
Thursday, July 23, 2009

chia's bday thing + sleepova~

long post guys~ but heaps of pics

since we had so many ppl it took sooooo long to go places and for like an hr we just wandered around the city deciding where to go...most ppl were there so i dont rlly hafta explain right?

firstly, of course we took sticky fotos in capitol ^^ and this time sam lam came!~ and i dont have scans cos i cbb to scan those tiny little things. we went to karaoke the same place we went 2 last time in the city cos a few ppl led us the wrong way and ended up just walking in circles >.> shame it wasnt chinese songs tho...we didnt get to go to that ice cream place jenny and cindy no cos apparently it would take too long... :( so instead we went to galaxy world :) and lol lizzy looked more like a girl that day. sorry lizzy cant help saying it-its a compliment. saying u look sxc :D

lol we found a calvin look-a-like on some azn singer poster

some random pic jenny took of chias garden o.o

wen we got 2 chias place we went and peeled potatoes o.o lol ye jackie dropped the potato in the rubbish/scraps bucket a total of 4 times. fail.

look at the pretty cake ^^ tiramisu with massive strawberries and chocolate bits

luvoooos~ hey y isnt chia in this? lol

the cake is naked =O

also-chias lil bro, vincent, is only in yr 3 and has the cutest laugh evaaaaa~ ^^ hes adorable.

ok im dedicating a whole paragraph to this. cos i want to get my point across. 7pm project sucks. end of story. they made the ad look pretty gud but wen we watched it, it was just some tryhards trying very hard to make the news funny and failing. for 1/2 an hour they just discussed the news and made random jokes. they were so random i thought it was just me not getting it but then i realized it was actually bcos it just wasnt funny ==' only funny thing was they showed a baby t-shirt which sed 'im living proof that my mum is easy' LOL

alright jackie. sorry but im gonna post this. its just too funny. for most of the night we stayed in chias room having a PAJAMA PARTY~~~ every1 had pink pants cept jenny. shuuuun >.> jks but then we brought out the speakers and started dancing and getting a bit high. eventually we all started bellydancing. lol its rlly fun to the song 'get ur freak on-missy elliot'. jackie took it 2 the extreme

yeeeeah the gud times...sigh.

wen it was sleep time we pulled out the laptop and searched up good truth questions for truth or dare. some answers were rlly interesting...then we watched funny youtube vids for an hour. jenny went 2 sleep cos she was sick and her voice was so low she sounded like a man lol. wen we laughed too loud at nearly 1 in the morning chias mum told us to be quiet so we just started tlking and gossiping. haha u neva know, we mightve been tlking bout YOU =O it was rlly gud to get stuff off our chests, its just a girly social thing to talk so much. jackie fell asleep at 3? and me and chia finally slept at 4:45.

OMG JACKIE U TOOK UP LIKE 3/4 OF THE BED. her head was half hanging off the bed, her body was in the middle and her legs were spread diagonally across. == she also fell off twice lol.

so it was a pretty gud day, and omg dinner was yummy. jenny ate 3 bowls. and shes still so skinny o.o once agn, HAPPY BDAY CHIA!~

Sunday, July 19, 2009












JULIE WOOOOON. (and not poh) sigh the azn didnt win. my mum thought the scoring was rigged lol. that last thing they had 2 make looked like heaven on a plate, completely and utterly chocolate *drool...

well the last part was pretty emotional, julie made a lil speech and it made ppl cry. i think my mum cried lol. aaaaagh masterchef is ova, but no fear-theres a second series soon...

i want that chocoalate thing...

Primrose~ (park)

so as erica sed in her post, today we went on a little picnic cept bec was there 2. and looool i saw wills lil bro oliver-yaaa so cute ^^ (sorry will he beats u in cuteness) but he wasnt vry nice...==

once agn some1 was late and went to the wrong place in neutral bay...afta much confusion and direction giving, will managed 2 cross the road and get down some escalators all by himself lol. i havent gone to that park in ages so i copied a map from google maps. we didnt use it cos were just pro, but here it is:

i got bored so started drawing on the side lol

we went 2 a quiet little bench in the corner of the huge park and just chatted. it was funny throwing cheeseballs at seagulls and watch them trying 2 eat them with no teeth-looked like it was gonna choke lol. sleeping in the sun was nice and warm and there was some food so it was all gud~ we snuck ova to wills parents/family friend table and his mum sed we could have some food, cept it felt like stealing...

pictures worth a thousand words so:

lol how sxc izzy~

hi bec~

afta bec and will left, izzy and i had our own little foto session :D

there was a boating wharf thing right next 2 us, perfect view 4 picture taking~

it was a gud day-tho not much of a picnic, i was rlly hungry afterward lol. i also tried to play sport, not that great but to my suprise i was beta than will at kicking a ball lol dont deny it. the grass was comfy and idk y i dont go there more often. izzy has more fotos which she will edit with her pro skillz and make bad fotos look gud lol.

'The best thing about me is you.'

Saturday, July 18, 2009

new layooooout~

i swear ALLLLL the rlly nice layouts dont let u comment == uuuuugh so annoying. so this 1 lets u comment but i guess its only 'second best'. still-i like it~ now i hafta work out how 2 get the music player to appear...
p.s. the 4 lil hearts on the header r clickable-they jsut dont have labels somehow...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

new playlist2~

i got kinda annoyed at the same song playing everytime, so i changed my playlist:

1. better today-neyo (scabbed off gav gav)
2. a twist in my story-secondhand serenade (scabbed off davo)
3. goodbye-secondhand serenade (im rlly loving secondhand serenade now :D)
4. dont trust me-3oh!3 (lol cathy)
5. note to god-charice (ye shes just pro...)
6. i do not hook up-kelly clarkson (cant think of a comment)


RAWR erica beat me in DDR, i feel depressed, she also beat me in table hockey, more depressing, she tied with me in time crisis, i wanna die, but beat her in that motor bike racing game thingy, yay something happy. Another thing i want to point out is that ERICA IS FUCKING BEAST AT TEKKEN.mhm *nod *nod. cbb to write more.
Highlights of day (bad and good)
*We had alot of fun with my happy meal and i mean ALOT
*I wanted to go smuggle food in so i went to eb games to get a bag and the dude was like ur smuggling food in aren't u. and i was err ye, etc etc i got the bag in the end
*POPCORN FIGHT - guess who started it lol
*Drove the ppl around us crazy lol
*I went into the makeup section of Myer and nearly died in it ==
*The movie (Harry Potter) sucked shit, it was us who made it fun :D
*We got calvin to DDR with me :D
*I got a lift home from anna, it looked sus
The end
ALSO photo and vids will be on facebook sooner or later

Monday, July 13, 2009


Om nom nom i eat ur nose

The Proposal and fotos~

This was actually quite an ok movie, prob beta than ice age, which was the original plan. It was pretty funny and sometimes a bit 2...revealing. Yes im talking bout that male stripper u c in the ad.

It wasn't totally cliche, a little predictable but sweet. Basically all chick flicks have the same ending anyway, so it was gud.

ive neva rlly heard of Ryan Reynolds, the main guy, but he was pretty gud 2. There was 1 nude scene, cept u dont rlly c anything-to the dissapointment of will-and omg the puppy is so cuuuuuute~ Humour was original and it was entertaining, i give it 8 out of 10. only bad thing was that we saw it in mando centre-mando centre srsly sux compared 2 westfield >.> the seats r smaller, the screen is smaller, and u cant lift up the armrests.

NOW. flashback a few hours and we c ourselves in none other than-MORNING GLORY~ thankfully that sale hadnt finished and heaps of things were on sale so i got myself some new mobile charms ^^ and yay sticky fotos were still $10 so of course we took a round :D come on it wasnt that bad, it was fun. and for a first timer, wills decorating skillz were pretty gud. of course we-no me-stuck one onto the contest board thing, hoping well win so i can get that $30 hehehe :D

then it was time 4 the azn grocer in lemon grove-i got that yummy squid snack thing erin bought that i ate most of. and thought id try that 2% peach drink thing, lol will got a cute lil pink bottle in the shape of a teddy bear :P AND NO AZN GROCERY STORE TRIP WOULD B COMPLETE WITHOUT POCKY~~~ dun dun dun almond peppero is yummy.

afta the movie we met jackie and her mum in westfield-hehe her mum is short like her and has brown curly hair like her, so cute together :P so now im here, sipping my 2% peach drink and reminiscing my day, while i look for a quote of the day. oh and also, wen i got home i saw a rlly pretty sunset, so i decided to take a foto :)

on that note of fotos, i realized i had some pics on my camera i neva posted:

isnt the rainbow pretty? i took that on the last project penguin day at the zoo
unlike chia, i didnt scab fotos off the zoo website, i actually took these of the baby elephant. and lol ms mags told us the male elephant was getting 2 horny round the girls so he had 2 b separated
gnaaaw how cute XD
look its izzy. hi izzy~

and heres my quote of the day:
"Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

easyway, wasui and max brenner~

since i didnt even GET an application form 4 hoyts, i went along with erica and cindy 2 go apply 4 easyway. walking merrily from LAST DAY OF CHINESE SKOOL, erica and i found out we needed fotos on our resumes >.> so afta much confusion and panic, little miss chia thought of the idea of going to an internet cafe and printing a pic off bebo. we first went to city hunter-my first experience-cept they didnt have a usb connection printin we went to some random korean 1 near cotton on. cindy used her supa dupa pro piknic skills 2 edit a foto we found on some1s bebo of me and erin last yr. it wasnt great but gud enough lol. i was leaning on erin so we had to blur out her face. ericas pic was of her with a teddy~

the easyway guy didnt rlly say much, and he was that guy with the speech problem. BUT thank god he told us he was still hiring so at least theres a tiny little chance of a hope :D AND OMG MORNING GLORY IS HAVING A SALE FOR ANNIVERSARY TIME AND STICKY FOTOS R $10 AGN. there was a $5 table and stuff but ugh it ends on sunday ==

my mum and i went to oxford street near the city and omggggg there r so many gud labels on sale there. theyre heaps of big brands and every second shop had like 50% off~~~ my big happy buy were the new boots i wanted/needed from a shop called Wasui ^^ theyre creamy coloured and i cbb bothered 2 describe cos its complicated. theres a little heel, i wanted flat but oh well its not that high~ kekekekeke im haaaaappy :D

walking up and down that huge street took so much hard work, so we went to wynyard and treated ourselves to some well deserved chocoalate at the Max Brenner chocolate cafe. the line was so frikin long my mum stood in it for 20 min and i watched as every1 else ate around me, making me so hungry...its a little pricey but soooo yummy~ its wat i need wen i need 2 indulge in something-apart from shopping lol.
aaagh so packed-all waiting for their sare of chocolate. onn one of the walls in block letters it spells-'choolate is goo or you'-how true that is, how true ^^
srsly doesnt this thin, soft, yummy banana crepe drizzled in chocolate with vanilla icecream on the side look amazing? it certainly tasted amazing...*drools :D

quote of the day:
"When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you."

Friday, July 10, 2009

LAST DAY OF SKOOL BBY!~ (and night of stars)

sigh last period was english and we got chaplin >.> i rlly do not like that lady. and she made me move cos i was tlking 2 much. correction. i was talking and she saw me before she saw the ppl i was tlking TO.


im somehow thinking i have hw this holz, which i probably do...




lol ok so i dont have any pics cos the only 1s we took were luvos in the bathroom afta we did our makeup. geez maria is hot lol and shes too modest. well she has the camera so i dont have anything. AND SOME CERTAIN PPL forgot to film our thing so i have even less than b4...actualy mr. rutherford filmed the whole thing...


i do have this:

aaaaaaagh dont all those pizzas look yummy? ^^ we got free pizza 4 dina ehehehe. i finished 4 slices in like 5 mins-every1 was hungry and the table was clear in 10 min flat.

ye so we did our thing-and i made a little mistake lol :P but it was generally pretty ok. we didnt win anything, not like we expected to and the night ended up pretty tiring. BUT FUN! HAAAAAAAA MARIA RNT U GLAD I MADE U DO IT?! EVEN IF I LIKE TACKLE/HUGGED U MASSIVELY AFTA~

anyway-switching topic-tonight is so u think u can dance ^^ hehehehe 1 hr and 23 min to go...

quote of the day:
"Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves."

Monday, July 6, 2009

dr. phil and oprah~

seeing as im home alone and bored today, i turned on the tv and once again, i c the dr. phil show. u no ive realised that dr. phil is actually pretty mean sometimes and pokes fun at other ppls problems so his show is funnier. like in p.e. we watched a show where a 13 yr old girl wanted a baby. ye thats a bit extreme, but he told her she 'needed to come out of her dream/fantasy world'. hey at least u could b a bit nicer...?


todays theme was 'valentine disasters' and there was a couple on the sofa who were young and cute, cept the problem was the guy wanted more 'romantic' time and the girl just kep pushing him away. he got her pregnant with triplets 2 months into their marriage and shes only 23 now.

his idea of romantic time was being alone, cuddling, talking and e.t.c...cept it always led to sex. so dr. phil gave him some advice and a little insight into the different ways men and women view the same thing. e.g. taking out the trash-the guy sees it as a duty which he can just do later. the girl sees it as a sign of love and affection, if he loves me, he would want to make my life easier. if he wanted to make my life easier, he would take out the trash. lol

in a poll on the dr. phil site, 80% of men wanted sex from valentines day, while only 6% of women did. most women wanted a date planned by their partner. lol compare the pair. also some of the worst valentines gifts ppl got each other were vacuum, iron, a scale with a fat measurer...and turkey shooting targets...? o.o

aaagh wat is this?! every1 in the audience got:
-$50 voucher for flowers
-free mobile
-free digital picture viewer thingy
-free stay at a romantic hotel in LA
-free cook book
-and some other free voucher thing

next was the oprah show lol. no i dont watch these usually-theres rlly just nothing else to do. they were searching 4 the worlds smartest and most talented kids. srsly check these out theyre amazing: this girl reminds me of izzy lol. singing i will always love you by whitney housten she is like my idol this girl. her new single-a note to god. go to 2.16 for the chorus. shes only 17, look at her go.


quote of the day:
"A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

slumdog millionaire~

im sure ur all dying in anticiaption to hear about night of stars. lol sorry this blog isnt it. u just hafta wait till maria posts the pics and vid her mum took or wen she gives them 2 me.

today, instead of going out to lincraft with cathy and erica, i stayed home being sick *sniff. so i took the opportunity to watch the movie-which ud probably figured out by the title. every1s saying its so frikin gud that i couldnt wait 2 watch it. it was pretty gud. but it wasnt THAT gud. i mean it got 5 star ratings and so many awards i expected sooooo much.

its about this boy from the slums of india who goes on who wants 2 b a millionaire cept he knows all the answers and they get sus that hes cheating. so they interogate him and he ends up telling them his life story. theres violence and harsh themes but theres also some romance in it. overall i give it 4 stars.

i surprise myself with the shortness of my blog today lol.

quote of the day:
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

im like wat, the 4th person to do this quiz?

alriiiiiiiiight. b4 i do this quiz i should actually blog.
oh thats right. i remember. today in va cathy and i took a foto on mac fotobooth. its like the millions of fotos i took with izzy that i posted so long ago.

gah its so annoying wen i add a foto and it comes up as retarted text at the top of the page so i hafta cut and paste it in the right spot ==


today i felt especially happy. no reason i just did lol. well actually it may b cos if didnt have much due. omg. nooooo. ENGLISH THING == im starting to think romeo and juliet r not realistic at all.

oh weeell. im not gonna let that screw up my mood cos ive let hw kill my mood 2 many times.

in rotational sport, we did frisbee but i ended up lying on the grass. then some1 joined me. and another did. and so we played 'who can jump ova the most ppl lying on the ground next 2 each other'. jj did the most which was like...6 or 7?

afta sport maria and i used the common room 2 practice night of stars. aaaagh o.o

if u cant b bothered to scroll all the way down the page, heres my quote of the day:
"If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to."


Honestly, whats on your mind: thinking bout the quote i just posted

Honestly, what are you doing right now: this quiz and listening to my ipod

Honestly, have you done something bad today: no way. im a gud girl

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel: i did. not anymore...

Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone: my muuuum

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now: ye

Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time: my bro,school work, and rlly stupid, annoying ppl

Honestly, do you bite your nails: nope

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment:yeah

Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now:uuuum i dont think so...o.o oh wait. LOOOL now that i think about it.yes. and i have been 4 a while lol

Honestly, do you have a friend You don’t actually like: no

Honestly, does anyone like you: i hope so lol


Can you blow a bubble: yup

Can you dance: yes?

Can you do a cart wheel: neva attempted one o.o

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: how do u do that. i swear that is like physically impossible...

Can you touch your toes: yep

Can you whistle: yep

Can you wiggle your ears: no. and erin-not nobody does that, Mr. Bean does :D

Can you roll your tongue:yes?

Can you wiggle you nose:nope

Can you make a clover with your tongue: nope


What do you do when you’re mad:RAAAAGE, dance, or keep it inside

Do you swear when you’re mad: no i dont swear in general from my mum making me not and its just a habit now. i just cant bring myself to do it-but i can imagine it would make me feel beta lol


Ever really cried your heart out:of course i have. who hasn't?

Ever cried yourself to sleep: heaps of times

Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder:now that i think about

Ever cried over the same sex: yes

Do you cry when you get an injury: i used to. depends wat it is. lol im such a crybaby :P

Do certain songs make you cry:ye


Are you usually a happy person: um i wen im around ppl? lol

What makes you the happiest:friends, food, music, dance, sleep, fashion

Does being with your friends make you happy: of course it does

Do you believe in yourself: not all the time

Do you wish you were: i am

Can music make you happy: yup :D


How many times have you had your heart broken: zerooooo

Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them: um i guess?

Has anyone besides your friends/family ever said I love you:yes


Do you actually hate anyone: hate how much? like how i hate lizzy or how i hate my bro?

Ever made a hit list: nope

Have you ever been on a hit list: idk maybe

Do you hate George Bush: no?


Is your self-esteem extremely low:sometimes

Are you good looking: no ==

Do you wish you could be someone else: every1 wants 2 b some1 else sometime. i wanted to b cinderella wen i was small lol


What is your current hair color: black bby~

Current piercings: ears

Have any tattoos: nope. i want one but im too scared lol

Straight hair or curly: straight

What shirt are you wearing:msc sport shirt

Shoes: sox

Necklace: swarovski flower


Hugged someone: HEAPS OF TIMES

Been on the phone until the sun came up: nah. but it sounds fun lol

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants: no

Laughed so hard you cried:i cry half the time i laugh lol

Got in a fight with someone: like everyday with my bro


Person you talked to in person:my bro

Person you talked to online:will

Person you talked to on the phone:mum

Person you hugged: cathy


Current mood:happy and curious lol

Current music:do yo dance-cupid

Current hair style: loose bun

Current crush: o.O

Current thing I ought to be doing: english and history lol siiiiigh

Current windows open: msn, chat box, blogger, erins blog, removable disk (D:)

Current desktop picture: its actually all black. idk how it did that

Current book: romeo and juliet?


Did you ever get into a fist fight in school: no but if i rlly hate some1 i would rlly like to

Did you ever run away from home: imagined it heaps but neva doen it lol


Do you know how to swim: horribly

Do you like roller coasters: um cindee sed the wild mouse thing at luna park doesnt count as a roller coaster so i guess ive neva been on 1 lol


Have you ever been asked out by someone: yes

Have you ever painted your nails:yup

Sample text

Sample Text