
Monday, May 4, 2009

epic rant

first of all, i dont think you should read this if your a guy. what i have to say is not exactly pleasant and its mainly directed at you. actually all of it is. so if you choose to read it, dont complain to me afterwards about it cos i warned you. this isnt directed at anyone in general and please keep in mind that i wasnt in the best mood when i started thinking about it in last period science. im not saying theres nothing wrong with girls, in fact theres so much-but i just want to put some of these out in the open. ok so here goes...

half the time, guys have no idea what we go through, no idea. there are just so many more stereotypes of girls than there are of guys. e.g. SLUT etc etc, yet the main one for guys is just like 'player' or something. we get called names like this and it goes down in history, sometimes over just one little incident. and then there are things only we understand like cramps and monthlies etc its really not that easy being a girl and its not like we can talk about it that much. these, as well as things like pregnancy and others which i will not talk about, come naturally and we can't do anything about it-its just that its not all happy happy.

then, when we get emotional over some problem or something happened, guys dont take it seriously and sometimes, the really annoying jerks tell us to get over it or wave it off and tell us we're over-reacting. if ur a guy and u have a problem, do you really think doing that would make it any better? just because their friendships arent close like ours, or in a different way, they cant relate as well and dont understand as well as we want them to.

a big sterotype of girls is how they do so much work, and when it comes to group work, mostly the girls just do that much more than the guys. sometimes we dont mind it, but after a while the frustration just gets to us. cant guys just TRY and do something more for the group, and if it doesnt mean that much to you, do it so people like me dont end up raging about it.

another big stereotype with girls, or girls at my school, is the bashing and stuff. if we bash you, or in my case, if i bash you, you did something to ask for it. sometimes, when a guy does something that annoys you or makes you angry at them and you do something back, they look at you all serious and clueless as if theyre surprised and make it seem like you've committed a universal crime. when they make it seem like nothing, you cant do anything about it because you dont want to make it a big deal.

movies-aaagh. i swear, most of the time i hear a guy talking about a good movie, its only good because it included action/cars/sexy girls/guns/explosions, or all of the above. guys just DONT GET the deep, meaningful, emotional stuff and they just dismiss is as a chick flick or totally foreign and unimportant. and when girls cry in a movie, guys think theyre over-reacting or something and think were weird. well its not like they TRY to understand anyway.

HI CINDY~~~~ye, coming off from cindy's comment, ill add her line-'all girls have insecurities'. thats definately true, im pretty sure all HUMANS have insecurities. everyone wants to seem strong and happy but of course we all have our problems. im just telling all the guys who are reading this, that most of the time girls always hide something they are uncertain of, or insecure about. so just bear with this and try and understand.

ok so now my rant is over. if ur a guy reading this, please try and understand some of these things as theyre just some of the things that are issues for girls. well, some girls anyway. im not speaking for all girls, just me and some of my friends. once again, i have to mention that im not directing this at anyone in particular, and i know there are guys out there that are very different to what i say in this blog. if your a guy and you read all the way down to here, then good on you.

wait, one last thing-i just have to say it gets repetitive when guys use the 'can't be bothered' excuse all the time. sure everyone says it, but some just use it too much.

thanks for listening to my ramble everyone~


Em said...

I would make my own rant but it will take too much effort and i can't think much to rant about......... (Will)

Izzy said...


but yes, all your points are well and truly valid.
Especially the slut thing.

cathricax said...

i really like your points your amking..
but not all guys are like this :

then, when we get emotional over some problem or something happened, guys dont take it seriously and sometimes, the really annoying jerks tell us to get over it or wave it off and tell us we're over-reacting.

some guys are actually undertsnading,. they listen toi every word and they help you ^^
i mean, there might be a few garys and gregs and jonnos.. but like. they just do that to hide their feelings..

also, they do that because they dont know what else o say.. but i know that deep down in a guy, they really want to help.. its just that they dont wanna humiliate themselves in front of their friends

*cough* kevin and gary *cough*

hehe.. i like my verication word ^^

Em said...

mmm erica. as i sed, i no theres some diffrent guys out there and i no some rlly do try and help. i also mentioned in the blog that they dont no wat to say so they cant help anyway, but i no wat u mean.
and garys not like that is he? hes pretty nice and i hear he can be very deep and meaningful :)

Cindy said...

Gary is nice and deep. He normally jokes around and stuff but there are those times when he can get very serious.

Most guys, yes, they don't really understand when we get sad or mad. There are those few who do understand and give appropiate advice. You just really have to find that special someone who understands.

One thing you should add is: 'All girls have insecurities' :D

LOL, well most of the feedback was already given to you during the bus trip. Nice entry. ^^

cathricax said...

indeed !

when you find you special someone.. they will understand ^^~

like us ;)


chiaahh :) said...


Emma, some guys have other classifications. Not just 'player' they have 'girl' as well. O-O and and and how funny would it be if guys had monthlies as well. and pregnant. Haha. pfft. OMG. That was lame.

Andd I'm alwayss happy happy even when i'm crying, because I know I have a Emma beside me along with a Catherine, a Cathy, a Cindy, a Erica, a Jackie, a Jenny, a Lizzy, a Maria, a Wendy etc. :)

Um..yeah I work. >_> Yep! Of course. <<

Emma sounds so pro. "like you've committed a universal crime." Emma so pro. ;)

"if ur a guy reading this, please try and understand some of these things as theyre just some of the things that are issues for girls." (Y) yeah Emergency Management Management Australia.


Nurrh said...

Gary is nice and deep. He normally jokes around and stuff but there are those times when he can get very serious.

LOLOL cindy is getting protective :D LOLOL hahaha my word verification to post this comment is ching LOL wtf so random. very very thoughtful blog emma o.o all guys should read this and feel guilty - at least some of them should ._.

Cindy said...

LOL liz, well what do you expect? :P

LOL erica;) thats right..:D

Em said...

lol thx 4 the support guys! :D

cathricax said...

omg omg omgg

movies-aaagh. i swear, most of the time i hear a guy talking about a good movie, its only good because it included action/cars/sexy girls/guns/explosions, or all of the above. guys just


we had this James An reunion thing, boys + girls, and we were to watch a movie. The thing was, we spent half an hour choosing it, coz the guys wanted ot watch an MA15+ movie, where as we wanted ot watch a scary movie, "prom night", where the guys were like.. OMG ITS SO GIRLY ! DO WE HAAAVE TO WATCH IT??

after they weatched it, they were like..
"ok, i guess it wasnt THAT bad"


sometimes girls do know what guys like :P

Anonymous said...

We're sorry o_O

Bb輝♥ said...

davo? o_O


yes i did read your epic rant

sorry i forgot about it before :\

Cindy said...

LOL, thank you emma, for adding my point in. I absoultly agree with every little word about insecurities, so true. :D

Anonymous said...

LOL heya

whitneyy said...

gosh :o

i feel like the luckiest girl in this universe ^^


guys are sometime like that though.
i know one for certain *rolls eyes*


oh well ^^

im still cheery


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