
Thursday, July 15, 2010


cant remember what day it is here. so as usual there was lots of walking around and hanging about the many stores. srsly they never end. and the humuditiy is ridiculous let me tell you. while shopping theres always heaps of food. i say a lot of the time, food from small places and street vendors r often better than that of big restaurants. i took so many pics ^^

also went to play pp/tt and met some new kids my age. my lil cousin now has a bf lol and his cousin is 16 so i now have one more acquaintance. if youve been to china you'll also know that the parks specialize in massive groups of middle ages women dancing together in a square, to the same old, traditional chinese music. yes well you see my cousin and i decided to join them lol so we used our fabulous dancing skills and tried copying those pro moves =D turns out those old ladies r pretty pro remember so much lol

today went to see the movie "knight and day" with tom cruise and cameron diaz. the trailer looked pretty gud, but its pretty cliche, with all the action and spy stuff. funny tho =] 6/10

GUESS WAT IM OFF TO BEIJING TMR. ehehehehehehehe i shall shop and b a total tourist ^^

P.S Chia was here again 10.45PM 15/07/2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

wow change of climate

second day in xiamen, china. and omg wen i got oof the plane it was 38 degrees outside. 38 i tell you. when i got to my aunties place basically first thing that happened was a cardboard box was delivered to the door. inside was a tiny little white puppy a few days after birth. omg it was such a cliche image u see in the movies and stuff. he was just too cute XD

fast forward a few hrs into the night, and im enjoying the nightlife. agh i love shopping with the lights and people and especially the low prices everywhere hehe and ive already bought stuff for ppl. so far. 2 nice rectangle, foldy wallets (fake LV lol) 10RMB each. divide by 6 thats like a dollar something each =D and a pair of genuine azn fobby glasses with fake lens (Y)

more to cooooome. ehehehe.

no comment of the day cos im in china and i cbb =]

P.S. CHIA WAS HERE 7:24PM 13/07/2010 AHA !

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


i feel homesick already =[ i hate going on planes when all i have is my brother. plus last time the ppl on the plane were rude, there was no tv and the food was just bad. i guess it will b worth it wen i get to china. i shall visit all the cliche tourist spots in beijing and even the expo. hopefully ill get to buy heaps of stuff :D

oh wow one of the suitcases wont open so my bro cant put his stuff in lol prob shouldnt laugh tho cos this will cause problems. china is in the middle of summer right now. 30-40 degrees in the day, and the frikin humidity is makin it rain too. wow rain in summer is such a dampener.

of course therell b heaps of cam raping and taking tourist shots with my trusty lil camera. and my fone can now make international calls :D i hope i can txt too. wow if i can my phone bill would be so high...wait no i just found out i hafta change my sim wen i get to china cos the cost of my mobile will b too high lol

raaaaaaaaaawr should i pack jackets? will it rain all the time? idk. sigh wish me luck i dont transfer onto the wrong flight...

if i blog ill send it to chia and she can post it up =]

ill miss u all so very much <333

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