
Thursday, October 29, 2009


da stands for deviant art. ye most of u prob no it already, i dont ahve an account or anything but id just like 2 point out its awesomeness. its a kinda social site where ppl post images of their art-from drawings to fotos to artisan craft to flash-and a whole lot of other stuff. i no lots of ppl from skool we all know who post amazing stuff up there.

i hafta say im pretty new to it but there is no doubt of its amazing artwork u can c up there. okok sharing the love:

i didnt even hafta look very hard. rnt they pwetty =]

oh ye. the laptops rnt that great if u havent realized. not much works, tho u do get fotoshop and stuff o.o i always seem 2 forget wat im about 2 write wen i blog...ok nvm then.

quote of the day:
'I don`t want your boyfriend. Nobody wants your boyfriend. That's why he's with you =]'

Monday, October 26, 2009

lol at pick up lines

yes so i was watching i am legend and it was alright the guy was hunting. guy gave doggie a bath. guy went hunting again and doggie disappeared. ZOMBIES! >< lol ye i stopped watching cos i was alone and there was nowhere 2 hide...haha ye im such a pussy eh.

so i resorted to watching friends instead ^^ but more light-hearted.

i swear there was sumthin else i was gonna say...


the rest r either on hiatus or have given up ==' wat happened 2 the gud old days wen there would b a new post like every hour? dont let blogging die-yes i wanna hear about ur day and wat u did on teh weekend. or how u think australias transport sux and guys the thing about guys and maturing. i even like those random quiz things cos they always make me laugh =]

agh change of topic im tired...i think we all need more sleep. ms seymour was like RAWR RAWR the other day wen she finally snapped. i think chia was laughing lol. and yes she is slightly sexist even if it may b true some of the time. mmm...oh ya me and moni r also gonna b competitive and do a weight gain/loss comp 2 c who can do the most in a month. shes losing im gaining. not taht shes fat or anything. she just wants 2 'get in shape'...yes so. 50.6kg by next month is my goal. b supportive guys. make me eat =] that also means i can scab xtra food off u ^^

i also rlly dislike my bro ==' he just came in and walked up to the powerpoint, unplugged my speakers which were in the middle of playing and plugged in his frikin ds charger, then he walks out. SIGH

quote of the day:
'i have skittles in my mouth. wanna taste the rainbow?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

broken hearted girl-beyonce <3

today we managed to have a feast for 4 on $8 =D the menu included cheese and bacon rolls, a frozen yoghurt, one single little packet of french fries and a huge bottle of lemon deep spring. as a result of being povo and having nowhere to ennjoy our meal we camped in easyway, but once agn as we were povo none of us (me, erica, erin, chia) could afford an easyway drink o.o

SOOOOO ingeniously, erin stole an empty bottle of easyway from some other table and we pretended it was ours ^^ flashback backwards and we were in riot. i found something called gel reatarder of sumthin. erica took a foto =] as cathy could not grace us with her presence (she ditched us and neva came) erica and i decided to go pattern shopping without her. hmph. patterns r like the designs and measurements u need for an item of clothing to make it in textiles since were not that pro and dont no all the parts.

yes we succeeded. $12 each. HAAA CATHY! now u go buy ur own pattern. alone. all alone. c wat if feels like. anyway, nearly fell asleep in northshore...and yes now im here procrastinating agn...

quote of the day (AAAAAW~):

conversation between ex's. normal font is wat they say, italics is what they thought.

Girl: Your new girlfriend is pretty. I bet she stole your heart
Boy: Yeah...she is. But you're still the most beautiful girl I know.
Girl: I hear she's funny and amazingg. Everything I wasn't.
Boy: She sure is. But she is nothing compared to you.
Girl: I bet you know everything about her by now. Like you knew everything about me.
Boy: Only the stuff that counts. I can't even remember half the stuff she says because I'm too busy thinking of you.
Girl: Well, I hope you guys last. Because we never did.
Boy: I hope we do too. What ever happened to me and you?
Girl: Well, I gotta go. Before I start to cry.
Boy: too. I hope you don't cry.
Girl: Bye... I still love you
Boy: Later... I never stopped.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

love that song 'the man who cant be moved'-the script. go listen

im very unwisely using this time 2 blog rather than do taht annoying va painting that according to ms richards i havent finished. so now im gonna tlk bout sumthin happy =]

as (not) many of you know, today was crows nest fair-just a pretty big annual market, where my mum has a stall. i helped and I GOT PAID $50 MUAHAHAH. lol that may not seem alot 2 b happy about but seeing as i was ditched in the holz by my mum cos she didnt need me working anymore, this is the first source of income in a loooooong time.

being me i spent it already :D not all of it. I/WHITNEY FOUND AWESOME METAL FRAME AVIATORS FOR $10! so i got them ^^ and now they r my pride and joy. my new thing 2 b protective ova until i get something beta.

AND last night we got a new home fone. 4 those who dont no, my old fone, since it was cheapo, was rlly bad and the battery dies 10 min into the call, or an hour if its feeling nice. so now i can tlk 4 as long as i want without that frustrating beeping sound and then hearing the line cut off. agh lots of fast typing there...

my 3rd last thing 2 b happy about-i got a new top~ ^^ ive been wanting and needing summer clothes 4 months and finally i get a little start. long whtie printed t-shirt top, thanks to my mum and her store ehehehe.

i say 3rd last 2 b happy about bcos tmr is skool. i also wanna make those brownies i made agn and bring them 2 skool. share the love lol

yes i realized ive ranted about myself for a while lol. so feel free to give me ur opinion...IN MA FACEBOOK HONESTY BOX (where u leave comments about me anonymously)

quote of the day-yes theres 2 today, dedicated 2 the happy couple, u no who u r ;):
'Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.'

'May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy me gifts.'

Friday, October 16, 2009


yes gary already reviewd this, partly the reason i was so eager 2 watch it cos ppl say its gud. for more info on plot goto gary's blog. watching it in a cinema is just better, makes the dancing more exciting as well =]

this was a pretty gud movie tho not 10/10-i give it 9. a bit slow at the beginning and missing alot of the book but its touching. for those who've read the book its not what i expected, a bit different. for those who haven't spoilers ahead>>>

yes being the girl i am i got emotional when li finally met his parents in america. seeing a grown man cry like that would make ppl teary :) his dancing of course as expected, is amazing, classical ballet together with an orchestra just froze me in my seat watching haha :P

obviously this is not a typical movie for guys, maybe with a few little exceptions so itll probably be boring if your not into emotional deep stuff, or hate guys doing ballet lol. personally i enjoyed it and i no witnee did (she was with me) i think she cried and even clapped at the end =]

HI ANNA LOOK U GET A WHOLE LINE 2 URSELF :D and ill neva tell u where i get my quotes from~

quote of the day:
'sorry hun, but unlike you im not a doorknob where everyone gets a turn. im more of a casino, where only the lucky ones win the jackpot' (LOL)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

in the kitchen~

as a result of having not much to do wen im at home, i turned to my kitchen and trusty cooking skills. (sarcasm)

at first i got one of those cheapo baking mixes where you just add water or eggs and put it in the oven to make urself feel gud that u managed 2 make something so edible and ok looking. orange and poppyseed cake with cream cheese frosting:

tasted alright, a little dry...

the next day i decided to make actual food from scratch from a recipe i found ages ago but neva made. brownies~ ^^ witnee came to help and we had fun making a mess and taking fotos:

melting butter anc chocolate over boiling water

pouring choc into eggs and sugar mix

folding them together

adding flour and walnuts and mixing. doesnt look very appetizing yet lol

pouring everything out into a casserole dish (ye i didnt have a baking tin lol)

while we waited for them to bake i had fun licking the leftover mix =]

'look at our tidy little kitchen' ses witnee

unfortunately she had 2 go b4 the brownies were done. they took a frustratingly long time 2 cool down too. at the end of the night i atea total of 7 lol

for extra dessert that night i borrowed a recipe from witnee's book and made a raspberry meringue drink thing. its meant 2 b pretty and swirly in a tall clear glass but kinda failed. it still tasted yummy tho. crunchy bits of meringue in a mix of thickened cream and frozen raspberries mixed in a blender~

i ate 2 more brownies wen i was writing this blog =] im such a fatty

quote of the day:
'A heart is not a play thing,a heart is not a toy, but if u want it broken, just give it to a boy'

Friday, October 9, 2009


yes garys movie reviewing blogs have inspired me to do a review. no actually im bored and i just saw a rlly nice movie :D

"Definately Maybe" by Adam Brooks, with Ryan Reynolds (from the proposal)as the main guy and isla fisher (from confessions of a shopaholic)-thats all i can remember without searching it up. its not the typical romantic comedy i thought it was. its deeper than the ad shows and obviously its all about relationships. reynolds ses in extras that basically any1 whos in, or has been in a relationship can relate to this movie and i guess thats true cos it shows a few of the different types of girls out there and that sometimes things just dont go ur way.

so the character he plays, will, tells his 11yr old daughter the story of his and his mothers ongoing divorce and all the other relationships hes had in his life. its rlly sweet cos teh little girl understands more than u expect and shes actually a pretty gud actress 4 a lil kid o.o

it starts kinda slow but keep watching and it will get beta =] there r just the small things in it that make it a lovable movie, and in ways pretty different cos it wasnt predictable like most romantic comedies are today. just watch it.

quote of the day:
'They said love is like a toy. When it's new, it's so loved and (you)don't want to lend it to others, doesn't want anybody touching it and don't want to let go of it. Yes, it's being taken care of, but the down side is, it's being played so many times.'

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