
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

consumerism and advertising

ok well 4 english we had 2 write a speech and i picked the topic consumerism and advertising. it was actually pretty interesting seeing ppls views and blogs bout it-saying how nowadays ppl judge the value of other ppl by wat they have and dont have and not by who they are. of course this is not true 4 every1 but it is to an extent.

i have to admit im pretty hypocrytical cos i mean i CONSUME. but it seemed like an easy topic XP keep in mind that wat im gonna say i agree with, even tho im i am like a total consumer lol.

if u think about it-all advertisers do is make up fancy gimmicks and ads to attract ppl with things that society deems acceptable and that half the time they dont even need. they suck ppl in with their over exagerated-ness of everything and force an idea that not only does their product actually work, but its worth buying over all the other identical copies out there. I MEAN COKE AND PEPSI R THE SAME! ppl just choose to favouritize brands depending on the degree of brainwashing-ness used in the ad.

i mean how many times have YOU been affected by impluse shopping-bought something in the moment and then regretted it later? THAT is the power of advertising! (sorry if im scaring u but the articles i read had rlly gud points and im a sharer kinda person :D)

now, advertisments are not only advertising new products-but they are advertising a whole new way of life-like 'if u buy this ull look like her!' (like that overfident girl and her legs in the ad we analyzed in english mentioned in chias blog) the scary thing is that sometimes it actually works and we end up buying the stupid product. a perfect example is that new neutrogena wave thing-apparnatly all it does is vibrate on ur skin.

as i sed in my speech being part of the 'in' crowd feeds ppls self-esteem, making them happy. this is achieved by buying stuff-but wat happens wen we c something we rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly want but its too expesive? or it hasnt come out in australia yet? or ur underage? (lol) this drives us further to want wateva we wanted and boosts cravings to get it.

uuuuuuuugh ok-my little rant is over lol it was the longest blog ive written i think. im proud ^^


Anonymous said...

What the heck do you mean? People who write ads SUCK at their job.

cathricax said...

... o.O

this is a commerce lesson ==
i dont need one ==

Em said...

davo-tahts wat u THINK! dun dun dun O.O lol
erica-this isnt commerce, is it..?

chiaahh :) said...


cathricax said...

this is pretty much what we learn in commerce lol ^^

p.s. im stealing your idea for my specch.. xie xie ni ^^


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