
Thursday, September 16, 2010

day 29-the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

nobody knows everything about me. its not possible. and privacy can be a gud thing tyvm. lol but ye the times wen i want to say something but dont is mostly because of me being afraid of what ppl will think.

it seems so naive to think that ppl would b afraid of saying things which make them look bad, but ppl these days value others' opinion way too much. at times, myself included. im not gonna lie and say i dont care becos i do and im pretty sure we all know what it feels like to say something then wonder if that person will now judge u for it.

on the other hand sometimes i want to just spill everything to somebody for the sake of the physical action of speaking the words aloud to a person that will respond to them. saying something is basically facing something. no matter how many times it is repeated in my head, its not true until i say it. like 'va is due in 4 days maybe i should start' or 'that dress she has on is omg its so ugly i just dont wanna say it and feel mean'.

i hope we do get over this caring about what ppl think thing cos it doesnt let us be who we are, or get closer to the ppl we rlly want to be closer to.



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