
Sunday, June 28, 2009

maxy boy~ lol i luv that name

'transformers-robots in disguise' lalala~ on saturday...who went agn?, jen, will, erica, erin and cathy went to watch transformers 2. i got myself a well deserved easyway b4 that. it was well deserved because i hadnt had an easyway in a long time and...skool was being stressful o.o on the way down i say maxy (hehe his pp kids r so cute) and found out that actually the mafia were watching the same movie same time.

so me and will went to explore toys r us and found. to my utter dissapointment. that there were no foam swords == we got foam baseball bats instead~ sigh little kids nowadays, specially girls, r being so brainswashed. there were THREE whole isles dedicated to barbie and co. and everything was so many toys directed at FOUR YR OLDS tell them to go paint their nails and colour their hair and then maybe, they can have their very own ken == getting to the bike section, i found that the bikes were much smaller than i remembered. how could i fit onto those b4..?

in the cinema, jen and some1 bought a huge tub of pocorn,cept they didnt let me hold it cos they sed id eat it all. which prob wouldve been true...the movie was pretty gud tho-not 2 much uneccessary action. and maxy, wen they were running, they didnt focus solely on megan fox's boobs-maybe u just wish they did. the ending was kinda corny, the same as the one 4 terminator-something along the lines of how they will prevail, and stick by each other, and gud will over come evil...

afta the movie, ever1 ditched us and so i thought it would b a gud idea to catch up on some sleep. cept this time the cleaning ppl came rlly early and they had 2 ask us to leave...I went and asked 4 a job application form and waited anxiously 4 the person to come bak with it. not that I expected anything would happen (cos some1 had CONVENIENTLY squashed all my hope. u no who u r ==) let alone get the job. cept wen the person came bak she told me she couldnt find 1 and to come bak another day wen they weren’t so busy. that’s EXACTLY why u should gimme the form so that next time ur busy, some1 like ME can help out. logical thinking-u need some of that. another reason y u should hire me.

my plan of sticky fotos failed cos i didnt have enoguh money, and i couldnt rlly buy anything from morning glory since it was as usual, over priced, and i still didnt have money.

that night i went to a dinner wth family friends at a restaurant i liked. cept they didnt have the food i wanted. == wat is this? y cant they put lunch items onto the dinner menu? i mean is it that hard??? so i sat so bored for an hour, listening to the boring cconvo...that restaurant has gud taste in music, they played disturbia-rihanna, go on girl-neyo, mockingbird-eminem, closer-neyo. and in that order. u c i was so bored i remembered their was also rlly hard 4 me to not sing out loud-harder than u think. but wen they played neyo, i couldnt resist and started mouthing it and half singing, hoping no1 saw me lol.

next day-sunday-was DFO. nothing interesting there. it wasnt as cheap as i thought. most brands didnt have much difference in price from the normal stores. i got earrings and pjs.

so that leaves today. project penguin agn. my favourite part was sleeping on the bench in the sun outside...until the annoying little kid ashleigh came and zapped me and started tickling me. i DID NOT appreciate that == it was so warm and nice in the sun, and they just HAD 2 wake me up. no dont say im a bad mentor, sleeping in class, cos we'd finished our work and the other 3 were like 'let them sleep theyre tired' == they even made us a little card with fotos of themselves and ferrero rochere. yum~

sorry no fotos in this blog. i cbb. and cathy-remember the mindmap.

quote of the day (aaaw sweet):
"No man is worth your tears, and when you find the man who is, he'll never make you cry."


whitneyy said...

i disagree with you quote of the day.

A man worth your tears will make you cry and cry again.

And you'll always love him.


Em said...

that IS another way to look at it. the quote is wat we all hope for, but ur verion is probably more realstic

whitneyy said...


when youre in love, you are oblivious that the world you live in is a fairytale. But when you have a broken heart, reality comes crashing down on you.

(HEY! i made a good quote! :O)


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