
Sunday, December 13, 2009


so afta davo bugging me continuously 2 blog about camp here i am. shoutout 2 davo, ali, fiona and others. got up and caught the bus with izzy 2 skool. on the way we saw the crazy lady that lives in our area get on the bus. she has sumthin like 5 or 6 massive luggage cases that she hauls round all day everyday and izzy couldnt stand her being so close to her widely opened bag. so she got it 2 b safe o.o

on the bus to somerset jackie and i sang to my ipod the entire time =] jenny and chia cam raped jono and daran. and took luvos of course. we had 2 pack out stuff into rucksacks and i failed miserably...brought 2 much stuff lol :D

HIKING. was a horrible way 2 start the camp. it was like. wat? 4, 5km? hike with 12 frikin kilos on my back through rough terrain and frustrating sun. felt like it would nva end. jackie looked like she was about 2 faint and erica tripped and slid down a rocky hill which grazed her knee. it got her leg and shoe all bloody and was not a pleasant sight. sorry but i am UNFIT. so that was a major workout 4 me...

setting up our tents was harder than we expected cos jackie and i were both weaklings and couldnt get the pegs in the stupid hard ground. jackie kept slamming 1 peg for 20 min until mr barton helped us. O.M.G. our instructor was frustratingly annoying at times >.> he reminded me of some of the guys in yr 9 who r like 15 yr olds whereas he was prob 20-25. used sarcasm so often that u couldnt tell if he was being srs or kidding and took every possible opportunity to mock ppl. actually amusing if its not u =]

CANOEING. is now a tabooed word. jackie and i failed agn so badly that the instructor and mr barton had to take 1 of us into each of their canoes and help so we wouldnt lag so far behind. still it was so hard lol. i learn from that experience how truly weak i am. and how that instructor mostly just sat and chatted while jackie did all the work haha. my arms were in pain for so long afta that 8km canoe. took us like 4/5 hrs of continuous non-stop paddling. i swear i got some more muscle from that...

some point in the camp some instructor guy was explaining how 2 do stuff and was like 'and this and this and this and watcha gonna do is...' and i start singin 'watcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside ur trunk...'. unfortunately no1 else sang with me =[

the obstacle course was basically all crawling through stuff and climbing stuff. and no i did not go in the wombat hole. the dark underground tunnel full of sand and mud. erica went in like 2/3 times and came out like 10 seconds afta in on all those times. but she made it in the end and decided to only do half =] we didnt do abseiling or doughnuting but o well. omg high ropes was freaky ==' i only distinctively remembered my fear of heights or fear of most things in general afta i got up there. that was a hard 1/2 hr...harder than it sounds...fiona was crying in the last 1 cos she was so scared. i dun blame her. but i do blame those annoying guys who kept telling her to hurry up, which made her go slower. gud on u tho fi=]

by the end of 3 days ppl had gone thru no showers, camp food, THE FLIES, tent life, dirt, mud and hard excercise. was it worth it? not so sure...but i had gud bonding time with ppl :D first thing i did wen i got bak was GET SOME MACCAS and TAKE A SHOWER. have fun yr 9s next yr...hehe theres pics of everything of fb. go check it out.

quote of the day:
'sex without love is just excercise'-i saw that on some guys shirt =]


Cindy said...

hmmm, camp sounded pretty fun fun :D

cathricax said...

Btw, it was a 8 km hike
Oh and you forgot the pit toilets LOL
And i think Cath and I failed the most a canoeing LOLOL

p.s. i loved your entry ! It entertained me for a long time ^^

Anonymous said...

Yay you blogged ^^

...But wth's the point of going on camp if you're not gonna try EVERYTHING =0

shopper-mania said...

lol, maccas.
and no erine/eric i think it was a 4 km one.


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