
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


unfortunately, i have to announce that-like jpark-i have recently defected to tumblr. i know this news comes suddenly and without warning, and i offer my deepest condolences to those affected, but rlly come on tumblr looks a lot better lol <3 and its easier to use in the fact that u can reblog stuff and also like jpark, i will be using this genious thing to cover my blog with random photos of everything. its just a lot more fun o.o its like when blogger took over bebo...

i feel like such a follower (Y)

but anyway, this will prob be my last post. 166th post in like what 2yrs? a long time anyway. ive loved blogger and everyone on it, and i have made this decision to move with a heavy heart and a deep sadness toward the end of an era.

lol jk i hope u all will join jpark and i =D ok maybe i wont fully ditch my blogger cos i feel an attachment toward it =[ but mostly my blogging has died and photos are easier.

bye guys, its been good. and this is me

quote of the day:
"those who don't belive in magic will never find it"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

valentines day and love fest

this year, actually, both my group and the azn guy group were all single on valentines since like...since a long time ago lol this was such a revelation. cos usually there would always be SOMEONE dating someone else <3

so this year we were all flying solo woooooooooo so unfortunately we couldnt all make fun of a couple and be happy for them. i love seeing couples =D and when they are happy its so sweet.

shame noone asked anyone out on valentines tho. that would have been gud (Y)

but basically it just went by like a normal day with everyone say 'happy valentines day' =] and i dont get why the school cant make the love day thing on the same day as valentines day...

the love day thing this year rlly failed compared to previous years, i actually enjoyed the whole show of it and the big long assembly in the morning. it let us miss class and it was so entertaining watching who was prince/princess etc and it rlly set the mood too. and omg i cant believe they got rid of the flowers cos now there isnt a teacher prince/princess =[

warm and fuzzies r a fail excuse and replacement for what is meant to b tradition >=[ i think theyll make it go back to normal next yr tho =] also. that dude in yr12 who i cant remember the name of just now, is rlly gud at singing. hallelujah will always b an epic song and he performed it rlly well-which is why they should make it carnation day agn. so more ppl can perform like that =]

quote of the day:
“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

'burlesque', 'love and other drugs", tangled"

davo told me to blog. so here i go.


so frikin predictable, if ur going for a plot dont. but i loved the singing and dancing it was entertaining, as burlesque should be.

plus theres plenty of sexy outfits and routines so i guess guys will like that if not anything else.

so basically its this rags to richs story where the girl, ali, whos an orphan (oh surprise) works as a waitress at a burlesque lounge and ends up a star. and omg i loved the guy. he was so pretty hehehe storyline wasnt that great but in the end i still appreciated christina aguilera's amazing singing and her 2min of glory wen she starts singing and shows her boss she has talent lol the dancing and stuff is so hot (Y) 3/5 stars

love and other drugs

i thought this was gonna b another one of those typical, cliche romcom chickflicks that girls watch at sleepovers. and some of it is, but mostly it took me by surprise. the entire movie is actually set in the 90's when viagra was invented and there was this huge craze over it. hence the love and 'other drugs'. i love anne hathaway just cos shes rlly natural but beautiful and still has class and shes just a sweet girl next door kind of actress.

the beginning went on for way too long but wen things picked up it was rlly touching and doesnt follow the repetetive recipe of romcoms so much.

i now have a new love for jake gyllenhaal (the main guy) cos in the movie hes so charming and sweet. hes the cute salesman who charms his way into getting ppl to buy stuff and he sells the viagra-then he meets this girl and they fall in love. their relationships isnt the normal cute smooth romantic one in movies tho, if chia saw it she would cry. i can predict some ppl will absolutely hate this movie and some will love it.

oh ye and its rated ma so theres a few sex scenes. they both have rlly gud bodies o.o just saying. 4/5


watched this today with chia. sure enough she cried. havent seen a rlly gud animated movie like this since toy story 3 =] i laughed soooo much during this everything is just funny or sweet. disney is getting more mature with the storylines adnd endings and its getting close to the kind of storyline in an adults comedy but still with cute lil characters like the horse and the gecko <3

personally i think this rapunzel is one of the prettiest disney princesses yet-actually the entire movie was animated rlly well and all the characters were rlly detailed and lifelike. the ending was omgomg so frikin sweet and not the traditional kind of ending. everyone in the cinema was saying 'aaaw'

this movie will b at the top of my animated movie list for a while-yes its true wen everybody says its gud, cos i thought it rlly was =D 5/5

quote of the day (fb page):

"I consider myself a crayon...I might not be your favorite color, but one day your going to need me to complete your picture"

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