
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wookie wookie in da kitchen
zzzzzzzzz.......y am i neva this tired at skool...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

fml, mlia and lindt chocolate

i now have a new thing 2 do wen im bored. read fml and mlia lol. sorry its just 2 funny i hafta share the love:

The other night I was at the movies and saw a girl wearing Apple Bottom Jeans. I immediately looked to see if she was also wearing boots with the fur. I was disappointed to see that she wasn't. MLIA.

Today, I watched "The Little Mermaid." I laughed at the line, "Everything's better, down where it's wetter." I laughed even harder when I realized a crab sang that line. MLIA

Today I found out that the plant in my kitchen that I have been watering for almost a year is fake. MLIA

Today, while I was on vacation with my family, we were on an at-sea whalewatching tour. Since I was bored with the whales, I burst out singing "I'm On A Boat". Four people joined in with me. It was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. MLIA.

Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enlist in the military. They asked me how much money the government gives them if I die. FML

Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I am so hot, I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply "I didn't know you were into Pokemon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokemon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML

i <3 lindt chocolate.

Monday, August 10, 2009

unstoppable marriage~

once agn i have a new playlist-this time a few songs from the korean drama 'unstoppable marriage'. my mum was watching it and i always hear these rlly nice songs in the background so i decided 2 search them up. make sure u listen till the end theyre rlly beautiful~

oh and i also managed 2 fix the problem of the multiple music players going off one afta the other lol

ppl who dont do work and other ppl who end up having 2 do it 4 them

lol my first blog in like a million yrs is gonna b half rage. izzy supports me with this. i hope. hi izzy~

ppl have got to start doing the work assigned to them in group work. i dont mean the ppl who occassionally slack off or doesnt try on 1 assignment. i mean the ppl who neva put in effort and other ppl end up having 2 do their part-all the time. not 2 say i do everything and i neva slack off, but 4 those ppl who constantly leave nearly everything 2 me and some other ppl which i wont name, if u dont do ur part then we hafta do it cos we dont wanna fail the entire group.

top excuses:
-i cbb
-playing something and ill do it later
-im hungry
-im bored
-i have other stuff 2 do

then the group ends up rushing on the last day. wen u do the work, can u also stay focused and not go off and do something else then leave it up to other ppl. its called group work and we all get a mark. i hate how some1 does some1 elses work for them in a group task, but the other person ends up getting a better mark or taking the credit. ==

this was like the first time in a long time izzy raged. so its pretty important. it just gets to us how it always happens and just cos i do the work some ppl usually dont-doesnt mean im always fine with doing the whole thing. ok if im a perfectionist and want to do it agn by myself then its another story. but theres just so many times wen ppl dont try at all and put it off for other ppl to do. aaaaaaagh ==

can u just think of other ppl and do it for them, even if u dont care at all for ur own marks. ty.

sigh. rage time ova. hope it got to some ppl...

btw once agn happy birthday erica~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

i havent blogged for...17 days-pretty big achievement 4 me lol

so im bak =] hope some1 missed me? =D

um...oh no i actually shouldnt b blogging i hafta chase up maria and wendy 4 kaplan O_O

i swear as soon as tomorrow passes and kaplan and frikin r+j is ova i will celebraaate! omg i just remembered i have commerce hw ==

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