
Sunday, October 18, 2009

love that song 'the man who cant be moved'-the script. go listen

im very unwisely using this time 2 blog rather than do taht annoying va painting that according to ms richards i havent finished. so now im gonna tlk bout sumthin happy =]

as (not) many of you know, today was crows nest fair-just a pretty big annual market, where my mum has a stall. i helped and I GOT PAID $50 MUAHAHAH. lol that may not seem alot 2 b happy about but seeing as i was ditched in the holz by my mum cos she didnt need me working anymore, this is the first source of income in a loooooong time.

being me i spent it already :D not all of it. I/WHITNEY FOUND AWESOME METAL FRAME AVIATORS FOR $10! so i got them ^^ and now they r my pride and joy. my new thing 2 b protective ova until i get something beta.

AND last night we got a new home fone. 4 those who dont no, my old fone, since it was cheapo, was rlly bad and the battery dies 10 min into the call, or an hour if its feeling nice. so now i can tlk 4 as long as i want without that frustrating beeping sound and then hearing the line cut off. agh lots of fast typing there...

my 3rd last thing 2 b happy about-i got a new top~ ^^ ive been wanting and needing summer clothes 4 months and finally i get a little start. long whtie printed t-shirt top, thanks to my mum and her store ehehehe.

i say 3rd last 2 b happy about bcos tmr is skool. i also wanna make those brownies i made agn and bring them 2 skool. share the love lol

yes i realized ive ranted about myself for a while lol. so feel free to give me ur opinion...IN MA FACEBOOK HONESTY BOX (where u leave comments about me anonymously)

quote of the day-yes theres 2 today, dedicated 2 the happy couple, u no who u r ;):
'Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.'

'May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy and enough money to buy me gifts.'


Cindy said...

whos the happy couple?

+=~gzhu13~=+ said...

LOL I like this ^^

Em said...

who do u think hunny? o.o

Anonymous said...

and <3 <3 <3 the script


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