
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1st day back~

3 posts in 1 day-this is record 4 me o.o

mmmm since i see a few reviews bout 1st day, i decided to write one too. first thing, it was cold today...i think every1 felt it, the abruptly low temperatures and stupid wind just made it worse. but coming into the library, it was all gud cos i got to see every1 again ^^ and marias new fringe is rlly cute-she hates it. hugging and shouting made me warm again but it also made stupid mr.hufton come and remind us to not shout in the library :P thx davo for the hello kitty slippers ^^ theyre too small, but thx anyway :)

uuuum wat did i have today. o right in science, i was rlly considering sleeping on the desk since ms.haradasa is pretty nice and if she catches me she wont be that bad. plus i hate chemistry the most outta all the science topics. o ye and we got that assignment where u had to interview ur mum bout birth and stuff. its not that bad...

geo was worse cos ms seymour just kept talking and talking and talking and talking...and i definately couldnt fall asleep in her class == so i srsly tried to concentrate on wat she was saying but she lost me at least 3 times in 5 mins. so i just endured it.

and dance. dance was pretty bad. it was our 'free' period where we went to the common room if it was available and did wateva. apparantly, the others in my class already told ms. whyndam they were doing sumthin for the year assembly and i was like no == so i just didnt join them and sat all alone for the entire period with my ipod.their contemporary is too pro and 'artistic' for me. not rlly my style. im quitting dance in yr 10 ==

for sport try-outs i just went to netball and sat with cindy, jackie, erin and wendy. sxc pics jackie, u should post them ;) afta sport i walked to PICKLES uniform shop at the top of that big big hill where freshie is. lol i saw daran and i think it was his dad at the store cept i didnt say hi o.o

so first day bak was alright-it was too cold, pretty boring and just depressing cos it was bak to skool. i just hope the rest of the term isnt as boring. the only gud part was meeting my friends agen~

p.s. happy birthday angela!!!~



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