as i thought. most brands didnt have much difference in price from the normal stores. i got earrings and pjs.

so that leaves today. project penguin agn. my favourite part was sleeping on the bench in the sun outside...until the annoying little kid ashleigh came and zapped me and started tickling me. i DID NOT appreciate that == it was so warm and nice in the sun, and they just HAD 2 wake me up. no dont say im a bad mentor, sleeping in class, cos we'd finished our work and the other 3 were like 'let them sleep theyre tired' == they even made us a little card with fotos of themselves and ferrero rochere. yum~

sorry no fotos in this blog. i cbb. and cathy-remember the mindmap.

quote of the day (aaaw sweet):
"No man is worth your tears, and when you find the man who is, he'll never make you cry."

Saturday, June 20, 2009


another day has come and gone. well no not rlly cos its only halfway through.

rain can b so pretty~ but not wen ur in it. just wen ur sitting on the sofa being nice and warm and ur lil bro is at coaching so u can hear urself think. i luv listenin to it wen its full thunderin down.

so far my day has been gud. afta chinese skool i hung around and found a nice hoodie from cotton on for only $10. everything in the girls section was too expensive or not nice so i pulled one out of the guys sale rack. and i agree with cathy-guys hoodies r warmer than girls. idk y, they just r.

also, i got a cap for my mobile and i now officially have $150 a month and $150 free to vodafone ppl. cept no1s on vodafone...

aaagh im getting sleepy...

quote of the day:
"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."-Dr. Seuss (neva knew he could say stuff like that)

Friday, June 19, 2009

oh yummy theyre making pina colada on masterchef~

vaseline in a tube is rlly gud~


anyway...cant think of much to say right now o.o

ooooh jj snacks r yummy. havent had them in a while :D

omg my frikin bro is playing his ds so LOUDLY. == keeps tapping so loud i cant think.

u no ive wondered wat is rlly the point of mandatory geography...they should make it so that the ppl who r into it and r gonna b scientists and geologists ad stuff can do it and the rest of us can study wat we want o.o

ehehehe its dance in 42 minutes~~~

ok i have nothing more to say, so heres my quote of the day, lol this one 1 i found sums up a date in a nutshell:
"There are three possible parts to a date, of which at least two must be offered: entertainment, food, and affection. It is customary to begin a series of dates with a great deal of entertainment, a moderate amount of food, and the merest suggestion of affection. As the amount of affection increases, the entertainment can be reduced proportionately. When the affection IS the entertainment, we no longer call it dating. Under no circumstances can the food be omitted."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

erin u neva told us the reason y erica was born o.o

after another productive and exciting day at school, i have come to sit in front of the computer and (omg im so hungry ==) type up this blog about my day. following that random last blog, im here to tlk about...issues of importance o.o

this morning i was freaking out agn cos i didnt do maths hw and it was 1st period. she didnt even end up checking it == the rest of the day was pretty boring. my textiles shirt FINALLY got finished, tho its rlly crooked oh and today, the day wen will just happened to come to the textiles room, was coincidetally the day the senior textiles students modeled their sexy outfits~ ;)

aaaaagh and we coem to the bus ride. o.o the yr9s were especially...loving today, as we shared a 4 seater with 8 ppl. no further comments on that one lol.

OURAN HIGHSCHOOL HOST CLUB IS RLLY GOOOOD! :D gnaaaw honey chan is so cuuuuute ><

anyway, i found a nail file on my desk and had nothing beta to do so i used it. cept all the powdery nail stuff fell onto my navy jumper and it looks like dandruff o.o

oh and today i had an interesting convo with izzy bout the entire concept of 'love', and that technically there is nothing as love at first sight cos if u look at them and fall in love, u fall in love with their appearance, or the IDEA of being in love with them, and not actually the person.

btw whos on vodafone???

ill leave u with my quote of the day:
"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009




waaaaaaaaa happy feet is gud~ we watched it today in wet weather sport and it brought bak memories. mainly just memories of watching it tho o.o anyway...

i started watching ouran highschool host club (anime), and i rlly like it. its the perfect kind of short little anime for me, with mostly comedy and romance, and its not too serious either. only has 26 eps, which is gud-so i dont hafta watch it for like half a yr and get bored. another great reason-all the characters r so cute~~~ classic anime style, pretty girls and cute guys-thats a bonus.

idk if im still watching it, but eyeshield 21 is pretty gud as well. its more sporty and the romance is cut down by alot compared to ouran. its bout foottball and its basically all guyss, but its still got alot of comedy. the characters r more cartoony and less jap anime style and i guess it has a little more seriousness than ouran.

quote of the day:
"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."

ok now bak to watching~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009



watchya lookin at?


sorry i have nothing interesting to say, and i dont wanna tlk bout my report either.

o wait i remember now-maria and i had our audition today. my self esteem rlly died == it got murdered cruelly, zipped in a bag and tossed in a river. shes too pro for me...

anyway, i g2g~ ^^

Monday, June 15, 2009


(ye its a little late, but its the thoguht that counts right? :D)

project penguin agn~

as many of u no, today was project penguin~~~ in the morning the bus driver wouldnt let me on my bus cos it was so full == but then the buses after that were late and i had to wait like 20 minutes before another one came. so i got to school 15 min after the meeting time and as i walked up ppl were just starting to leave >.> i was worried for nothing. we got to north curl curl primary and waited for the bell to go-aaaagh so many little kids-id forgotten how small they were o.o

we just spent the day helping them doing their work and stuff, cept that little rebel girl kept running around and shouting and at one time she started ordering us to do stuff. so i gave the piece of paper she wanted to will sincec he was taller and told her to friking b quiet. not that i sed it like that. cos im a good rolemodel :D turned out she already knew how to swear-she even swore at us lol. but the other 3 were gud~

omg and the canteen is SO CHEAP. a hot chocolate was $1 and a little pizza thing is like $0.40, so i stocked up on food. at lunch we joined a handball game with some little boys and omg how small r the squares ==' they were so midget ppl had to stand outside of them to hit the ball properly. and some of those kids r rlly not all that bright o.o we saw jesses (yr 10) little cousin. she was so CUTE ^^ she went up to max and was like 'maxy can i have a mint?' and they called jonno johnny~ lol

by the end of the day it really just felt like babysitting and i couldnt be bothered to help anymore so i just typed up their stuff for them cos they were so slow == they were making a picture book and asked wat was a name starting with 'w'. the answer was obvious. lol will the whale~

SOMEBODY wasnt being a gud rolemodel so one of the girls came up to us and started giggling and sed 'do u like each other?'. i sed 'no, i actually rlly hate that guy' and they were like sure sure. lol see they dont remember wat they need to but instead theyre suddenly smart wen it comes to this.

so we went bak to skool and that was the end of my day~ i got bored and started to copy erica and searched up 'cute chibi couples' on google.

and found this. so cute ^^

ill leave u with my quote of the day:
'We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.'

Saturday, June 13, 2009

karaoke and terminator~

so today we (cathy,jenny,chia,me,will,erin, erica, lizzy and later daran) had a little outing in chatties. afta chinese skool we met every1 cept SOMEBODY (lizzy) didnt know chatties and we waited like 1/2 hr for her.
we all went to karaoke at a place called tomato karaoke o.o hehehe erin did her little dance randomly :P

songs included:
lose my breath-destinys child
gee-girls generation
haru haru-big bang
tell me-wonder girls
1000 miles-vanessa carlton
i want it that way-bsb
eat you up-boa
beautiful soul-jesse mccartney
love song-sarah bareilles
sorry, blame it on me-akon
we belong together-mariah carey
low-flo rida
all star-smash mouth
some other song by bsb
and a few other korean ones

wen i walked in nobody could find the light so it was pitch black and the walls were so graffitied and the room was so old looking i thought it looked like a scene from a horror movie o.o first thing i saw afta some1 turned on the light was the word DARAN~ written on the wall lol. we also added our own little scribbles~ PICTURE TIME:

there was also a room with pool tables in it and ppl who didnt wanna sing went and played pool even tho we didnt pay 4 it. lol chia crawled under the table and will tripped on her.

oh and since i found my camera cord, heres some mores stuff i shouldve posted earlier
fabrics i bought 4 textiles
a vid from karaoke last time

afta k will and i went 2 watch terminator 4. wow theres 4? lol i was dying of hunger so we decided to buy a large pizza and eat it in the cinema. so we got the pizza and wen we walked in the stupid ticket person didnt let us in. == it was already like 10 or 15 min into the ads so we didnt no wat to do. first we just took it to a cafe table and tried to eat it all. but that was obviously not the best idea, soooooooo will thought of an idea. not the best idea but it was enough. we got a plastic bing lee bag from the bing lee right outside hoyts westfield and put the pizza into it. then we put the bag into mine and smuggled it in :D

wen we got in the movie had started and we needed a mobile fone light to c the pizza. it was pretty disgusting. warm mushy pizza in a plastic bag, but luckily it wasnt squashed so we enjoyed our meal~ until the frikin terminator robots started killing things and images of dead ppl ruined my appetite >.> i watched like an hour of the movie, which is like more than 2 hrs long, and got so bored. it was non-stop action the entire time and it started in the middle of the story with no intro so i had no idea wat they were on about. rlly, if u havent watched the ones b4, dont watch it. if u have, still dont watch it cos its not that great. so much 4 '2009's most highly anticipated movie'.

i slept through the rest of the movie and the machine gun noises just would not stop == and that tiny little bit of romance i was hoping for was barely existant. it looked like a guy had tried hard to squeeze in some romance 4 the girls watching but failed. the movie ended and i refused to wake up. so tired from skool, and it was so comfy and warm i rlly did not see the point of moving. i woke up later and every1 had gone. the cleaning lady was coming in lol :P

another day spent in chatties and im tired agn. like i sed-wen im woken forcefully i dont funtion *stare. i forgot wat i was gonna write o right-one other thing i wanted 2 do was go to toys r us, which was planned but we neva got to it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

textiles excursion~

in the morning gary told me that hoyts westfield is hiring O.O good opportunity since im 15 hehehehe i shall research that

we went to the textiles excursion today at the quilt/craft fair in darling harbour convention centre. it was actually pretty gud cos there were heaps of interesting ideas and so many pretty things~~~ ^^ i bought fabric for my textiles project, which is to make a huge sitting pillow, but im making 2 small ones. i would post a pic of the fabric i bought cept i cant find the camera cord lol.

the fair was soooo big and every stall had so much to see! aaaaagh the many many beautiful fabrics got me so confused, since they were all good and i had no idea wat to do. to add to that there was lace, ribbon, teddy bears, quilting,card making, printing, rlly nice scrapbooking paper, scrapbooking stickers and stamps and decorations and a little jewelery. aaagh so much 2 c~

in the last 10 minutes b4 we had to go i made a quick impulse buy. lol i was surprised at myself that i didnt buy anything, since maria was getting heaps of stuff 4 herself and the shopping vibe just overtook me :P i got a cheap fake pandora bracelet for only $17 so im happy :D

by the end of the day my feet hurt and i was so so tired cept it was all gud~ i ended my day with going 2 the uniform shop with gary and getting a new jumper. for those who dont no, i lost my jumper at the zoo during project penguin :P and my mum only just found out. i was freezing 2 death cos i didnt wanna tell her i lost the new jumper i bought like 2 wks ago. lol

also on a different note on masterchef the guy was teaching them a recipe and he was like 'look at that steam, its heat'. lol

omg watchin U.S. dance right now. so gud!! ^^ its so amazing, some r rlly inspirational. in the next few wks u guys r gonna hear alot of me ranting bout dance :P

okok-quote of the day-this is 4 all those single ladies ^^:
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

winnie~ (not the pooh)

witnees friend winnie, made AN ALBUM. not one that sells in stores, but just 1 for fun. just as kewl tho. omg shes so pretty~ lol supa azn and cute style-with a teddy bear and azn pose and all. the make up ppl made her look 5 yrs older tho. i borrowed it to have a listen and she sings all mando songs cept i only no 1 of them. o wait i hear a canto one.

its pretty obvious it was recorded but apart from that sounds pretty genuine. her singing is supa cute azn style 2. kinda like jackies o.o oh and its all pink lol. aaagh how fun would it b to do that? i wanna do that one day with friends~ gosh wat a rich kid >.> i was thinking of putting up her songs on my playlist so u can all listen, but then she mmight not like that vry much. o.o i dont think she even nos me lol.

SCIENCE TEST. im sure i dont need 2 explain any further, every1 came 2 the same conclusion on that 1.

CHANGING ELECTIVES. i went to odonell and she sed shes gonna have a look at my report to c if im gud enough 2 catch up with the work >.> man if my report is that bad im gonna hafta spend the rest of my year and a half in agony.

winnies singing is starting to get annoying now. sorry, but too much sweetness and cuteness for me. if ur reading this winnie, i have nothing against u o.o ur singing is just a tiny bit outta tune, but its just me. gud job anyway :D

omg omg and and-on monday we get to go to project penguin agn and miss out on skool agn :D i think i alreay mentioned this in my last blog o.o probably did.

and my quote of the day:
Some of the greater things in life are unseen thats why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

ye i just felt like putting it up cos ive heard so many gud sayings and neva got the chance to share them~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

oh i remembered her name! MS SPESSO! ^^ is that how u spell it? oh and look, this is my 50th post! wat a lame 50th post >.>
long time no post for me. i hope i was missed in the blogging community XD

aagh i dno y but i feel happy. ok i do no y. my day started off pretty boring but it got beta~ mr. goykovic-idk how 2 spell it-was rlly nice and let maria miss her engineering class so she could come to my dance free period lesson and work on our night of stars. hehehe we got quite a bit done and its officially 1 min 2 seconds long =D im so proud im part of this ^^

and fitness walking sport wasnt that bad. all we had to do was walk behind patto and ms...i forgot her name o.o u no the one that teaches french. starts with 's'. i think. o.o the beach was so pretty, as always and the sky was so clear-no clouds at all~ oh but noooooo we couldnt go on the beach. frikin patto >.>

hehehe that song 'u belong with me' by taylor swift is stuck in my head and im like singing to it now~ the mv is so cute, specially the end ^^ and cathy ses she would watch the hannah montanah movie just for that guy in the mv whos in the movie. i agree-hes pretty cute~

'SHAWTY GET LOOSE' hehehe sorry i got that stuck in my head too.

'hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister'-lady marmalade ^^ such a sxc song~

and a shoutout to cindee-welcome to bbf =D

'she wears high heels, i wear sneakers, shes cheer captain and im on the bleachers'

oh i just remembered, project penguin is on monday. siiiigh we get to meet our little kiddies agn. o.o well its beta than skool.

'this is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% and a 100% reason to remember the name'

'if i were a boy, i think i could understand, how it feels to love a girl, i swear id b a beta man'

'id listen to her, cos i no how it hurts'

'can u keep up, baby boy lemme lose my breath'

i went through my ipod and just felt like putting up some gud lyrics.

'if i was ur man, baby ud, neva worry bout wat i do, id b coming home, back to u, every night, doing u right'

'ur the type of woman deserves gud things, fistful of diamonds, handful of rings'

'baby ur a star, i just wanna show u u are'

ok the last 3 r all from 'let me love u' by mario. the whole song is gud and im not gonna type up all the lyrics, neither do i think u wanna read them. just listen to the song.

now ive run outta things 2 say o.o

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


in VA today we had frkin mr...i forgot his name. u no the old pedo guy that came up with sammy slick lol. o right mr edmonds ye him. so i decide to go to the art room with all the macs with izzy cos she needed 2 take fotos and we ended up playing with the foto booth 4 the entire lesson.

Monday, June 1, 2009

aaaaah so sweet but yummy~ >< i bet ill go all hyper with this much sugar lol. who wants 2 b hyper with me? :D

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