
Friday, December 18, 2009

being a child at xmas, avatar and 100th post

long post. kicking double digits out. post 1-0-0 :D

ive probably blogged bout the gud old days too many times but there is a gud reason for that. every1 likes being a child dont they? at some point they do. or for others they neva stopped. what is the point of growing up? i cbb to answer that complicated question just yet. and i dont wanna cos wen i do it'll just make me feel bad that i dont get to go back to being a 10 yr old anymore.

there r obvious reasons for every1 why childhood is plain awesomeness that i will let you think of yourself, but the less obvious ones make me think how oblivious u r wen ur 10 yrs old. collecting rocks/shells, making those scoubidoo things and fake crying 2 get sympathy. lol...

nowadays you look at those little people who have ipods and mobiles wen theyre only like 10 yrs old. every other day i c a little kid about half my height sit at a restaurant or cafe and keeps occupied by the ipod touch or iphone in their little hands, unable to focus on anything else while their parents order.

now for more festive topics. yes sadly i only officially, fully realized this morning that it was christmas eve december 24th. yes i knew it was the day before xmas and a thursday but id forgotten it was CHRISTMAS EVE. in all its glory. now i know. and nothing much has doing less and less every year. because xmas isnt rlly that much of a big deal at my place and nothing much happens, it passes like any other day with maybe some fireworks in the background at night and people singing carols on tv. i get my presents wen my mum buys me sumthin expensive and she goes 'theres ur xmas present'.this year i got pretty little stilettos. actually theyre pretty high but its not like im gonna wear them everyday.

my list of things i hope to accomplish in future xmas's:
-put up a real tree
-buy and make decorations for that tree
-decorate it with ppl i want to decorate it with
-buy some1 a puppy or kitten and put it in a box with a big bow as a present
-or get one
-wrap some1 in tinsel
-have a xmas dinner and pull open one of those cracker things where presents fall out
-dress all in insanely bright yet amazing xmas colours and walk round the city at night with friends
-busk on a busy street and hope to earn money (busking is like singing or an act that you do on the street and hope people chuck change at you)
-goto somewhere snowy and spend xmas there, making snow angels and having snowball fights
-sleep out in front of a department store to get in on the boxing day sales the next day
-get a massive boxing day shopping haul
-sit on santa's lap and take a foto
-make my own supa awesome extra yummy mash potato from scratch

and that is all for now. reading that list again, i think i could possibly accomplish that all in 1 xmas. very unlikely tho.

alright last thing. about an hr ago. actually exactly an hr ago, to the minute, izzy and i stepped out of the cinema from watching avatar in 3D and were waiting for her dad to pick us up.

DUDE R U KIDDING? whoeva sed its bad just has a little bit of an odd taste, or doesnt recognize the same greatness every1 else sees. it is far from 'inter-species porn'. they dont even do anything in front of the camera anyway. its like the 2 characters kiss and theyre staring into each others eyes and u can tell they just wanna do it right there. but then on goes the next scene with the known fact that they did do it.

bottom line izzy and i both think its a really gud movie. the director of titanic did not dissapoint. except for that one evil guy who i just wanted 2 strangle the entire time. ye so movies about the humans who wanna destroy a foreign species and habitat so they can get to the mine of gud stuff underneath their home. they send in a cripple, ex marine in the form of one of their blue ppl to gain their trust and infiltrate etc.

yes cathy it is as u say 'intense' and 3D version makes it so much more bam bam bam. but it and the world that this director guy(james cameron) makes up just from his imagination is so much...more beautiful and unreal than what normal people could imagine. the detail of all the foreign animals and plants is amazing and he doesnt just show u a random, exotic animal that is pretty and goes rawr, but he makes it real enough so you wanna go and protect a place like that.

and yes even tho the blue ppl are made from animation, the actors act with heaps of wires and tech stuff attached too them so they can transfer their movement and sounds into the computer and generate the blue ppl, so its real enough to relate with.

p.s. for those ppl who r gonna watch it, the random spinning bug things that have disc-like propeller, multi-coloured fluro wings r hard not to laugh at =]

its unique cos u prob havent seen anything like it. 5 stars. hope the next 100 posts will b just as enjoyable-keep reading and keep commenting =] merry christmas guys. and happy birthday will~

QUOTE OF THE DAY (one of my favourites):
'work like you don't need the money. love like you've never been hurt. dance like nobody's watching.'


Anonymous said...

...Avatar still sounds stupid and boring to me =]


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