
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 28-someone that changed your life

um yeah ive returned to blogging. i did say i would finish this thing and so i am.

lots of ppl have changed my life. to pick one would be boring. so i pick my entire group. asian invasiooon.

not to be corny. but i have learnt so much from u all =] u are the ppl i get to go thru highschool with, and i couldnt have picked better ppl if i had to. becos rlly, our group wasnt rlly a choice. it was just a bunch of azn girls coming together in yr 7 thru mutual friends and eventually getting to know each other. in the end it all worked out gud and fine cos look at us now. we no longer fight over handball or cry all the time lol

im happy with these ppl that changed my life. if i didnt have them, i wouldnt have gone thru a sticky foto craze or shared all our azn lunches so much. azn lunches ftw. omg my eyes are so tired -.- blog ends here



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