
Monday, May 25, 2009

project penguin~

ok so its this thing where u get 2 sleep ova at the zoo 4 one night and mentor little kiddies in their project to save penguins. hence the name.

we met at the zoo at 5pm with all our stuff, im happy i brought my rlly light, fluffy pillow cos it was ss useful~ 4 sleeping on and hitting liz with. izzy ur pillow is a brick == oh and we got rlly rlly kool t-shirts with a penguin and writing on it o.o

we did all the boring introductory powerpoints and stuff and got 2 our rooms. annoying teacher kept taking fotos of ppl == manly guys had the first room-right in front of where the teachers slept in tents. bally boys got the middle 2 rooms and manly girls got the library at the end, which was the biggest. i was rlly dying of hunger by then cos i had no lunch so i like ran 2 the dinner line which was only sausage sizzle.

my fav part was the night walk. we got a private tour of the zoo at night wen it was dark and quiet, and all the guests were gone. the city lights were so bright and the harbour bridge looked amazing, i rlly enjoyed will hugging me XD. everything was so quiet and peaceful and strolling through the zoo at night wen its cool and peaceful is so much beta than the day. bcos if was night, the snow leopards came out and moved about and we got to see them running and jumping, which was special.

wen we went 2 sleep, ppl started getting changed and the next day the guys kept asking me if if any girls were topless == yes they were topless with a bra and no im not gonna name any of them. we also found a bottle of wine in our fridge which liam and some guys tried 2 steal but we gave it too the zoo staff. wat gud girls we r~ the second ms mags walked outta the room some1 sed 'who had cards?'. we ate the stuff lizzy brought and played cards, cept ms mags came bak and no1 saw her b4 it was too late. she was probably standing long enough looking at us taht she ciould c chias cards, b4 every shoved stuff under their pillows.

moni, chia, lizzy and i slept in one section while izzy, tian, anna mcnee, eilis and zahra were in another. the other girls were somewhere else together. omg since we had 2 get up at 6 in the morning, i only got like 2 or 3 hrs proper sleep. we styaed up heaps tlking, playing cards, eating, prank calling ppl and more tlking. gee we tlked alot that night, and i found out alot of things o.o apparantly the rest of the grade sees our azn group as the depressed girls who over-dosed in drugs...i wont go into detail, but according 2 them, erin was the only normal one lol.

6 am is not vry co-operative with my brain and body. i went 2 the bathroom unneccessarily with my toothbrush and cup and remembered i dont needa brush my teeth now. then i went and went 2 change and forgot a piece of clothing >.> we went early also to feed giraffes-wow theyre so much bigger up close. well tahts kinda obvious, but im jsut saying theyre rlly rlly tall lol. the giraffes tongue was rlly warm and had ridges on it like a cats. i got my hand wet but it was kewl.

we met our little kiddies later in the day. i bet THEEEEY didnt hafta do so much and wake up so early >.> we got 4 little girls in yr 4 and thank god they were gud little girls. they did as we sed and got the work done.i was NOT a bad mentor


WE also taught our little kiddies 2 face palm daran and jesse. one little girl was so cute and went up to ME(ignorethe caps u only get it if u no) and sed 'do we still hafta look away wen we see those guys?' . WE sed yes so they all hid their faces with the clipboards in the direction of daran and jesse and walked off lol. 4 more days of skool 2 miss. i like opposed it though but our group is so cute~

by the time we went bak in the afternoon, i was like sleep walking and half dead. WILL especially enjoyed the bus trip back i was sleeping on him. Even though i was like half ASLEEP, it was all worth it~


Anonymous said...

oh dear, sleeping on will O.o bit early 4 that hun? hahhaa

Cindy said...


i wish i was allowed to go. I missed out heaps. lol

Em said...

lol anna. i read ur comment and i was like wat wen did i mention that? so i re-read the blog and will had changed heaps of stuff >.>

+=~gzhu13~=+ said...

My favourite part->'i rlly enjoyed will hugging me XD'
LOL makes me feel good after teaching him the legendary move =P
Glad you guys having fun ;)

whitneyy said...





Em said...

o for gods sake gary. will put that in cant u tell lol.

Anonymous said...

yeh yeh whateva u say emma. ;) haha.


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