
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


gossip girl ftw! <3

so last night i went and had my first formal interview at supre, george st for a xmas casual position. started at 7:30 and there were like 60-70 ppl in there altogether o.o first signs of nervousness. inside there was the sales, merchandising and door boy groups. yes i chose door boy =] u can neva have enough fun looking through ppl's bags. lol jk i went 2 merchandising which is basically the display or arrangement of the store, and taking care of the stock-all floor work and a little sales.

there were only like 10 ppl for merchandising and i was the youngest. we introduced ourselves and they took out like 10 pieces of clothing and some accessories and asked us to dress a manequin. voluntary only and i was 2 nervous so i didnt lol. we were told to go round the 1 floor and pick out a complete outfit of wat we would wear and describe it 2 every1 else. ye i think i was alright but not great. the whole thing ended at 8:45 and they sed they would call us a week later...

relaxed i treated myself to a big bowl of ramen~ well my mum paid 4 it but it was still gud =] at least i have a tiny lil idea of wat goes on in a group interview now.

quote of the day:
'The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is Love and the dearest person in the world is you. thats why I Love You'


Cindy said...
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Cindy said...

Ok, never mind i didnt read properly.

Yay emma, i really hope you get the job. Where abouts did you go for ramen?

Btw, which supre did you want to work at?

Em said...

oh ye its teh place outside the kinokuniya book store. uve been there already lol and it was the big city supre i went 2

Teknik Informatika said...

How was the atmosphere inside Supre during the interview, especially with the large number of participants?
Regard Telkom University


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