
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

lincraft is sooo over-priced~

so once again, i went 2 the lincraft store in the city today, after school. (i wrote this blog ages ago so im talking as if i just went) fortunately, i was able to drag erin along and it was definately a gud decision cos i had fun ^^ in last period maths, i kept telling jackie bout how felt like getting high cept it was pretty impossible in a subject like maths. at least i did on the bus and in teh city. i haven't laughed so much since...ages. thats definately something gud 4 me.

first we got easyway (lol u missed out on the easyway party~ ur own fault)and we tried catching a bus to qvb but failed, so we walked.lincraft is right next to the big supre in qvb, cept we walked on the side of qvb where u couldnt c supre and we were so busy chatting we walked past it, walking down the entire lenght of the qvb b4 realizing we had 2 walk all the way bak down :P

u no that dance shop called Bloch that specializes in dance gear and stuff. well theres a new shop opposite where we were walking and it looked amazing. there was a chandelier and rlly bright wallpaper and pics of ppl doing massive leaps and stuff. being the person i am, i rlly do love this shop. so i stopped, put my arm round erin's neck and stared at it. 'do u c wat i c?' i say. 'yes i c' she ses. there is a silence as we stare in awe then erin says-BLOTCH!. u hafta b there, the fact that i was already high made it even funnier.

it was only wen we alked all the way up qvb that we realized we walked 2 far and trudged back the other way-admiring shop windows and tlking bout things we want but cant buy. i have 2 say, taht probably took like 20 min, walking up qvb twice. we saw a pair of shoes in Mimco that looked like a stick of lipstick had just been glued to the front of it o.o wat has the world come to? go to the link 2 c a pic>>>>>

lincraft is over-priced. end of story. i bought 2 little sheets of stickers, 7 pieces of scrapbooking paper, 2 rolls of ribbon, 3 pieves of big cardboard and...thats it. that cost me around $33 == and it took me till 5:45 to slowly pick it all. it was a tiring process. my true ocd condition rose 2 the surface wen i was under pressure cos of time and i was more annoyed cos everything was so frikin expensive!

we also saw this girl we both knew that went 2 both our old skools and avoided her. freak at ballet and like totally perfect lol.

so i calculated-i spent about $44 altogether on art. wat a waste of money == i beta get a good mark. or i will rage.



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