
Thursday, June 24, 2010

happy birthday jono, yoshi, max and stella

wow english is done. i hope 829 isnt too much. it beta not be. siiiiiigh

seeing as its end of term, we've got all this work, one thing after the other. but then seeing as its yr 10, its gonna continue like that for a while. then yr 11 and 12 then graduation. the few months between end of highschool and beginning of uni is rlly the only time we have to do wateva we want to. cos after that its just work work work. contributing to the national work force and economy. taxes. bills. decisions, and all that. not to sound depressing or anything. but like basically, life is just gonna get more and more tedious and harder-unless u rlly love ur job.

so y not live it up now as much as u can. im hypocritical wen i say that cos i like complain constantly and i look on the negative side of things. but doesnt mean i dont want to turn that around =] some time soon, take some time for yourself and enjoy life and freedom while u still have it.

i still hafta buy gumboots and dance in the rain lol for a little while then, ill be carefree and prob start singing.

ok this vid i watched on youtube rlly stuck with me. its by this gay guy named tyler oakley <3 and i just think it makes so much sense. more ppl should think like him. read if u can b bothered:
"from point A, ur birh, to point B, ur death, friends come friends go family come family goes. significant others come and go. people come into ur life and people leave ur life. and the only constant you have from point A, your birth, to point B, your death, is u. ur the only one thats gonna b there for the whole time.if u change urself, just to apease the people who will be spliced in the middle of point A and point B, if they leave, ur stuck with whoever you wanted to be to appease them. theres no point in changing who u are to appease when theyre gonna leave ur life. i know that's really pessimistic and in a perfect world there are gonna b people who stay in ur life forever, but thats a perfecct world, we're in a real world. love urself. for who u r. because u are the only one thats stuck with urself.fall in love with who u are and if anybody wants to join in on that, more power to them. but its more important to fall in love with who u are than who other people want you to be."

quote of the day is also that big chunk of stuff ^


cathricax said...

life will get tedious *sigh*

cathricax said...


Cindy said...

i love that, very meaningful :D

Nurrh said...

its hard not to change yourself around certain people =/


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