
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1st day back~

3 posts in 1 day-this is record 4 me o.o

mmmm since i see a few reviews bout 1st day, i decided to write one too. first thing, it was cold today...i think every1 felt it, the abruptly low temperatures and stupid wind just made it worse. but coming into the library, it was all gud cos i got to see every1 again ^^ and marias new fringe is rlly cute-she hates it. hugging and shouting made me warm again but it also made stupid mr.hufton come and remind us to not shout in the library :P thx davo for the hello kitty slippers ^^ theyre too small, but thx anyway :)

uuuum wat did i have today. o right in science, i was rlly considering sleeping on the desk since ms.haradasa is pretty nice and if she catches me she wont be that bad. plus i hate chemistry the most outta all the science topics. o ye and we got that assignment where u had to interview ur mum bout birth and stuff. its not that bad...

geo was worse cos ms seymour just kept talking and talking and talking and talking...and i definately couldnt fall asleep in her class == so i srsly tried to concentrate on wat she was saying but she lost me at least 3 times in 5 mins. so i just endured it.

and dance. dance was pretty bad. it was our 'free' period where we went to the common room if it was available and did wateva. apparantly, the others in my class already told ms. whyndam they were doing sumthin for the year assembly and i was like no == so i just didnt join them and sat all alone for the entire period with my ipod.their contemporary is too pro and 'artistic' for me. not rlly my style. im quitting dance in yr 10 ==

for sport try-outs i just went to netball and sat with cindy, jackie, erin and wendy. sxc pics jackie, u should post them ;) afta sport i walked to PICKLES uniform shop at the top of that big big hill where freshie is. lol i saw daran and i think it was his dad at the store cept i didnt say hi o.o

so first day bak was alright-it was too cold, pretty boring and just depressing cos it was bak to skool. i just hope the rest of the term isnt as boring. the only gud part was meeting my friends agen~

p.s. happy birthday angela!!!~


ye i just found out im not going babysitting cos the parents rnt going out tonight. theyre sick. T^T i was happy, and now im just annoyed cos my mum forgot to tell me earlier == i mean im sad that theyre sick but im also sad i dont get my first job/job experience.

first job!!!~

well actually, its a babysitting job my mums friend gave me, and she lives literally next to my building so its gud ^^ but i still dno whether or not ill get its a first job alright, but it might be a job i dont get paid in o.o

all i have to do is sit by for 3 hours (until 10 tonight) while two little girls sleep. so even if i dont get paid, i dont rlly do anything to deserve it anyway :P at least i can get some hw done, cept theres not much since its only first day. aaaaaaargh its first day of school :( the long process of mostly unneccessary work and toture has begun. with all first jobs im sure, theres always nerves but since i dont hafta do much, im more worried bout the parents than the kids. the smallest girl is only 2 but i wont have much difficulty since theyre sleeping. if they wake up, im sure they wont be difficult-im a nice person with kids right? XDDD no sarcasm intended.

onto something different, i was gonna post my art55 thing up since erica bugged me bout it and i took the pic and i was all ready cept there was a problem with connecting it to the comp so it didnt work hehehe :P and i dont like it anyway so dont ask.

o look its 6:16. i hafta get ready 2 go soon for babysitting. even if its like an hour away, i tend to be late alot and i like to take my time doing things :D so id beta b going~

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monsters Vs Aliens

OMG monsters vs aliens
== i can't belive i watched it

Monsters vs. Aliens

y are my hands always cold at this time wen im typing...? right now im freezing and blowing on my hands dont seem to work so its making it rlly hard 2 type.

anyway-MONSTERS VS ALIENS!!!!! was worse than i expected. there werent many ppl in the cinema today but they were all little kiddies and their parents. (except 4 two random guys taht came in and sat at the bak o.o) mosman greater union is actually pretty small with like 3 cinemas and a tiny foyer/candy bar.

will and i came 20 min early so we decided to go on those car racing game things cos there was rlly nothing else. (omg i just found oreos!!!)well i had 2 serious accidents and 1 fatal accident and i still managed to last a while :D (mmmm the oreos taste gud ^^) that only took 5 mins so we just went in and sat there 15 early. and those seats r rlly tiny o.o

dreamworks and pixar and whoeva make these animated movies are getting worse and worse with each new movie. i thought the movie was pretty 'flat' there werent any strong emotions or thoughts. and its not just becos it a kids movie cos ive seen way beta animated movies than this. it was predictable and pretty pointless...i mean if they were gonna kill each other, at least do it in style. the one time they actually fought with teh giant alien robot, it looked like they were just lucky or sumthin.

afta the movie, will insisted we walk all the way back to neutral bay-and so we did. its actually not that far. on the way we looked at fishies in teh fishy store and there were some creepy looking fish there o.o i bought paint for my art55 from teh discount store and since we had nowhere else to go, for the first time we went to the little park down the road from my place. i kept looking behind me to make sure my bro didnt c us cos if he did i would be dead == (o btw izzy-i saw annie with another girl walking down the otherside of the street but i pretended not to see her and i think she did the same) and calvin if ur reading this, we went to ur unit to c if we could try and crash ur place. thats y we called u to ask ur unit number :P turned out he was in chatties so we mucked around in the park for a while till i had to go.

but bottom line...the movie wasnt that great >.>

Sunday, April 26, 2009

SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE---my reply to wills blog

wats wrong with talia winning? shes amazing-shes so freakin awesome at everything and shes still a pro ballerina-not a 'tiny midget slut'. and the rest of the finalists-ben, as well as he could dance, always creeped me out. he is scary looking o.o and amy wasnt that bad-no need to get agro will, id like to keep this blog clean.

as for timomatic, well i liked him 2 , cept the fact that he could DANCE was also pretty major in making him one of my faves >.> btw, the name 'timomatic' sounds kinda like a highschool nickname and it jsut doesnt...floooow if u get wat i mean.

and wats with the thrust dance? r u sure it just wasnt donny in the first place? as 4 the strippers and pole dancers-theres always a plentiful amount every year, they do like a clip where they show all the pole dancers that entered. and there werent any actual strippers on the show, u just wish there were.

And rove just reminded me of penny. Penny the cheerleader. That girl rlly annoyed me == she was the stereotypical cheerleader in those teen movies. Ye she could dance, but so could many other ppl and they were beta >.> wen she made that thing ‘embrace the penny’, she was like ‘ppl should rlly just..EMBRACE the penny. Ye! Embrace the penny! ^^’ she sounded rlly dumb ==

This yrs dance was actually beta then last yrs, cept its still got a loooooooong way to go b4 its anywhere near as gud as the American one. I totally fell in love with the contestants in the American show, theyre incredible and the actual choreography is so much beta than the Australian one.

To answer that question will, u blogged about dance becos u have nothing beta to do just now and deep down, we all know ur rlly a big fan of dance :)


OMFG Talia WON (my second fave of the 4). I rlly hoped timomatic would have won, only problem was that he got eliminated ages ago(frikin racist bastards just cause he was black). Anywayz back to the finalists Ben got eliminated first no suprises here, he was rlly stoned most of the times. Next was Amy to go out, once again no suprise she was a tall lanky scary bitch. Then fucking talia won like wtf i sooooo wanted charlie to win cause he was a crazy son of a bitch and then this tiny midget slut won, fuck fuck fuck. Geez i so wanted timomatic two reasons
1. He was black
2. He had an awesome name

LOL besides the final there was this guy doin thrust dance during one of the auditions and it was fucking hilarious he was like frikin thrusting everywhere, he kinda reminded of donny when we went to the mall for watchmen and he was thrust walking. I'll post the link as soon as i find the vid. And also this years auditions there was no shortage of strippers and pole dancers so dw all u pedos out there.

But overall this yrs dance totally sucked last years was way better and America's dance just domintates all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only gud thing was Rove dance afta party!!!!!!!!!
Y the fuck did i just blog about dance?==
By Will

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Will Jin's Version Of 2Day

2Day was absolutly crap because of mainly 2 things
1.I was the only guy
2.I got camera raped (alot)
Note i can't be bothered about my grammer
So this is wat happened 2day, i got there at one making everyone(emma,izzy,meg and ==anna(frikin pedo)) wait 4 half and hour cause i'm an evil son of a bitch. Then we started walking to the beach and we made a stop at 7 11 to get slushies(they were yummy). Afta that we went to da beach well we actually didn't go on manly beach we went around it to the rocks near ocean world. I got camera raped a bit along the way. When we goto the rocks we took photos but some ppl started camera raping me and that sparked a war so i stole somebody's camera and camera raped back. We went to shelly beach next(its like shit) and i got totally camera raped there and they kept pestering me to do the toyota jump and a frikin flying side kick. Oh oh oh and anna started taking pics of this naked baby(it was a boy). We then went to get lunch which was macas(no comment here). Then we went to da bus and i was left with anna and she frikin kept camera raping me (agn) but my bus came soon.
Today was shit..............................
IDC about my grammer
By Will

my day at the beach~

so i learnt that little secluded section of the manly beach i liked was actually called shelley beach. today i went 4 the second time 4 my painting but i ended up getting hardly anything done >.> me n izzy caught the bus together and waited 4 anna (xu) at maccas in front of the wharf. ANNA U LIFESAVER U DIDNT FORGET TO BRING UR ART BAG! ^^ ye i lost my bag of paints and brushes so i had 2 borrow anna's >.>

ms. izzy needed 2 buy more batteries for her camera, which is battery run, not charged like others so we went 2 coles, where we met meg and found that she could come with us afta all. so we went bak to the turd (the huge shell thing in front of the wharf) and waited 4 will, who was late ==

the weather was so nice today, kinda hot but still a bit cloudy-much better than i expected. on the way down we stopped for a while at the rocks halfway down the walk to shelley with the little flight of stairs. jumping round those rocks was pretty fun since it was quiet and there were little rock pools everywhere. i tried to catch pics of the waves crashing against them but failed after several attempts >.> and i didnt no will knew so much bout...stuff in general :P apart from hogging izzy's and anna's cameras as much as i could to get shots of absolutely everything, i tried to get a decent one of will but hes so camera shy and kept running away or blocking me ==

the sea water at shelley beach was so clear it looked like glass o.o apart from the painfull shell bits (ye i just got y the beach was named like it was today) it was a rlly nice beach-not too crowded or well known. o ye and anna supposedly took a pic of a naked little boy o.o she was her usual camera raping self. ive only thought of half my painting and couldnt think of more so i asked izzy and meg to walk on the beach while i took fotos of them-they didnt turn out as gud as expected so now i hafta sit down and fully brainstorm ><

lunch was at maccas and we returned to the turd/shell in front of the wharf to eat. YUMMY YUMMY McCHICKEN MEAL~~~ a while after meg left, me n izzy had to cath our bus too so i grabbed everything i had and half ran to the stop, eating on the way o.o wen the bus came, we left will to the mercy of anna and her camera :P

i dno bout other ppl, but i think all in all today was pretty gud. im liking the beach more and more cos its somewhere to go without spending alot of money and its so peaceful ^^

Monday, April 20, 2009

fast n furious~

the weather is getting worse and worse these days...:(

todaaaaaaaay-i went 2 the movies with cathy, will and max. (lol yes, max)
well SOMEBODY-*cough CATHY *cough wanted 2 go sit in the quiet little park thats down the road from my place, and she couldnt stay after the movie so we decided to meet 2 hrs b4 it started at 2. we neva ended up going 2 that park, cos SOME PPL couldnt b bothered walking from max's place (that we crashed) back up to the park. so after finding that there was absolutely nothing 2 do at max's place (so steriiiile and white o.o) we went 2 some kiddy park near it and i went on the swings XDDD that park has the most dangerous play equipment...==

next stop was macas! for the first time in yrs, i got a happy meal ^^ once i got back to my seat, i realised THEY DIDNT GIVE ME A TOY!!! WAAAA! :( lol cathy got that giant robot monster from monsters vs. aliens-cept it wasnt vry giant and it didnt do much o.o once max sed we had 2 go in 10 mins, cathy was like 'no way emma can finish in 10 mins...==' BUT HOW I PROVED HER WRONG ^^hehehe

so b4 the movie started we went to the cremorne IGA and all chipped in on getting junk food. grain waves rnt as gud as ppl say...== as for the chocolate, WATS WRONG WITH PLAIN CADBURY CHOCOLATE? well we bought a whole block and i only took 3 bites :P and got a whole 6 pack of canned Lift. the grain waves were finished in the first 10 min of the movie-courtesy mainly of the guys >.> and in the end i neva drank my lift and the bit of chocolate i was balancing on the armrest between me and cathy dissappeared, neva to b seen agen! =O dun dun dun!!!

ok so the movie was fast n furious, it was the best one there...personally, i thought the action scenes were gud, specially the first one, but as with lots of action movies, the action and half naked girls got over-rated and it gets repetitive == this one wasnt as gud as the previous fast n furious movies cos the characters were already built and the whole thing was pretty predictable.

wen the movie ended, we turned our attention to the rubbish around us and realized what had become of the food :P there were pieces of grain waves everywhere and the wrapper for the lollies was on the floor-(afta cathy threw it and all the lollies fell out == )in the end, max took home the chocolate and drinks-early birthday present :) after we got out i realized i had gottne chocolate on my white top, and it already melted, making it stick *cries was so windy wen we got outside and as always i thought id caught a cold which im still unsure of o.o

Sunday, April 19, 2009

'School Days'

today, i decided to watch the anime 'School Days'-courtesy of gary. first thing i thought wen i watched it was 'aaaaw how cute', then 'this is so perverted', then wen the plot started to thicken, i started getting more into it, until the vry end, where i my heart strarted beating faster and i was left in shock for a good 10 mins.

the characters all seem pretty normal to begin with in this short little romance anime. i still cant believe how short those skirts are...== as in most good romances, there was jealousy and betrayal, but this anime gave all that a different meaning. SPOILERS COMING>>>>>>>>>>>>> the main guy seemed so nice and thoughtful at first, but he later gets bored to the girl hes dating, as she is shy and reserved, and no fun to him. so instead, he goes for this girl's friend, the one that matched them up in the first place. he basically messes around with this friend and doesnt tell his original gf that hes no longer interested in her. this obviously sets off alot of arguements and missunderstandings and these all eventually come to the surface.

however this main guy is not as innocent as i first thought and ends up sleeping with 3 other girls, all in teh same school and class who all have a crush on him. so that makes 5 girls hes playing. by now i no longer think this is 'cute'. to make matters worse, he promises 3 of these girls that he'd dance with them in the school festival-making their 'relationship' official. fast forward a few eps and things run their course, leaving this guy with only his original girlfriend who is now mentally unstable and another which claims she is pregnant.

so out of pity, he goes back to his original girl, promising to stay with her and all that. so now his pregnant girl comes and sees them together and later, she...kills him o.o complete with a kitchen knife, with all the blood and crying. so now his dillusional girl goes and kills the pregnant one, saying she lyed about her pregnancy just to get the guy back. after she kills her, she cuts open the girl to see whether or not she was pregnant. turns out she wasnt. so to end all this drama, the dillusional one cuts off the guy's im not kidding, and pretends that he'll be with her always...

so thats the end of my beautiful review on this anime. overall, the storyline was ok but it got a bit out of hand near the end, if it stayed like it was at the beginning, it wouldve been more my kinda anime. the relationship at the beginning between the guy and his first girl was believable and sweet in a way.

so i basically spent my day watching this anime and now im blogging bout it. nothing else much happened other than that-it was a quiet day home with the laptop :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

SO PINK MY EYES IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Manly Beach~

today i had more fun than i had in teh last few weeks. obviously, seeing the title, i went to Manly beach ^^ originally it was for art55 and to take pics/sketch, but i only ended up getting 5 min of sketching done, took a million pics of the same scene and splashed around in this little patch of beach disconnected from the main one.

Izzy, acted as a tourguide for me and my old school friend Helen, though she kept going to the wrong places unconsciously. At first we saw a little wharf-ish like place and i was so dissapointed cos there was absolutely nothing worth drawing there so we kept looking and finally found teh main beach. A little walk off it, there was a section of beach away from the busy shops and people, where people lived in beautiful old houses with open balconies and there was a quiet little cafe with an antique shop. It was totally unlike the rest of the corso, more peaceful and not as rushed.

guess who did those jumps? i tried to make helen and izzy model for my originaal idea, but it didnt rlly im just doing a normal beach view with all the 'essence of manly' u no, the pine trees, ppl and cafes.

i havent been to manly beach in sooooooo long, i forgot how big and beautiful it was. even though it was kinda cloudy, the sky was pretty and the clouds were puffy with rays of sunlight seeping through, floating by as if they had all the time in the world.

we also took group pics of ourselves by the water, i havent taken so many pics in so long. at firt the water was freezing cold, but it soon seemed to be quite warm after a while, it felt so good to walk aound in the shallows and laugh with friends. we walked back to the corso for hot chips and we got xlarge for $9.90, then realized only 2 ppl were eating it == i kept telling izzy not to feed the seagulls but she did anyway, and she kept teasing them by pretending to throw it and not and watching them fly up then fall down again. those birds were fiesty...
in the end, i wanted to get at least an hour doing sketches and stuff but helen had to catch her bus and i only got 5 min == my feet hurt at the end cos trying 2 powerwalk in thongs is not very comfortable afte a while, though all in all, i thought it was a productive day, but more importantly we had so much fun :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


right now this is the only thing i can think of to keep me temporarily distracted from boredom ==

lets seeeeeee-ugh i still have to go 2 the beach for that art55 thing, which i still havent made any progress on yet...i was lying in bed this morning wen i realised for maybe the tenth time in my life that i worry waaaay too much. about school, about friends, about life. if i look at it from a wider perspective, im just trying to make the things already existing in my life seem more important than they are, making something out of nothing much. yes i may be starting to go delirious, but i with nothing else on my mind wat else do u want me to think about???

i neva liked staying home in the holidays and doing nothing really, i like to go out and meet ppl, have fun and talk. weeeeeeell, there is the jay chou concert coming up, but i doubt id b able to get tickets and even if i do idk if my mum would let me go...always over-protective and asking all there is to ask. who are u going with? how many ppl? wat kinda ppl will there b? wen are u coming home? how are u coming home? how much money are u spending? the one taht annoys me the most is. are there any guys going? == ugh, so wat if there are guys going? she rlly doesnt want me to be one of those party girls that go out with a gang of friends everyday and rebels against her parenst.

enough bout that, my hands r cold and the weather is so nice while im inside...*sigh

100 question quiz

1.How old will you be in five years? 20 :D

2.Who did you spend at least three hours with yesterday? ummm...i stayed at home-the computer?

3. How tall are you? 165cm...?

4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?...nothing really o.o its just skool ==

5. What's the last movie you watched? dont remember, havent watched 1 for ages

6. Who was the last person you called? my anutie

7. Who was the last person to call you? my mum

8. Who was the last person to text you? will

9. Do you prefer to call or text? mmmmm...i call my my girls to have a nice long chat, but txting is rlly useful

10. Do you have any pets? i had seamonkeys once ^^ but they died o.o

12. Are your parents married? yup

15. What planet do you like? uuum idk o.o

16. What are you wearing right now? pjs :D

17. What is your favorite christmas song? i dont have 1, they all sound the same

18. Where is your favorite place to be? idk, sometimes i just like to sit somewhere quiet and watch the clouds in the afternoon. or somewhere i can dance ^^

19. Where is your least favorite place to be? in some boring classroom at school ==

20. Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere? out to somwhere fun

23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? if i just saw a creepy crime movie, id b scared the villain was coming. or id b scared of those classic scary stories my friends told me :(

24. Who was the last person that really made you laugh? umm izzy and her blog on elevator pranks

25. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1 o.o

26. How big is your bed? normal sized?

27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? we have a desktop but it has no sound so my bro and i always fight over the laptop

28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? always with

30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1-dont u no its not gud 4 u if u sleep with more? tut tut
31. What is your favorite season? summer! i love the blue sky and happy weather, plus i can go swimming and have icecream ^^

32. What do you like about summer? i just sed didnt i? ==

33. What do you like about winter? the pretty, big jackets, hot chocolate and being warm under my blankets

34. What do you like about the fall? the colour of the trees

35. What do you like about spring? the smell of the warm, dry air

36. How many states have you lived in? 2-one in china and one here

37. How many cities/towns have you lived in? 2

38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? shoes wen i find a rlly nice pair, socks at home and bare feet wen its hot

39. Do you like wearing jeans? who doesnt? theyre so comfy and easy to wear

40. What was the last thing you ate? a sweet, chinese pastry, it was yummy~

41. What is your favorite restaurant? theres this little jap place near where i live that i go to all the time, simple but nice-and basically anywhere else that has nice food

42. Longest car trip? i dont remember, i never rlly go on holidays using a car

43. What's your favorite kind of ice cream? classic chocolate of course, then green tea and vanilla

44. What is your favorite kind of soup? this shanghai dish-omg i want soem now...

45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? neva had 1 o.o

46. Do you like Chinese food? OF COURSE!

47. Do you like coffee? i luuuuuuv the smell, but once i taste it, its dusgusting == i like ice coffee tho ^^

48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average? not much, like 3? o.o im so dehydrated...

49. What do you drink in the morning? water, milk, anything thats around

50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? sleeping with some1 else is actually really comfortable, i feel all safe and warm-but wen i sleep alone i get to take up all the room

51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? nup

52. Do you know how to play poker? no way-i learnt once then i forgot.its such a boring game==

53. Do you like to cuddle? depends who it is :P

54. Have you ever been to Canada? nup, id like to go though

55. Do you have an addictive personality? hmmm yes..? lol ask my friends

56. Do you eat out or at home more often? i luv going out but my mum's home cooking is da best XDDD

57. What is your favorite cheese? .......o.o

58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? emily, that new girl at school

59. Do you want kids? i like kids and i want my own, im just afraid of the pain ==

60. Do you speak any other languages? MANDO PRIDE!

61. Have you ever gotten stitches? i have 2 stitches on my back from a surgically removed mole. i was so scared wen they told me i had to get stitches, i had no idea wat they were gonna do. but its all gud now ^^

62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no

63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? ocean is beautiful and ffun, but it can get so cooooold...

64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? windoooooooow!

65. Do you know how to drive stick? wat...? o.o

66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? aaaaa i love to shop, clothes, presents, stationary, anything at all ^^

67. Do you wear any jewelry? i seem to have an earring fetish-ok thats over-exaggeration, but i have heaps and i dont wear half of them XP

68. What is your favorite TV show? 'FRIENDS' 4 LIFE!

69. Can you roll your tongue? ummmm waddya mean by roll..?

70. Who is the funniest person you know? hmmm cathy is pretty funny, soometimes unintentionally, that girl is so clumsy-she can walk out of a room and come bak in saying 'oops i forgot my shoes', then trip on them taking me down with her. but heaps of ppl r funny intentionally ^^

71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? mhm *nod

72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?uuuuuuuum-i change it like every month, right now its the song 'hey ya' by outcast. its old but its addictive

73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? i donated heaps to the church last yr cos they were taking up too much space. but i prob still have heaps

74. What red object is closest to you right now? my stuffed hamburger, which has red bits of sauce on it and the book im reading called 'the winter rose'-its rlly gud ^^

76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? i dont mind-wat kinda question is that?

77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?wats with ppl and asking these questions? if u choose the wrong answer theyll immediately lecture u on how bees or ants or wateva it is would take longer to kill u ==

78. would you rather fight a chimp or a badger? neither-i would run

79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? sweet and sour sauce

81. Can you change the oil on a car? no way, id prob wreck the car if i tried

82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? i dont drive ==

83. Have you ever run out of gas? they should make these questions more age friendly-have u eva thought about the fact that maybe i cant drive?

84. What is your usual bedtime? usually round 10 to 11, later if i have heaps of hw

85. What was the last book you read? the 1 im reading now is the winter rose, the sequel to the last one, the tea rose.

86. Do you read the newspaper? no way-im not that old yet ==

87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? my mum subscribed to madison, but now i wanna read vogue

88. Do you still sleep with the lights? wat do u mean still? i like the light on but dimly.

89. Do you watch soap operas? ...............OF COURSE I DO.

90. Do you dance in the car? how can u dance in the car? o.o

91. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? some song lyrics wen i got bored. i started doodling and im filling up the page with my little pictures

94. What is your favorite candle scent? did the person who made this quiz just run out of things to ask?

95. What is your favorite board game? dont have 1

96. How would you describe pop up pirate or buckaroo as a board game? ...wat?

97. When was the last time you attended church? only wen the school went to an easter or christmas mass or something-i just went like every1 else, though im not religious

98. Which one of your friends have you known the longest? izzy and whitnee, since year 2 or 3

99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? um. neva. lol. ive only ever sat in a tent pretending to b camping inside a play tent wen i was little

100. Did you realize you just completed a 100 question survey? of all the stupid questions, this was the stupidest

things 2 do before i die~

i was reading izzy's blog bout elevator pranks wen i saw her little list on the side. i have nothing beta to do and ive always wanted 2 one of these so here goes:


1-travel around europe
2-finish highschool
3-fall in love (how can that not b on my list???)
4-rent and decorate my flat
5-own a puppy
6-go back to my first school in austrralia and visit my kindy teacher
7-wear a white wedding dress
8-get drunk
9-stroll by on the beach at night
10-go to a bonfire party
11-go on a real, actual shopping spree with my friends with money ive earnt myself
12-paint a room and get messy
13-enter a competition and win it
14-bash someone up who rlly deserves it
15-dance in the rain
16-shout out somewhere where no one can hear me, like the top of a mountain
17-get high

thats it for now, some of the things i wanna experience in my life that i can think of at this moment.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

review for Koizora~

in my previous blog, i mentioned a jap drama called Koizora which i have JUUUST finished watching a minute ago. it was so emotional *sniff-thanx 4 recommending jj ^^

at first its rlly random, but the whole thing, the air of it and the feeling is so pretty and happy that i wanted 2 c more. it got better and better as the episodes went by, with only 6 of them, its like an extra long movie.

its basically a romance about a highschool girl called Mika and her first love, a guy named Hiro. personally, i luv his bleached/blonde hair but i think he looks beta wen he dyed it black. mmm so anyway, theres just a feeling in it ive neva seen in a drama or movie before, but its so passionate and the drama was made with such...gentleness and simplicity that it has its own kind of...aura.
what started as a highschool relationship turns much more serious and it is soon obvious that this isnt just some fling or puppy love. the main characters experience so much difficulty, yet they continue to love and live their lives simply and happily. it was rlly heartwarming for me-just a short little drama but with so much packed into it. i cant rlly say much more about it cos then id ruin it. becos of its length, there are only about 2 to 3 major points in the plot that make the whole thing so i cant say-watch it 4 urself!
once again, i have to mention the music, the theme song is rlly nice and the director didnt use it too often, like in some dramas, but knew EXACTLY the perfect place to put it, to make the viewer enjoy it more.
bottom line, its a gud drama, if u have time, watch it, though its a girl kinda drama and not absolutely every1 will like it.

Monday, April 13, 2009


WILL JIN WAS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WILL BE FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dont u love the days wen u were a midget and everyone would have a tamagotchi (remember those?) and everyone would connect with every1 else at skool. and the times wen u would absolutely go INSANE wen u had THREE assignments at one time!!! =O and wen u made personal namecards in class or had ur very own underdesk thing!!!

i remember those days so clearly, it was actually quite funny ^^ wen i was like in yr 3 i would look up at those big yr 6 kids and they would seem so far away, totally older and smarter and cool. wen i was actually in yr 6, the whole thing was made into such a big deal-with the whole being role models to the kindys and having badges 4 library moniters. *sigh...

wen i was a little kid i used 2 go to toys r us with my bro and we could easily spend the whole day there-walking through the aisles and testing out the playstations. i LOVED riding those little bikes in that tiny space-especially the pretty pink ones ^^

lol remember the tamagotchi craze? i would walk to school and half the people in my grade would have them slung on their necks. those little black pixels in the shape of some funny looking alien would make people so happy. i got 2-the first 1 that came out and the second generation 1 im proud 2 say :D i would spend so much time on those little things and giving my creatures names and earning money/points to buy kewl things...

in class, if we annoyed the teacher enough, she would take us out to play sport or some game our class made up. remember those craft lessons where we would make things like a wooden sign made of kidney beans stuck on to make words, or paddlepop bowls. our classes were so much closer than they are in highschool, we all supported each other even if we werent actually friends and we used our numbers to bully the teacher into doing something XP i remember once my class literally ran away from the teacher and she couldnt find us 4 like 5 mins-trying to track a group of kids down in a tiny, minuscule sized skool. we were so proud XD

omg......remember practising our recorders?! O.O we had our own little folders of music and it would b a class thing and we would perform in assemblies O.O just thinking bout it makes me sigh and shake my head lol. there were srsly so many things that made our lives more carefree and innocent than it is now :) if i listed them all, i would run out of breath and u would get bored-so luckily 4 u, i wont.

so to end my beautiful recount of my primary skool days...
(i was hoping to finish that line with something totally epic and thoughtful, but i cant think of anything XP)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

dramas and movies-things i just cant live without~

today, i spent nearly the whole day watching drama-something which is time well spent and something i havent done in a vry vry long time. mentioned in my previous blogs, i finished watching boys over flowers and now im watching a new jap drama that jj recommended. its called 'koizora' and only has 6 episodes,, something i have neva heard of before. the style is totally random and different but is rlly sweet and gets straight to the point.

at first, its just a nice little highschool love story, but wen it starts getting serious, the deep emotions kick in. its pretty sad but in a way that makes u feel for the characters. im up to the 5th episode and im planning to continue watching it afta this blog as there seems to b nothing else to occupy my attention 4 the night o.o the theme song, 'ai no uta', is rlly nice too. its sung by a jap lady and the music is flowy and gentle, even sad-but i thought it was rlly nice so i downloaded it. i often do that-download songs from dramas or movies i rlly like, even animes.

listening to the songs after the drama or waterva has ended can bring bak the emotions asociated with the song at the time it was played or simply b a great new discovery. im also making it a goal to finish watching '1 litre of tears' sometime, as everyone whos watched it tells me how great it is. i like sad movies/dramas cos the more they can make u cry or stir emotions, the beta thhey are. thats my policy. so i dont mind if its sad, itll stay with me longer and i learn things from it.


IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME. i rest my case. hi gary ^^ *wave

but srsly, i was trying to hold the tears in, until the very end and i just couldnt hold it. i guess it had an especially big impression on me cos there was a dancer in it. ppl who no me no that i luv to dance, ppl who rlly no me no that its a massive part of my life and they no its my first love.

weeeeeeeell i thought the dancing in that movie was rlly beautiful, can kate blanchett rlly dance like that? 4 those who've seen the movie, i loved that part wen kate dances on that podium thing in the middle of the night and she does this incredible move where she slowly raises one leg and lifts it to one side while the moonlight silhouetted her in that flowy dress. god i luv that scene...

aaaaaaaanyway, if i keep going on about dancing and that movie, ill get all emotional-and u dont want that do u? lol

well-ive realized now that my taste in movies is slightly different to most ppl. i mean i like the ones that other ppl like but some of the ones i rlly luv other ppl would neva watch.

my list of amazing movies, in no particular oder:
-the curious case of benjamin button (of course)
-titanic (absolute classic, how can that no b on my list???)
-a beautiful mind (this was my first tase or russel crowe, he rlly surprised me with his talent)
-happy feet (srsly its a good movie, not joking, it rlly got me emotional :) )
-return to brideshead
-the myth (jackie chan movie, but its rlly gud and not those cheesy funny ones he usually does nowadays)
-forrest gump (that was rlly inspirational...)
-V for Vendetta (kinda scary at parts but rlly oroginal)
-spirited away
-holws moving castle

and heaps more but i cbb to remember. watch them if u have time and tell me how u like them ^^

mmm yummmy~ i just had 3 minute noodles 4 breakfast-shoyu flavour ^^ omg now i want that cookie hes eating >.>

i dont actually have anything to say-i usually dont-but i thought id try and get unbored o.o its 10:04 am and there are 8 ppl on msn, 2 of which are those robot things like the one called smarterchild.

omg last night i finished watching bbf-boys before flowers, the drama heaps of ppl in my group are crazy over. *sigh jihoo looks so cute in glasses ^^ anyway, the ending was kinda weird but it was good. the main guy, goo jyun pyo, looks nicer with his slightly shorter hair, why didnt he get it cut earlier??? i think theyre gonna make a sequel XD

also, i hafta say, facebook is boring. i made an account and i neva went on it-i forgot my detailso.o bebo is way more azn~ and wats with myspace? the first time i went on it i thought i was on the wrong site cos the homepage was so ugly == wats with the blue-ness??? at least get a nicer layout.

omg i just remembered bout that art comp! noooooooo i havent started all ive dont is a tiny pencil sketch :( if i do it right it should b pretty, but i doubt i will == i still hafta go down to the beach 2 take pics and 'absorb the essence of manly'-since the theme is manly. wat a gay theme. *sigh and that frikin canvas is so small, its about the size of a textbook for gods sake!

ok im gonna go do something else and hopefully forget bout all that. :D the process could be sped up much faster if more ppl could just get on msn ==

Thursday, April 9, 2009

last day of term~

i haven't been around 4 a day or 2 and THREE ppl have gone overseas?! omg i feel so abandoned

*sigh o well-have fun

wat does monetize mean? and who is 'shopper-mania'?
ive been at home and reading the day away, im amazed at myself. i was gonna call my auntie in china 2 chat but my frikin wireless handheld home fone-which had been charging all day and nite-ran out of battery half an hour afta i picked it up == i hate that stupid fone...

i can talk to my auntie like a friend and i call her on days like today, usually wen im sick and bored or just want some1 to talk to. she usually always has something to say and is rlly a kid at heart ^^ shes so easy to talk to and i dont no any other adult like her. i mean-she owns a nintendo ds and downloads drama off the net i think thats pretty kewl for an adult lol.

*sigh-i feel rlly lucky to know some1 like her-i can say anything to her and she would always listen to me, she neva got mad and she always would advise me according to how i felt. she introduced me to that drama boys before flowers and she rlly luvs it 2. my auntie is so kewl :)

another topic completely-i RLLY just hate how the computer goes 'a jack has been unplugged' wen i pull out earphones or a mic. i mean-I KNOW for gods sake == stop telling me these things and do something useful! stupid computer...

im listening to the song 'fall for you' by secondhand serenade-its such a gud song and the lyrics r so sweet

"cos tonight will be the night that i will fall for you,
over again, dont make me change my mind
or i wont live to see another day,
i swear its true,
because a girl like you is impossible to find" has such a strong effect on me, it can make me all moody, make me wanna dance, make me wanna tell someone everything i feel, make me wanna sit and watch the clouds drift by or just make me happy :)

omg the song im listening 2 now is one 1 got off marias playlist-'one more time' by shinhwa. its rlly nice and the few english lines there are in it are rlly sweet:

"gimme one more chance to be a better man,
ill promise u that ill do all i can,
and i want you to understand,
jsut take my hand..."


ok now my bro is pushing me off the comp-ive gotta end this blog. bb and happy holidays!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

*yawn ==
so sleepy...

im lying on my bed in my pjs with a laptop writing a blog that i dont even no wat is about yet o.o
yes im that bored.

im not bothered with weekly reviews or anything-i cant remember half the things that happened and its all pretty repetitive. oooooow my tooth hurts from biting a vitamin c tablet 2 hard :(

aaaaargh the laptops getting rlly hot...i hate it wen that happens == ok now im sitting on the bathroom floor cos my stupid brother kicked me out of the bedroom...

omg school is tomorrow...NOOOOOOOOO *dies omg i just remembered i have dance wouldve been so much more fun if some1 wouldve doen it with me, but NOOOO, u had 2 not like dance ==
ok im bak ^^

im so moody these days...wat happened 2 nice weather and pretty sunsets? half the reason i like summer is bcos of the weather-now stupid winter comes out and blocks out the frikin sun. oh oh i got a new cap 2day ^^ im happy. i got it from foreva new which has become my favourite shop-i luv the style and the stuff is so beautiful...aaaa...:)

lol im tlking 2 lizzy and she told me shes tlking 2 some random bout drugs. good job lizzy :) lol and jackie is tlking bout getting raped in her sleep lol tooth still hurts...:(
ok nights~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


and its actually not retarted or half done like wen u finish things quickly for the sake of it =O
im so proud XD


im sorry guys-but i hate u all
i jsut cant stand being around u anymore
wat have you done to me?!
i rlly cant believe i was friends with ppl like u...
im moving to china
i jsut had to say that
i couldnt say it in real life so i sed it here
im sorry

ok that was lame
but i couldnt have let april 1st go without doing anything!!!
btw i luv u all ^^

consumerism and advertising

ok well 4 english we had 2 write a speech and i picked the topic consumerism and advertising. it was actually pretty interesting seeing ppls views and blogs bout it-saying how nowadays ppl judge the value of other ppl by wat they have and dont have and not by who they are. of course this is not true 4 every1 but it is to an extent.

i have to admit im pretty hypocrytical cos i mean i CONSUME. but it seemed like an easy topic XP keep in mind that wat im gonna say i agree with, even tho im i am like a total consumer lol.

if u think about it-all advertisers do is make up fancy gimmicks and ads to attract ppl with things that society deems acceptable and that half the time they dont even need. they suck ppl in with their over exagerated-ness of everything and force an idea that not only does their product actually work, but its worth buying over all the other identical copies out there. I MEAN COKE AND PEPSI R THE SAME! ppl just choose to favouritize brands depending on the degree of brainwashing-ness used in the ad.

i mean how many times have YOU been affected by impluse shopping-bought something in the moment and then regretted it later? THAT is the power of advertising! (sorry if im scaring u but the articles i read had rlly gud points and im a sharer kinda person :D)

now, advertisments are not only advertising new products-but they are advertising a whole new way of life-like 'if u buy this ull look like her!' (like that overfident girl and her legs in the ad we analyzed in english mentioned in chias blog) the scary thing is that sometimes it actually works and we end up buying the stupid product. a perfect example is that new neutrogena wave thing-apparnatly all it does is vibrate on ur skin.

as i sed in my speech being part of the 'in' crowd feeds ppls self-esteem, making them happy. this is achieved by buying stuff-but wat happens wen we c something we rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly want but its too expesive? or it hasnt come out in australia yet? or ur underage? (lol) this drives us further to want wateva we wanted and boosts cravings to get it.

uuuuuuuugh ok-my little rant is over lol it was the longest blog ive written i think. im proud ^^

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