
Saturday, July 11, 2009

easyway, wasui and max brenner~

since i didnt even GET an application form 4 hoyts, i went along with erica and cindy 2 go apply 4 easyway. walking merrily from LAST DAY OF CHINESE SKOOL, erica and i found out we needed fotos on our resumes >.> so afta much confusion and panic, little miss chia thought of the idea of going to an internet cafe and printing a pic off bebo. we first went to city hunter-my first experience-cept they didnt have a usb connection printin we went to some random korean 1 near cotton on. cindy used her supa dupa pro piknic skills 2 edit a foto we found on some1s bebo of me and erin last yr. it wasnt great but gud enough lol. i was leaning on erin so we had to blur out her face. ericas pic was of her with a teddy~

the easyway guy didnt rlly say much, and he was that guy with the speech problem. BUT thank god he told us he was still hiring so at least theres a tiny little chance of a hope :D AND OMG MORNING GLORY IS HAVING A SALE FOR ANNIVERSARY TIME AND STICKY FOTOS R $10 AGN. there was a $5 table and stuff but ugh it ends on sunday ==

my mum and i went to oxford street near the city and omggggg there r so many gud labels on sale there. theyre heaps of big brands and every second shop had like 50% off~~~ my big happy buy were the new boots i wanted/needed from a shop called Wasui ^^ theyre creamy coloured and i cbb bothered 2 describe cos its complicated. theres a little heel, i wanted flat but oh well its not that high~ kekekekeke im haaaaappy :D

walking up and down that huge street took so much hard work, so we went to wynyard and treated ourselves to some well deserved chocoalate at the Max Brenner chocolate cafe. the line was so frikin long my mum stood in it for 20 min and i watched as every1 else ate around me, making me so hungry...its a little pricey but soooo yummy~ its wat i need wen i need 2 indulge in something-apart from shopping lol.
aaagh so packed-all waiting for their sare of chocolate. onn one of the walls in block letters it spells-'choolate is goo or you'-how true that is, how true ^^
srsly doesnt this thin, soft, yummy banana crepe drizzled in chocolate with vanilla icecream on the side look amazing? it certainly tasted amazing...*drools :D

quote of the day:
"When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you."


Anonymous said...

I tried applying at Hoyts but got rejected because I'm not available all Tuesday and Thursday night and all weekend TT Then Easyway rejected me because I don't speak Mando or Canto -.-" GL EMMA~

Cindy said...

goodluck to us all. :D

You should try pancakes on the rocks they have both very good crepes and pancakes. :D


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