
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

late late blog. chias house party

yes its quite late. but beva late than neva?

gavin, vincent, chia, cindy playing mah jong. tried to remember how to play but gave up lol

once agn-isnt vincent cute =]

LOOK LOOK LOOK its so cool its like a mini wall-E cept it just spins around vacuuming the floor. its so cute lol

everyone playing wii. super mario bros was quite interesting and long. my kirby guy turned into a hammer and yoshi grew wings :D

yaaaaay cindy and i made pancakes. the ones in the pan r like football shaped-but they still tasted yummy ^^

our big tub of coles strawberry icecream. connoisseur and magnum still ftw. but this was still gone in like 10 min

luvos lol

that instant noodle was so nice. but afta a whil it started to burn lol

so hungry =]


all looking at pancakes? left to right: david? (when his hair was still black lol, yoshi, jono, jesse, wy, a random, and will

playing wii agn. cooking mama is hard =='

lol this was the earliest we slept. sleepova with me, cathy, chia and erin. cathy and i disappeared for a while. secret underground location. lol apparently erica and chia were actually worried we went missing haha only stayed up till like 2 that night. then we all fell asleep =]

hello cathy

quote of the day:
tempted to write 'WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING LIKE P-DIDDY...' but i wont. instead>>>
"Love is a sensation, caused by a temptation, to feel penetration. A guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation, did you get my explanation, or do you need a demonstration?"


chiaahh :) said...

lol that someone is greg . haha , and that other photo with cathy is in the morning .


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