
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the thing about pick up lines

yep recently i have had a random interest in pick up lines. none of them work. i dont even no if ppl still use them srsly anymore. and if they do they must b pretty desperate...sorry 2 break the news to guys but unless ur at a cheap strip club or bar pick up lines dont work 95% of the time. well if ur at a strip club u can just pay the girl...but thats not the point.

first there are the classic cheesy ones. so cheesy that i might describe them as wat erin uses to desscribe new moon. so cheesy its melting.

'Hi, my name is Doug. That's "god" spelled backwards with a little bit of you wrapped up in it.'

theyre the obvious 1s that usually dont work.

then the innuendos. there were so many i wonder how ppl think of them.

'I'm bigger and better than the Titanic..... only 200 woman went down on the Titanic'

but of course theres the lame and corny ones that are equally sweet cos the guy managed to get the courage to say such a lame pick up line.

'There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it.'

girls/women go 4 the guy in this case prob bcos they feel sorry 4 them in some way...these days the first impression is usually always wrong so i guess u can screw up. but if ur srs, then go 4 the more realistic version of conversation. of course i do feel sorry 4 guys who hafta pick up the courage to tlk 2 a stranger and maybe get totally rejected but life is life. u cant 'pick up' a girl with just 1 line cos theyre most likely going with u out of boredom, curiosity or just wants a free drink. the gud side is u can try these on as many ppl as u want just 4 laughs with ur frinds and c how many actually work =]

quote of the day:
'Think of love as a card game: first, get rid of the jokers, throw away the hearts, keep the diamonds... then try to get a king'(if ur gonna use a pick up line at least make it funny or classy)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


witnee is now finally 15 =] there was a sleepova on friday and we went 2 the beach on saturday so i missed chinese and coaching :D met a few of her school friends and watched the proposal agn and 17 agn but i fell asleep at 4 =[ her room was so pretty and decorated with balloons and stuff hanging off the ceiling and we fit 8 in total. morning we had totally fail out of the box just add water pancakes and spent the whole day baking in the sun, swimming, eating and of course taking fotos.

me, izzy, taylor and SAAAAM (the dog)

make a wish

theres heaps more on fb and i stopped captioning them halfway here cos i got lazy o.o lol some1 found a fish in the water and erica goes 'OMG ITS AN UNDERWATER FISH!' and viv goes 'WHERE?!' lolol cracked me up surprisingly no1 got rlly burnt or tanned. maybce cept izzy cos shes just pasty like that and always gets a little burnt. well it was fun-food was so yummy :D lying on the beach on my towel with sunnies, speakers, ipod and food is worth going bak in the holz 4. i took off my boardies in the water with swimmers left underneath and apparantly there was some old guy swimming right behind me haha o.o

quote of the day:
'Life without you would be like a broken pencil...pointless.'

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


gossip girl ftw! <3

so last night i went and had my first formal interview at supre, george st for a xmas casual position. started at 7:30 and there were like 60-70 ppl in there altogether o.o first signs of nervousness. inside there was the sales, merchandising and door boy groups. yes i chose door boy =] u can neva have enough fun looking through ppl's bags. lol jk i went 2 merchandising which is basically the display or arrangement of the store, and taking care of the stock-all floor work and a little sales.

there were only like 10 ppl for merchandising and i was the youngest. we introduced ourselves and they took out like 10 pieces of clothing and some accessories and asked us to dress a manequin. voluntary only and i was 2 nervous so i didnt lol. we were told to go round the 1 floor and pick out a complete outfit of wat we would wear and describe it 2 every1 else. ye i think i was alright but not great. the whole thing ended at 8:45 and they sed they would call us a week later...

relaxed i treated myself to a big bowl of ramen~ well my mum paid 4 it but it was still gud =] at least i have a tiny lil idea of wat goes on in a group interview now.

quote of the day:
'The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is Love and the dearest person in the world is you. thats why I Love You'

Saturday, November 7, 2009

interesting conversations on the bus

today was frustratingly hot. stupid weather forcast sed it would rain == ye so the day was normal, i was 45 min late 2 chinese skool and our english teacher 4 northshore loved cindy of course =] 7/11 DAAAAAAAAY. being the cheap azns we were we took advantage of this pretty useless but interesting offer. i personally dont like slushies. but chia got like 2 or 3 o.o all at different stores.

on the bus bak i saw this rlly tall, classic looks, ralph lauren sweater type guy and as he sat behind me i couldnt help but overhear his conversation over the phone. he was giving out relationship advice to his guy friend, who is apparantly 'freaking out' and lost all control of the relationship while his girlfriend ses she 'gets anxious everytime he tlks 2 another girl and jsut cant trust him anymore'. lol dont ask how i no so much. im not a stalker just this conversation was 2 intersting not 2 listen 2 haha.

the guy was like, get her some flowers or sumthin and give her a visit, show her uve made the extra effort to see her-it always works 4 me (lol). take her out and b rlly charming and have fun, if she still rejects u then, then its her problem not urs. lol and he went on to say how if he had any problems he should call him in the bathroom or sumthin haha i thought they only do that in moveis. and let alone guys. he was one of those guys who knew about women and was like 'oh ye ill wear my hugo boss silk tie and my blue shirt...blah blah'

lol he was even like, tlk things through with her and dont act angry but act disappointed, like u cant believe she doesnt trust u and shell definately say 'no no i trust u of course-put on the act and make her think uve rlly tried to change'. lol now theres a guy who nos how 2 play. at the end tho he sed, 'ye, sick, ok, mmm ok love you bye' i was like O.O did u jsut say love u bye 2 ur guy i thought they were gay but then rememebred they had gfs.

that was by far the most...insightful bus conversation ive heard. admit it u all listen 2 ppls conversations some time ;)specaily if its quiet and theyre the only sound on the bus

quote of the day:
'Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends'

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