
Thursday, September 24, 2009

nothing much to say. just need a reason to stop painting

poor cathy neva gets stressed out lol. cept 4 today wen we both were about 2 blow from anger and stress. my canvas is 2 big and ppl were staring at me while i walked home. hope cathy finishes =]frikin erin is 2 pro. ms richards calls her the cow girl cos her paintings r of cows lol.

anyway. im not gonna blog bout orange wednesday cos like 5 ppl already did.

and ye i watched mychonny. BIAO BAI o_o pretty funny tho :D

CAMPCAMPCAMPCAMPCAMP U PUMPED? oh oops i still havent given in my note...

i should get back to va b4 i procrastinate 2 much and it comes back to haunt me tmr morning.

quote of the day:
'Silence is golden but duck tape is silver. '

Sunday, September 20, 2009

lol at my quote

1:26 im meant to be doing work. oh well.

wateva happened 2 chias daily blogs? hmm theres just not much 2 blog about these days.

im craving the sun. more like sleeping in the sun. on the grass...or on the beach...where i can close my eyes in peace. agh that sounds like death lol

'black dress. with teh tights underneath,
ive got teh breath of her last cigarette on my teeth,
and shes an actress, but she aint got no mead,
shes got money from her parents in a trust fund back east,
ttt tongues. always pressed to your cheeks,
while my tongue is on the inside of some other girls teeth,
t tell your boyfriend, if he says hes got beef,
that im a vegetarian and i aint f@%&#!# scared of him'

cheeeeeeeeeesecake. sounds yummy.

yesterday i had pho. i dont get the hype over it. personally its not that good. its alright but its not like OMG UVE NEVA HAD PHO?!?! and cathy wats wrong with the sauce? not the chilli but the barbecuey one o.o

listening to that song step up by samantha jade reminds me. i wanna c that new movie 'fame'...might b rlly bad tho like other ones that have tried to be a cool dance movie.

omg its only 2? i usually get up around this time but thx to my mum she half woke me up at 10. enough for me to lose my rlly good dream and not b able to get back to sleep. so i just kicked the blankets and rolled around for another hour...

'im a big girl, i can handle myself,
but if i get lonely ima need your help,
pay attention to me i dont talk for my health,
i want you on my team,
so does everybody else'

lol i also tried 2 do a bridge last night. failed cos i havent done one in millions of years and i could only get one hand touching the ground. agh i feel so old

quote of the day:
'You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon.'

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

gold diga~

just a thought-4 pinestock our entire group can b the sailor moon series ppl =D that would b kewl but we dont have um anyway. today i stayed in after skool to do va. *SIGH...but it was pretty fun ^^ the teacher didnt come 4 10 min and i was hoping she forgot so i could go home. cept ms blundell let us in >.>

it was just me, erin, gina, cathy and lizzy. lizzy was our non-official dj, going through my ipod. half the time i couldnt resist singing out loud or start jumping around like a retard lol. and i ended up getting like nothing done. its due on friday lol. and i got lizzy into the song gold digger by kanye west-go lizzy go!~ =D

cathy FIANLLY fulfilled her life-long dream of opening the rlly full and new bottle of gold paint and using it. on me. she drew kool streaks on my face and a dot on lizzies nose =] wen we played sorry, sorry by superjunior gina was like omg this song is so gud. yuuuush 1st non-azn person 2 like azn music.

did u no that neutral bay also happens to sell random korean ice-cream, including that red bean fishy thing. cookies and cream is now my new favourite ice-cream flavour.

"push it baby, push it baby, outta control,
i got my gun cocked tight and im ready 2 blow,
push it baby, push it baby, outta control,
this is the same old dancetaht u already no"


getting bak to quote of the day:
"Love is never wanting to lose faith, never wanting to give up, and never truly moving on. Love is knowing and praying in the deepest part of what's left of your heart that they feel the same."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sleepova =]

okkkkkkkk. im reviving my blog with marias sleepvova~

lol me and chia and erin got into northshore 45 min late and missed an important part of the lesson...but being chia she got it in like 10 min == leaving some of us without freaky matsh skills 2 figure it out 4 ourselves. AND OMG EASYWAY DIDNT HAVE PEARLS COS THEY WERENT READY. SCREW U EASYWAY. U PREJUDICED SHOP WHO ONLY HIRES CUTE AZN GIRLS AND GUYS.

so we went 2 marias place. oh wait did i mention cathys dress is see-through. lol sorry i just hafta mention it. i was saying it 2 every1 i saw that day lol. it was a rlly nice black dress. cept it was like completely see-through from her chest down =]

marias place is frikin massive. and her cat lucy reminds me of the cat from shrek~ so keeeeeewt ^^ foto time:

lol chia

nice jack. nice

we used marias karaoke machine and sung out lungs out. agh so loud. while we did that jackie was on the treadmill in the same room-getting a workout lol.

we watched the movies: a walk to remember (omg so frikin sweet and adorable. and sad. every1 cept me and lizzy cried lol. but srsly y cant more guys b like that? *sniff), hitch and in her shoes.

in her shoes got so boring we all fell asleep lol. then lizzy put on angels and demons while we slept. i slept at 4 and woke up at 545 wen it was playing and no1 was watching it. cept it wouldnt turn off so i just let it play in repeat till morning >.> we also managed 2 fit 3 ppl on a single bed. me, cathy and erin r just 2 pro ;)

we had gud girl bonding time lol and omg the food was so gud~~~ *drools. in the morning we had marias heat-shaped taro cake. yum yum =] it was a gud sleepova-tiring but fun. happy bday bby <3

lizzy and maria gave us a little demo of their pro piano talents and marias singing skills.


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