
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

despicable me and going the distance

both entertaining movies,that i watcehd a while ago but couldnt b bothered blogging about.

first of all justin long is actaully very cute. well in this movie at least. its not about a couple working up the courage to do it as in 'go the distance', but about them in general and their long distance relationship. at first its a bit slow but its cute, not in the sappy kind of way. ok a little i guess but guys could watch it and they should find it somewhat entertaining cos there are plenty of innuendoes and talking about stuff only younger generations would get. ye i watched it with my mum, she didnt get half the stuff i was laughing about.

for some people, they could absolutely hate it, like the british woman sitting in front of me, who loudly announced it wen she got up at the end. so be wary. but i liked it =] its not something i would watch over and over agn tho cos its just a one time comedy type. 3 1/2 stars.

i hafta say its very kidish and some jokes are meant for 10 yr olds, but it made me laugh and want to dance along with the retro 60s music and flashing lights. there are so many cathy references its not funny.

srsly the little yellow minions are so adorable i wanna take one home XDDDD

can u refuse that face? =[

the moral and ending is sweet and gooey lol 3 stars.

quote of the day:
"its so fluffy im gonna die. ITS SO FLUFFAAAAY!!!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

gossip girl

season 4 is preeeeetty epic so far. just look at that shot right there. and that ridiculously amazing red dress. theyre just amazing. it all is. gossip girl ftw wen it comes to scandalous, sexy, stylish.

omg chuck bass if only u were real.

yes the plot is rlly fluttery and omgomgomg like cindy sed. but its so gud. i cant stop watching lol and PARIIIIIS~~ the latest eps of season 4 (1 and 2) are filmed in paris and its everything i couldve dreamed of. even if i wasnt there. looking at the fotos on google just makes me sigh and wish i was there. srsly look at them.

love serenas outfit. the one on the left. pink pants r epic.

quote of the day-in honour of the man himself:
"you got me an airplane ticket?"
"i dont need a ticket. im chuck bass"


Thursday, September 16, 2010

day 30-your reflection in the mirror

a lot of the time i dont like my reflection in the mirror. but like chia says, beauty is from within and there is no definition of it. so wen i can, i try to see the gud in that reflection. becos being depressed about what u look like wont make it any different =]

then theres always that annoying model girl who u see from time to time. it might not be the same person, but shes always gorgeous and dressed perfectly, her hair effortless. its those times that i feel under or over dressed and just internally shake my head at her. ive learnt to just let her walk by in all her glory and focus on how nobody is perfect, including her, and that im just amazing =] lol maybe not like that.

alright one thing i do want from my reflection, is better skin. just saying, u know, its neva a bad thing to not have to worry about ur skin. and gavin leering at u while u eat something, saying 'ITS BAD FOR UR SKIN!'. srsly, i go back to china and everyone has perfect skin. mostly. its RIDICULOUS. i feel so out of place lol and yes a few ppl commented on my skin. not in the gud way. and that never makes u feel gud. just awkward.

OMG 30 DAY CHALLENGE IS OVER. took me long enough. now normal blogging will seem so weird. but i liked some of the topics to write about. i hope ppl learned something >=]

day 29-the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

nobody knows everything about me. its not possible. and privacy can be a gud thing tyvm. lol but ye the times wen i want to say something but dont is mostly because of me being afraid of what ppl will think.

it seems so naive to think that ppl would b afraid of saying things which make them look bad, but ppl these days value others' opinion way too much. at times, myself included. im not gonna lie and say i dont care becos i do and im pretty sure we all know what it feels like to say something then wonder if that person will now judge u for it.

on the other hand sometimes i want to just spill everything to somebody for the sake of the physical action of speaking the words aloud to a person that will respond to them. saying something is basically facing something. no matter how many times it is repeated in my head, its not true until i say it. like 'va is due in 4 days maybe i should start' or 'that dress she has on is omg its so ugly i just dont wanna say it and feel mean'.

i hope we do get over this caring about what ppl think thing cos it doesnt let us be who we are, or get closer to the ppl we rlly want to be closer to.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 28-someone that changed your life

um yeah ive returned to blogging. i did say i would finish this thing and so i am.

lots of ppl have changed my life. to pick one would be boring. so i pick my entire group. asian invasiooon.

not to be corny. but i have learnt so much from u all =] u are the ppl i get to go thru highschool with, and i couldnt have picked better ppl if i had to. becos rlly, our group wasnt rlly a choice. it was just a bunch of azn girls coming together in yr 7 thru mutual friends and eventually getting to know each other. in the end it all worked out gud and fine cos look at us now. we no longer fight over handball or cry all the time lol

im happy with these ppl that changed my life. if i didnt have them, i wouldnt have gone thru a sticky foto craze or shared all our azn lunches so much. azn lunches ftw. omg my eyes are so tired -.- blog ends here

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