
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

wow change of climate

second day in xiamen, china. and omg wen i got oof the plane it was 38 degrees outside. 38 i tell you. when i got to my aunties place basically first thing that happened was a cardboard box was delivered to the door. inside was a tiny little white puppy a few days after birth. omg it was such a cliche image u see in the movies and stuff. he was just too cute XD

fast forward a few hrs into the night, and im enjoying the nightlife. agh i love shopping with the lights and people and especially the low prices everywhere hehe and ive already bought stuff for ppl. so far. 2 nice rectangle, foldy wallets (fake LV lol) 10RMB each. divide by 6 thats like a dollar something each =D and a pair of genuine azn fobby glasses with fake lens (Y)

more to cooooome. ehehehe.

no comment of the day cos im in china and i cbb =]

P.S. CHIA WAS HERE 7:24PM 13/07/2010 AHA !


cathricax said...


could you get me star paper?
and that DS thing which can store like a gazillion games? (R4)
i'll pay you back for the R4 :)


Anonymous said...

Ooh presents!

Bring me back a cute Chinese girl =]


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