
Monday, March 23, 2009


o ye and i forgot 2 add-SCIENCE TEST TODAY! I GOT IT OVER WITH!!
shouldnt i b conogratulated 4 all my hard cramming over the weekend and succeeding? XP i didnt think it was that hard but i might

p.s. ye davo ur crab was rlly yummy~ u can cook pretty well
ok now my bros bugging me 2 get off ==

my immortal

im listening to the song 'my immortal' by evanescence-its pretty old but its good, ive re-discovered it. the lyrics are so sad...

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

anyway-i just thought id bring that up cos its rlly beautiful...
ahhh the sky is so pretty now...

wen ppl tlk about life experience and things that have happened to them, i try to imagine what it would be like and how it would feel. but wen it actually happens to you-its so much more different. ppl talk about things in movies, in stories and in life, but because they've talked about it so much, the real feeling is not really expressible unless it actually happens to you. just a small thing compared to what others have gone through is amazing in comparison. you learn to appreciate things more and be more understanding of them, yourself and the things around us.

"theres just too much that time can not erase"-i think that line is so tru, dont we all wish so many times that something would just disappear. that we would all be kids like we're supposed to be? but really theres just too much that to erase-too many things to fix, and even if we did it lie wouldnt b life. does that make sense? lol

ugh 3 mins left on the computer for me-my bro is so annoying, sometimes i want to erase HIM.
but dont worry i wont ^^

Thursday, March 19, 2009

boredom is over-rated

RAAAAWR i rlly need something to rant about.
this week wasnt that great and i NEED TO RANT
i need my weekly intake (or outtake) of ranting and ive discovered the perfect place to do it. here.
dont complain, u decided to read this blog so stick with ur decision. it is for the better good ^^
i hate rock melon-it tastes bad, i dont know why ppl like it. its gross.
stupid geo assignment is hard and TOTALLY unncessesary. i mean, y do we need to learn the geographical processes of bushfires? AND PROGRESS LOGS. WHO NEEDS THOSE?! its not like we're gonna 'personally reflect' or think about how much work we do a day and 'evaluate' ourselves. RAAAWR! i swear, those teachers think they're so great by making all these methods for so called 'better teaching' and 'self-reflection'-wat a waste of time.
wat else happened? o yea-i got a new pencil case today, one of jenny's old 1s. i could actually stuff everything in it which was very surprising. its covered in mashimaru. GO MASHIMARU! ^^
im tired and sleepy and getting more bored by the second.
some1 tlk to me...
ugh-stupid skool =3=


lately-stuff has been happening
im not really sure of any of it but i no its happening
ppl have been bloggin about depressing stuff that they dont say in real life-its like a little rant space where u spill for the sake of it. ive only started bloggin recently so it was really surprising wen i read about stuff id neva heard of in real life. its amazing how pppl feel and how much it impacts the people around them. i c ppl getting hurt and i wonder wat happened-until i started bloggin and reading and there was way more information than id eva thought of.
i now no a little about wat ppl rlly mean and wat they go through-opening up here is so much easier than in ral life. theres no one to answer to and no one to explaain to. its only a keyboard and a screen.
in the past few days ive learnt how ppl can hurt so much more than they let out and how ppl can feel so strongly at this age. we're only 13 or 14 but it seems like everyting has happened.
to think i thought my life was bad...
sorry if ive ever judged u without knowing~
(argh listening to yiruma puts me in such a thoughtful mood ^^)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Journey to the Big Blue Building

this is my first blog-dont gasp in surprise, not every1 is addicted 2 this thing
the most recent thing that happened 2 me...
oh! on saturday, me n cathy went to belrose. not fullstop. not happy little daytrip to a nearby shopping centre. belrose is pretty far away from where i live so i would probably only ever go there once-this was to get material for textiles. so we got on the bus all jolly (that was cathy's word) and got to forestway-or somewhere close. APPARANTLY my trusted friend had been here before. so i just followed her. ==
we ended up walking for 1/2 an hour literally on the side of a freeway or highway or wateva-in grass that came up to my hip and cars were literally a metre away. i was so mad it wasnt funny. happy little cathy there had my ipod and was walking and singing at the same time, something i was doing before i saw i saw where we were going.
2 metres to the right of me was a cliff that fell into thick bushland and to my left were cars speeding past every 2 seconds. we actually discussed weather or not we were going to live. AND DO NOT LAUGH AND SAY IT WAS 'JUST GRASS' OR 'JUST A LITTLE WALK' i was actually pretty scared :(
in case u haven't figured it out yet, we did survive-an hour later we were still deciding wat to buy. i asked cathy how we were going to get bak and she sed her mum would pick us up. thankfully...
on the way bak cathy's mum dropped me off at bus stop where i was waiting for my bus. there were a few guys on the opposite sidde of the little street hanging around, probably also waiting for a bus. one of them suddenly started walking to my direction. he was tall and lanky and had hair that grew up to his shoulders. for some reason he was looking at me and walked in a straight line to me. i shuffled a little to the right. the guy wasn't smiling, just walking. finally he got to me.
dun dun dun-he actually only wanted a dollar for the bus. :) so i gave him a dollar-being the nice person i am.
the rest of the day was pretty boring and on sunday i watched confessions of a shopoholic. it wasnt that bad.
SO- that was my first attempt at blogging. i hope i wasnt boring XD. its actually pretty easy to just ramble on when im typing...

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