
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the beta part of my day~

instead of going to netball for grade sport like last week, wendy, cindy, jackie, eriin and i went to b-ball. all for cindy's sake ;) they just played big 2 most of the time so i was left to space out with my ipod or watch the game. afta the game, we all stalked cindy and gary as they walked to the bubblers hehehehe :D but of course they saw us in the first minute.

afta sport, will and i went to the city lincraft to get scrapbooking supplies for va. we got off at wynyard and tried to catch a bus to QVB but the buses we tried to get on just drove away or the stupid busdriver wouldnt let us on cos we were 2 seconds too late == so we just walked.

lincraft took longer than i expected cos as always i take a while to buy things and i wanted to make sure everything all worked out. aaaagh there was so many pretty ribbons and stickers and scrapbooking paper, cept it was all expensive and i ended up spending $11 something on 4 sheets of paper and a roll of ribbon. and just to mention, that took me about an hour :D

at the myer food court, 2 uni students came up to us and asked if they could interview us for some study. this reminded me of the time my group and i were interiewing ppl in westfield for science techno project and how ppl rejected us lol. they asked how we used the internet and mobiles and stuff about online advertisement and free things on the internet. remembering that most of the free stuff i get off the internet is illegal, i tried to go around the question. when they interviewed will, i tried running aroundd behind the 2 ppl and get him to start laughing randomly wen they were recording. it worked :P the last question was about what he watched on youtube and he paused for an unusually long time b4 saying something bout music playlists lol.

and will kept choking on easyway pearls o.o only TRUE azns have the skill to drink easyway without dying :D

on the bus ride home over the harbour, i saw an amazing sunset. the sun was in full view over the horizon, bright and glowing orange. there weren't many clouds in the sky and the orange glow turned into a haze that spread and the colour was amazing. that sunset looked so warm and embracing, so peaceful and beautiful~

ugh now i have to actually USE those things i bought and do the work =3=


Izzy said...

u dogged me today :O

lol well at least u had fun :D

Cindy said...

LOL, thank you emma, erine, ng and jackie for being great friends. LOL, Miss taylor was actually really nice today. I was expecting to get raged at.

Haha, did will stay with you to licraft place? He chocked on easyway.. thats LAME. what a noob.

Bustrip to wynyard was good eh? ;)

chiaahh :) said...

Aha, he choked on easyway. HAHA. Omg, I can't talked, just now I choked on a grain of rice. I. AM. ASIAN. STILL. :) Anyway, sunset..beautiful. Romantic, eh? ;]

Nurrh said...

awwwwz. sunset (:
reminds me of those pretty pics with two people holding hands under a tree on a hill. (:

rainbow jellies at easyway are shit. dun get it. fucking tasteless. after that i never got any jellies. too gross. i shold try the pearl o.o

Anna XOX said...

rofl at "he paused for an unusually long time b4 saying something bout music playlists" ... music hahah yeh right.

remind me next time to purposely choke on them pearls then.


Em said...

did i forget to mention that we didnt see the sunset together. i saw it by myself on the bus. lol. sorry to dissapoint?:P

cathricax said...

awwww how cute ^^

"only true azns know how to eat pearls without dying"

i htink i was the person who told him to try pearl milk tea for teh first time..


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