
Thursday, July 23, 2009

chia's bday thing + sleepova~

long post guys~ but heaps of pics

since we had so many ppl it took sooooo long to go places and for like an hr we just wandered around the city deciding where to go...most ppl were there so i dont rlly hafta explain right?

firstly, of course we took sticky fotos in capitol ^^ and this time sam lam came!~ and i dont have scans cos i cbb to scan those tiny little things. we went to karaoke the same place we went 2 last time in the city cos a few ppl led us the wrong way and ended up just walking in circles >.> shame it wasnt chinese songs tho...we didnt get to go to that ice cream place jenny and cindy no cos apparently it would take too long... :( so instead we went to galaxy world :) and lol lizzy looked more like a girl that day. sorry lizzy cant help saying it-its a compliment. saying u look sxc :D

lol we found a calvin look-a-like on some azn singer poster

some random pic jenny took of chias garden o.o

wen we got 2 chias place we went and peeled potatoes o.o lol ye jackie dropped the potato in the rubbish/scraps bucket a total of 4 times. fail.

look at the pretty cake ^^ tiramisu with massive strawberries and chocolate bits

luvoooos~ hey y isnt chia in this? lol

the cake is naked =O

also-chias lil bro, vincent, is only in yr 3 and has the cutest laugh evaaaaa~ ^^ hes adorable.

ok im dedicating a whole paragraph to this. cos i want to get my point across. 7pm project sucks. end of story. they made the ad look pretty gud but wen we watched it, it was just some tryhards trying very hard to make the news funny and failing. for 1/2 an hour they just discussed the news and made random jokes. they were so random i thought it was just me not getting it but then i realized it was actually bcos it just wasnt funny ==' only funny thing was they showed a baby t-shirt which sed 'im living proof that my mum is easy' LOL

alright jackie. sorry but im gonna post this. its just too funny. for most of the night we stayed in chias room having a PAJAMA PARTY~~~ every1 had pink pants cept jenny. shuuuun >.> jks but then we brought out the speakers and started dancing and getting a bit high. eventually we all started bellydancing. lol its rlly fun to the song 'get ur freak on-missy elliot'. jackie took it 2 the extreme

yeeeeah the gud times...sigh.

wen it was sleep time we pulled out the laptop and searched up good truth questions for truth or dare. some answers were rlly interesting...then we watched funny youtube vids for an hour. jenny went 2 sleep cos she was sick and her voice was so low she sounded like a man lol. wen we laughed too loud at nearly 1 in the morning chias mum told us to be quiet so we just started tlking and gossiping. haha u neva know, we mightve been tlking bout YOU =O it was rlly gud to get stuff off our chests, its just a girly social thing to talk so much. jackie fell asleep at 3? and me and chia finally slept at 4:45.

OMG JACKIE U TOOK UP LIKE 3/4 OF THE BED. her head was half hanging off the bed, her body was in the middle and her legs were spread diagonally across. == she also fell off twice lol.

so it was a pretty gud day, and omg dinner was yummy. jenny ate 3 bowls. and shes still so skinny o.o once agn, HAPPY BDAY CHIA!~


Jenny said...

LOLOLOL three bowls =] DAMN RIGHT !`
btw people , I didn`t slap her ass , it was her leg =O

Nurrh said...

belly dancing......ewww*shudder* LOLl
man-style ftw LMFAO HAHA
newwww kidddin ._.
gahd if i was there i would have purposely pushed jackie off the bed and took the whole bed for my self LMFAO kiddin anyway glad it was an awesome fouresome night ;)
<3 love you betchz + bday gurlll

chiaahh :) said...

LOL, after you and Jenny left , me and Jackie were just lying on the mattress looking at Youtube videos and there was a guy that was bellydancing better than Jackie. RECORD BREAKER. && a LOL gossip session.

Cindy said...


too bad i missed out DX

whitneyy said...

haha u neva know, we mightve been tlking bout YOU =O

That is so FREAKY. i jumped when i read that LOL.

Em said...

lol dont worry we didnt tlk bout u ;)


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