
Thursday, September 16, 2010

day 30-your reflection in the mirror

a lot of the time i dont like my reflection in the mirror. but like chia says, beauty is from within and there is no definition of it. so wen i can, i try to see the gud in that reflection. becos being depressed about what u look like wont make it any different =]

then theres always that annoying model girl who u see from time to time. it might not be the same person, but shes always gorgeous and dressed perfectly, her hair effortless. its those times that i feel under or over dressed and just internally shake my head at her. ive learnt to just let her walk by in all her glory and focus on how nobody is perfect, including her, and that im just amazing =] lol maybe not like that.

alright one thing i do want from my reflection, is better skin. just saying, u know, its neva a bad thing to not have to worry about ur skin. and gavin leering at u while u eat something, saying 'ITS BAD FOR UR SKIN!'. srsly, i go back to china and everyone has perfect skin. mostly. its RIDICULOUS. i feel so out of place lol and yes a few ppl commented on my skin. not in the gud way. and that never makes u feel gud. just awkward.

OMG 30 DAY CHALLENGE IS OVER. took me long enough. now normal blogging will seem so weird. but i liked some of the topics to write about. i hope ppl learned something >=]



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