
Monday, March 23, 2009

my immortal

im listening to the song 'my immortal' by evanescence-its pretty old but its good, ive re-discovered it. the lyrics are so sad...

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

anyway-i just thought id bring that up cos its rlly beautiful...
ahhh the sky is so pretty now...

wen ppl tlk about life experience and things that have happened to them, i try to imagine what it would be like and how it would feel. but wen it actually happens to you-its so much more different. ppl talk about things in movies, in stories and in life, but because they've talked about it so much, the real feeling is not really expressible unless it actually happens to you. just a small thing compared to what others have gone through is amazing in comparison. you learn to appreciate things more and be more understanding of them, yourself and the things around us.

"theres just too much that time can not erase"-i think that line is so tru, dont we all wish so many times that something would just disappear. that we would all be kids like we're supposed to be? but really theres just too much that to erase-too many things to fix, and even if we did it lie wouldnt b life. does that make sense? lol

ugh 3 mins left on the computer for me-my bro is so annoying, sometimes i want to erase HIM.
but dont worry i wont ^^



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