
Monday, July 6, 2009

dr. phil and oprah~

seeing as im home alone and bored today, i turned on the tv and once again, i c the dr. phil show. u no ive realised that dr. phil is actually pretty mean sometimes and pokes fun at other ppls problems so his show is funnier. like in p.e. we watched a show where a 13 yr old girl wanted a baby. ye thats a bit extreme, but he told her she 'needed to come out of her dream/fantasy world'. hey at least u could b a bit nicer...?


todays theme was 'valentine disasters' and there was a couple on the sofa who were young and cute, cept the problem was the guy wanted more 'romantic' time and the girl just kep pushing him away. he got her pregnant with triplets 2 months into their marriage and shes only 23 now.

his idea of romantic time was being alone, cuddling, talking and e.t.c...cept it always led to sex. so dr. phil gave him some advice and a little insight into the different ways men and women view the same thing. e.g. taking out the trash-the guy sees it as a duty which he can just do later. the girl sees it as a sign of love and affection, if he loves me, he would want to make my life easier. if he wanted to make my life easier, he would take out the trash. lol

in a poll on the dr. phil site, 80% of men wanted sex from valentines day, while only 6% of women did. most women wanted a date planned by their partner. lol compare the pair. also some of the worst valentines gifts ppl got each other were vacuum, iron, a scale with a fat measurer...and turkey shooting targets...? o.o

aaagh wat is this?! every1 in the audience got:
-$50 voucher for flowers
-free mobile
-free digital picture viewer thingy
-free stay at a romantic hotel in LA
-free cook book
-and some other free voucher thing

next was the oprah show lol. no i dont watch these usually-theres rlly just nothing else to do. they were searching 4 the worlds smartest and most talented kids. srsly check these out theyre amazing: this girl reminds me of izzy lol. singing i will always love you by whitney housten she is like my idol this girl. her new single-a note to god. go to 2.16 for the chorus. shes only 17, look at her go.


quote of the day:
"A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous."


Anonymous said...


Cindy said...

what a failure, who would want to have sex on valentines day? Doesn't that just ruin the purpose of valentines day where its to have dates and presents?

LMFAO, if someone gave me scales for valentines day i would feel so upset and mad. XD

cathricax said...


i fully cracked up when you said a guy gave a girl scales for valentines day =="

i agree.. what failures =="

Izzy said...

When you say that person reminds you of me...does that mean i'm as good as her? xD

Well he has to be harsh, to get his point acroos. He is somewhat their last option.

whitneyy said...




yesterdays was finacial problems and todays was teen cosmetic surgery. It was really good. Liposuction...ouch,

Em said...

LOL witnee, actually no, if u read properly, i sed i dont usually watch it. so sadly, im afraid u dont have a dr. phil buddy lol

whitneyy said...


T^T does...doest that mean...*sniff*

that mean..ima...a fweak?

*tears well up*


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