
Monday, October 26, 2009

lol at pick up lines

yes so i was watching i am legend and it was alright the guy was hunting. guy gave doggie a bath. guy went hunting again and doggie disappeared. ZOMBIES! >< lol ye i stopped watching cos i was alone and there was nowhere 2 hide...haha ye im such a pussy eh.

so i resorted to watching friends instead ^^ but more light-hearted.

i swear there was sumthin else i was gonna say...


the rest r either on hiatus or have given up ==' wat happened 2 the gud old days wen there would b a new post like every hour? dont let blogging die-yes i wanna hear about ur day and wat u did on teh weekend. or how u think australias transport sux and guys the thing about guys and maturing. i even like those random quiz things cos they always make me laugh =]

agh change of topic im tired...i think we all need more sleep. ms seymour was like RAWR RAWR the other day wen she finally snapped. i think chia was laughing lol. and yes she is slightly sexist even if it may b true some of the time. mmm...oh ya me and moni r also gonna b competitive and do a weight gain/loss comp 2 c who can do the most in a month. shes losing im gaining. not taht shes fat or anything. she just wants 2 'get in shape'...yes so. 50.6kg by next month is my goal. b supportive guys. make me eat =] that also means i can scab xtra food off u ^^

i also rlly dislike my bro ==' he just came in and walked up to the powerpoint, unplugged my speakers which were in the middle of playing and plugged in his frikin ds charger, then he walks out. SIGH

quote of the day:
'i have skittles in my mouth. wanna taste the rainbow?


Cindy said...

hehee lol australia transport sucks big time.

I wont be blogging for a while, my net is capped so i cant upload photos onto my blog. I agreee, i want to be reading more and more blogs but no new posts ever come up. :(

Your quote made me smile :D

Em said...

aw im happy my blog makes ppl smile =]

Anonymous said...

I predict my next blog post will be on Wednesday =] And where do you get these quotes???

Em said...


cathricax said...

make me eat =] that also means i can scab xtra food off u ^^

Haha, exucses excuses :P

And im starting to blog again, its just that hw has been piling up for me ><

whitneyy said...

um, im kinda gone off a bit of cyber social networking - dunno why.

(im getting old! >=O)

but ill try? =P

I swear you needa get rida the word verification annoying


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