
Thursday, April 23, 2009

my day at the beach~

so i learnt that little secluded section of the manly beach i liked was actually called shelley beach. today i went 4 the second time 4 my painting but i ended up getting hardly anything done >.> me n izzy caught the bus together and waited 4 anna (xu) at maccas in front of the wharf. ANNA U LIFESAVER U DIDNT FORGET TO BRING UR ART BAG! ^^ ye i lost my bag of paints and brushes so i had 2 borrow anna's >.>

ms. izzy needed 2 buy more batteries for her camera, which is battery run, not charged like others so we went 2 coles, where we met meg and found that she could come with us afta all. so we went bak to the turd (the huge shell thing in front of the wharf) and waited 4 will, who was late ==

the weather was so nice today, kinda hot but still a bit cloudy-much better than i expected. on the way down we stopped for a while at the rocks halfway down the walk to shelley with the little flight of stairs. jumping round those rocks was pretty fun since it was quiet and there were little rock pools everywhere. i tried to catch pics of the waves crashing against them but failed after several attempts >.> and i didnt no will knew so much bout...stuff in general :P apart from hogging izzy's and anna's cameras as much as i could to get shots of absolutely everything, i tried to get a decent one of will but hes so camera shy and kept running away or blocking me ==

the sea water at shelley beach was so clear it looked like glass o.o apart from the painfull shell bits (ye i just got y the beach was named like it was today) it was a rlly nice beach-not too crowded or well known. o ye and anna supposedly took a pic of a naked little boy o.o she was her usual camera raping self. ive only thought of half my painting and couldnt think of more so i asked izzy and meg to walk on the beach while i took fotos of them-they didnt turn out as gud as expected so now i hafta sit down and fully brainstorm ><

lunch was at maccas and we returned to the turd/shell in front of the wharf to eat. YUMMY YUMMY McCHICKEN MEAL~~~ a while after meg left, me n izzy had to cath our bus too so i grabbed everything i had and half ran to the stop, eating on the way o.o wen the bus came, we left will to the mercy of anna and her camera :P

i dno bout other ppl, but i think all in all today was pretty gud. im liking the beach more and more cos its somewhere to go without spending alot of money and its so peaceful ^^


chiaahh :) said...

OMG. I so wanted to be there to see a 'pro taekwondo kick'. ;] Pro camera skills emma.

cathricax said...

uwaaa ><
i wish i was there
and if i was, and if i could bring my brother, will wouldve had another guy as company and i couldve had a day out~!!


anna said...

that was very entertaining XD

Cindy said...

lol emma, the pics do look very pro.

Man i hate the beach :(

Can't wait to see your end result for your painting, must be very good.

+=~gzhu13~=+ said...

The first picture is nice, I like it but the second punk style lol but yeah its "artistic" ;)


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