
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


yes its a bit late. but people's dedications inspired me to write my own. 2009 is past but better late than never. may sound a little soppy but i gotta find some way to tell u guys how much i love u all. ok here we go. in no particular order.

jennyyyy. first thing that comes to mind is sticky foto moments =]i love how ur always urself and doesnt care wat other ppl think of u. love the science lessons we have wen we d&m. thank you for listening and understanding to all the little problems =]sharing fashion tastes and a lot more 2009 let me get a lot closer to you. STARTSTRUCKK XDDD

well after jenny of course comes chia. wen i think of 1 i always think of the other. chia ur so bubbly and lovable and always seem to be making a sad situation happy. or a happy one happier. and ur such a gud height to hug as well ^^ chugma. lol thx 4 letting me copy off u all the times in ns. and for always making me smile.

maria baby i only met u this year and ur an amazing addition to our group. but during this time we've gotten so close and you just always seem to be there and want to help. haha dont forget night of stars. agh...sigh...ill neva forget that lol ur so strong and confident, and much more beautiful than u give urself credit for. i hope we can stay gud friends in years to come.

ye maths with taylor. i only survived cos u were there with me. lol ur neva afraid to say stuff people would be embarrassed to say or do. and u have no problem whatsoever bringing up awkward topics =] the many random conversations in maths and discussing the most irrelevant topics was somewhat great. azn backhand ;]

wow ur the most confident and mostly overall successful, mature girl i know. i have to say u made ns a lot more fun than it would have been without u :D and ye my 711 bus buddy, with u i can discuss my worries in the morning and afternoons. and u give good advice 2 =] hope i have more classes with u this year.

cathy cathy. well we've survived va together. and textiles cramming. and the close to tears at the end of term last time wen we just wanted to stab richards. i need a healthy amount of cathy each day to make sure i dont ocd too much and to just relax and be silly lol ur so carefree and lovable and totally uncomformist (Y) being so original is a good thing that heaps of ppl cant do these days. and yes i will always b the man. think cathy, get there faster.

ur always there to give me a hug and say nice things to me even if i prob dont believe it myself. always the overly nice one, always too forgiving and so sweet =] science was great with u, and the times we bludged pe together. and i can usually always rely on u to know the answer to something in class =]

even tho we dont go to the same skool we live 5 min away from each other and we've stayed close for so long. i dont want to forget the memories in nb. and with sam =] he makes everything better lol uve stuck with me since primary and yes u know everything about me. and ur always there to listen. and give me amazing home cooked food wen i cbb to make my own.

gotta love d&m after skool. bus buddy and fellow nb resident. just hanging out wen we need some1 to tell everything to. to deliberating the world and everything else imaginable outside and after it. just there to tell u if ur hair is retarded or help u cull the number of items on ur online shopping list =] and be one of my few ppl i tell all to. lol also my only good non-azn friend.

ehehe gavin. well according to urself ur a tag along in our group, but u were still there for most of this year. u gave chia and cindy a nice canto buddy =] and was always there arguing with cathy and then 2 comebacks later get totally snapped. u were the male opinion in our group and definitely never hesitated to tell ur thoughts. and turkish delight is gross.

u were great to be around cos u were spontaneously random but totally awesome at the same time. u smart bunny. english with u there to not freak out with me and maria. most of the time. and omg chinese skool ==' for the half lesson that i did come u and ur pro shanghainese/writing skills were there to help me not fail =]

no matter what happens u can always be happy and cheerful. and u try so hard at skool and everything else in ur life and sets an example of absolute dedication. i think uve changed, learnt and grown so much in 09 and hope that u achieve ur goals. u srsly dont give urself enough credit sometimes. u always want to help out in some way and erica. dont say u think u look bad. u got curves girl ;] u just dont choose to see that positively.

where do i start. lol ill make it short so its less embarrassing 4 u. 09 has had ups and downs with u but ur always there wen i need u and u always try to cheer me up and put a smile on my face =] ive learnt a lot and have come to see many things differently now. hope this year will b just as gud or better.

somehow u always seem like the baby of the group. not in a bad way, but im pretty sure ur the most innocent one. still always laughing and getting ppl mad and making a retard of urself =] ur mood is so infectious and makes me want to be a 5 year old agn. and that makes u beautiful even if u dont know it-cos ur always urself and people arent afraid to get to know u.

ok so i dont think i missed anyone...but those r my dedications this year. u no i love u all and life wouldnt b nearly as great without u <3

last note.
R.I.P nick delaney

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