
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

im like wat, the 4th person to do this quiz?

alriiiiiiiiight. b4 i do this quiz i should actually blog.
oh thats right. i remember. today in va cathy and i took a foto on mac fotobooth. its like the millions of fotos i took with izzy that i posted so long ago.

gah its so annoying wen i add a foto and it comes up as retarted text at the top of the page so i hafta cut and paste it in the right spot ==


today i felt especially happy. no reason i just did lol. well actually it may b cos if didnt have much due. omg. nooooo. ENGLISH THING == im starting to think romeo and juliet r not realistic at all.

oh weeell. im not gonna let that screw up my mood cos ive let hw kill my mood 2 many times.

in rotational sport, we did frisbee but i ended up lying on the grass. then some1 joined me. and another did. and so we played 'who can jump ova the most ppl lying on the ground next 2 each other'. jj did the most which was like...6 or 7?

afta sport maria and i used the common room 2 practice night of stars. aaaagh o.o

if u cant b bothered to scroll all the way down the page, heres my quote of the day:
"If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back theyd never ask you to."


Honestly, whats on your mind: thinking bout the quote i just posted

Honestly, what are you doing right now: this quiz and listening to my ipod

Honestly, have you done something bad today: no way. im a gud girl

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel: i did. not anymore...

Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone: my muuuum

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now: ye

Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time: my bro,school work, and rlly stupid, annoying ppl

Honestly, do you bite your nails: nope

Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment:yeah

Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now:uuuum i dont think so...o.o oh wait. LOOOL now that i think about it.yes. and i have been 4 a while lol

Honestly, do you have a friend You don’t actually like: no

Honestly, does anyone like you: i hope so lol


Can you blow a bubble: yup

Can you dance: yes?

Can you do a cart wheel: neva attempted one o.o

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: how do u do that. i swear that is like physically impossible...

Can you touch your toes: yep

Can you whistle: yep

Can you wiggle your ears: no. and erin-not nobody does that, Mr. Bean does :D

Can you roll your tongue:yes?

Can you wiggle you nose:nope

Can you make a clover with your tongue: nope


What do you do when you’re mad:RAAAAGE, dance, or keep it inside

Do you swear when you’re mad: no i dont swear in general from my mum making me not and its just a habit now. i just cant bring myself to do it-but i can imagine it would make me feel beta lol


Ever really cried your heart out:of course i have. who hasn't?

Ever cried yourself to sleep: heaps of times

Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder:now that i think about

Ever cried over the same sex: yes

Do you cry when you get an injury: i used to. depends wat it is. lol im such a crybaby :P

Do certain songs make you cry:ye


Are you usually a happy person: um i wen im around ppl? lol

What makes you the happiest:friends, food, music, dance, sleep, fashion

Does being with your friends make you happy: of course it does

Do you believe in yourself: not all the time

Do you wish you were: i am

Can music make you happy: yup :D


How many times have you had your heart broken: zerooooo

Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them: um i guess?

Has anyone besides your friends/family ever said I love you:yes


Do you actually hate anyone: hate how much? like how i hate lizzy or how i hate my bro?

Ever made a hit list: nope

Have you ever been on a hit list: idk maybe

Do you hate George Bush: no?


Is your self-esteem extremely low:sometimes

Are you good looking: no ==

Do you wish you could be someone else: every1 wants 2 b some1 else sometime. i wanted to b cinderella wen i was small lol


What is your current hair color: black bby~

Current piercings: ears

Have any tattoos: nope. i want one but im too scared lol

Straight hair or curly: straight

What shirt are you wearing:msc sport shirt

Shoes: sox

Necklace: swarovski flower


Hugged someone: HEAPS OF TIMES

Been on the phone until the sun came up: nah. but it sounds fun lol

Laughed so hard you peed in your pants: no

Laughed so hard you cried:i cry half the time i laugh lol

Got in a fight with someone: like everyday with my bro


Person you talked to in person:my bro

Person you talked to online:will

Person you talked to on the phone:mum

Person you hugged: cathy


Current mood:happy and curious lol

Current music:do yo dance-cupid

Current hair style: loose bun

Current crush: o.O

Current thing I ought to be doing: english and history lol siiiiigh

Current windows open: msn, chat box, blogger, erins blog, removable disk (D:)

Current desktop picture: its actually all black. idk how it did that

Current book: romeo and juliet?


Did you ever get into a fist fight in school: no but if i rlly hate some1 i would rlly like to

Did you ever run away from home: imagined it heaps but neva doen it lol


Do you know how to swim: horribly

Do you like roller coasters: um cindee sed the wild mouse thing at luna park doesnt count as a roller coaster so i guess ive neva been on 1 lol


Have you ever been asked out by someone: yes

Have you ever painted your nails:yup


+=~gzhu13~=+ said...

"Honestly, does anyone like you: i hope so lol"
Low-self esteem much? lol
Im sure someone does =P

whitneyy said...

;) emma *smiles and shakes head*


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