
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

justin bieber

lol this kid has been everywhere lately. and i just dont get y ppl hate him. he didnt actually do anything. only reason im blogging bout him cos my ipod turned up playing my only song by him.


hes actually same age as us right now and i think hes actually pretty cute. wats with ppl saying hes ugly. i dont get it. his singing isnt that bad either. lol i think one of the reasons ppl bag him out is cos hes white and sings rnb. its just an rnb thing. but i dont get y things cant change.

that and he hasnt hit puberty lol cos his voice is so frikin high.

but its not a bad voice. just high. for a guy. actually in some of his songs it sounds like hes gettin older and his voice is gettin lower. though some fb pages bout him i just hafta laugh at-e.g.

-i called justin biber gay. he hit me with his purse
-lady gaga should lend justin bieber her balls
-justin bieber. ur a 15 yr old white boy. so act like it

still. its wat i think. dont bag him out too much =] poor kid is only 16

late late blog. chias house party

yes its quite late. but beva late than neva?

gavin, vincent, chia, cindy playing mah jong. tried to remember how to play but gave up lol

once agn-isnt vincent cute =]

LOOK LOOK LOOK its so cool its like a mini wall-E cept it just spins around vacuuming the floor. its so cute lol

everyone playing wii. super mario bros was quite interesting and long. my kirby guy turned into a hammer and yoshi grew wings :D

yaaaaay cindy and i made pancakes. the ones in the pan r like football shaped-but they still tasted yummy ^^

our big tub of coles strawberry icecream. connoisseur and magnum still ftw. but this was still gone in like 10 min

luvos lol

that instant noodle was so nice. but afta a whil it started to burn lol

so hungry =]


all looking at pancakes? left to right: david? (when his hair was still black lol, yoshi, jono, jesse, wy, a random, and will

playing wii agn. cooking mama is hard =='

lol this was the earliest we slept. sleepova with me, cathy, chia and erin. cathy and i disappeared for a while. secret underground location. lol apparently erica and chia were actually worried we went missing haha only stayed up till like 2 that night. then we all fell asleep =]

hello cathy

quote of the day:
tempted to write 'WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING LIKE P-DIDDY...' but i wont. instead>>>
"Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. A guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration?"

Monday, April 19, 2010

the notebook

is an amazing movie~

one of the saddest/sweetest chick flicks of all time. if ur like chia ur def gonna start crying. i just finished watching it for the second time and i cant get ova how gud it is :D

epic/cliche love story but not one of those try-hard miley cyrus style ones. cliches done well can b rlly great. thats y so many try-but fail. this movie rlly had it right. its one of those movies where u wish u were the girl and that guys like that actually existed.

alright-plot is this rich, conservative, sophisticated girl(rachel mcadams)falls in love with a quirky, kinda weird but still cute guy (ryan gosling) and they're having the time of their lives wen ppl and events start splitting them up. sounds cheesy but the way its told is unique and the reason for that is pretty sad. they're the kind of couple that are fighting half the time but as much as they hate each other they want to make it all beta agn straight away. wont spoil it. just go watch it.

and omg the music, a mix of 40's oldies and original orchestral music, its a score that makes the movie so much more worth it. made me keep humming it way afta the movie was ova. 5 out of 5 =D

btw. if ur a guy. u prob wont rlly like it lol or if ur lizzy and uve watched it a kabillion times. or if ur just cathy.

quote of the day:
"I'm a raindrop and im falling for you ;)"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

jelly bracelets

short blog. just an item of interest.

i was bored and recently started reading the blog "Lovelyish", courtesy of Erin =] it has some interesting entries. mostly bout love, life, fashion and beauty. i just came across this random article bout those jelly bracelets. apparently like 110, 15 yrs ago kids used to wear them in high school as a major trend and that each colour had a different sexual meaning lol according to the blog, if a guy breaks bracelet off ur wrist, then he is entitled to wateva act that colour represents.

heres the guidelines:
* Yellow - indicates the wearer is willing to HUG
* Pink - indicates the wearer is willing to give a hickey
* Orange - indicates the wearer is willing to KISS
* Purple - indicates the wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
* Red - indicates the wearer is willing to perform a LAP DANCE
* Green - indicates that ORAL SEX can be performed on a girl
* Clear - indicates a willingness to do "whatever the snapper wants"
* Blue - indicates ORAL SEX performed on a guy
* Black - indicates that the wearer will have regular "missionary" sex
* White - indicates the wearer will "FLASH" what they have
* Glittery Yellow - indicates HUGGING and KISSING is acceptable
* Glittery Pink - willing to "flash" (show) a body part
* Glittery Purple - wearer is willing to French (open mouth) kiss
* Glittery Blue - wearer is willing to perform anal sex
* Glittery Green - indicates that the wearer is willing to "69" (mutual oral sex)
* Glittery Clear - indicates that the wearer will let the snappee "feel up" or touch any body part they want

they got so popular that schools began banning them cos they thought the kids were getting too corrupted lol like 12, 13 year olds would actually perform sexual favors on account of some jerk breaking their jelly bracelet lol but like srsly if they were gonna do it they wouldnt need that excuse to. kids r kids, if they rlly want to do something u cant stop them. lol anyway.

yep so thats my random little post =]

quote of the day:
"Sometimes we must be hurt in order to grow, fall in order to know, lose in order to gain. And sometimes we have to be broken so we can be whole again."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


yes i am =] ty davo

Thursday, April 8, 2010

failed yumcha turned k and jap food outing

idea was to do yumcha :D but unfortunately some ppl got lazy and stopped organizing halfway >.> so we just went to k today and tried that jap restaurant called Ton Ton near Event cinemas. we, includes me maria chia helen cathy gavin daran jesse dave elmo and jono.


ye that will wait...we got 'luxury room' at Show for k and they kept giving us bonus minutes =] so we had like wat 20 extra minutes? which was gud. maria of course as always, was frikin pro. while we sang chia and helen crawled under the table and poked at people's legs lol thru the whole thing cathy kept saying she was gonna kill someone or something like that, cos she was so we went to have lunch at Ton Ton.

like 3 ppl got the same thing and 2 more got variations of it lol i got chicken kara-age ramen ^^


it was gud. but the frikin noodles were obviously not fresh and either instant or not packaged well cos they stuck together in small chunks that werent cooked jesse got a huge spicy noodle thing which was like bright red from being covered in chilli powder and seasoning. we all watched him sweat and struggle his way thru the bowl which he neva actually finished cos it was too chilli.


there was 'prize paradise' right underneath us so after food we azns all went to get plushies and arcade games lol its actually pretty easy to win stuff cos theyre not as rigged as the ones in capitol. i spent like $5? and got 3 toys, $1 each try :D raked in good earnings lol no foto cos i lost the frikin cord for my camera.

last thing we did was go to french riviera and order 2 ice chocolates and a big bowl of strawberry stuffs? lol it was rlly nice, the glaze was sweet enough and the icecream not too sweet. and the strawberries weren't sour =] we should go back wen we have more time, even tho we always say we'd go, we never end up doing it properly...mmm ye so i had a good day seeing as it was organized like the night b4. happy late bday helen. and happy late easter pplz.

quote of the day:
'Cookie Monster said, “Sometimes me think what is love. And then me think love is what last chocolate cookie is for. Me give up the last chocolate cookie for you.”'

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

awkward conversation

i never know how to deal with random awkward im having this convo on fb with an acquaintance that ive neva rlly talked to. im still getting to know them and were tlking bout u no, the usual, kinda polite conversation. not just this person tho, u know wen u tlk to those ppl that u dont quite know well enough to make a funny comment to like u would with other friends cos u dno if theyll think ur retarded or not lol dno if that just made sense

and it just arrives, that weird, kind of awkward state of conversation when theyve sed heaps or like told an interesting story and u rlly have no idea how to reply to reply so u say like 2 words. i say stuff like 'i c' and then mentally sigh for not saying something more interesting or productive lol maybe its just me...also i find it rlly weird how mozilla firefox has frikin spellcheck everywhere. as im typing now there are about 15 red squiggly lines under words in the above 2 paragraphs. its like theyre not-LOOK IT HAPPENED AGN <<< just cos i didnt put an apostrophe after the letter 'y' in 'theyre'...==' u got a problem with my spelling? ye well im not changing it. deal.

also, being home all day and sitting with the laptop leads me to check out videos such as mychonny and community channel just one after the other.i didnt rlly like community channel cos srsly its not that funny, i think its more her personality than what she anyway my fav so far is actually like not a video video, its a rage session where shes ragin bout maxim models with huge massive boobs and how she compared to them lol here so ye chia and gavin and ur community channel obsession, i kinda maybe see ur point now =]

quote of the day:
'To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything. I am nothing, you're something so let me be your everything.'

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