
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

things 2 do before i die~

i was reading izzy's blog bout elevator pranks wen i saw her little list on the side. i have nothing beta to do and ive always wanted 2 one of these so here goes:


1-travel around europe
2-finish highschool
3-fall in love (how can that not b on my list???)
4-rent and decorate my flat
5-own a puppy
6-go back to my first school in austrralia and visit my kindy teacher
7-wear a white wedding dress
8-get drunk
9-stroll by on the beach at night
10-go to a bonfire party
11-go on a real, actual shopping spree with my friends with money ive earnt myself
12-paint a room and get messy
13-enter a competition and win it
14-bash someone up who rlly deserves it
15-dance in the rain
16-shout out somewhere where no one can hear me, like the top of a mountain
17-get high

thats it for now, some of the things i wanna experience in my life that i can think of at this moment.


shopper-mania said...

good luck with that.
you can bash me up for no. 14.
(or xinna? bec? gina? anna? emily? or... Batman??????)
-evil(yet sxc) laugh)

chiaahh :) said...

emma. lols. hi.
tell me when you want to get drunk. I'll come with you. ;]and when you're going to go on that massive shopping spree :] and when you're going to paint that room :]&&most importantly when you're going to get high, i'll be there ;] everytime.

Cindy said...

LOL emma, 'fall in love'

aren't you in love now hun? :P

'wear a white wedding dress' i wanna attendd :D
'get drunk' OH MAN im so there along with chia;)


Em said...

This is Will(btw i lost my account too bothered to retrieve it)
Anywayz comment time: puppies r cute at first but they fucking pee and shit everywhere, (trust me i had 2 dogs b4), ye and when u finally toilet train them they r not cute anymore and they r big and massive. (this view is from a person who owned 2 german sheperds)

Izzy said...

I'm gonna do a good proper list now =]

I've done TWO of those above...guess which ones ;]

Em said...

lol i welcome any1 who wants 2 join me on getting drunk, getting high or going on a shopping spree-its definately more fun with more ppl XD

Izzy said...

i've done 3

and getting high, if that involves no drugs.

Nurrh said...

to will.
they prolly shit everywhere bcuz u probably suck at training dogs.

+=~gzhu13~=+ said...

I was reading the list...from 1-7 was like aww so cute and then when I got to 8...LOL?
Oh and 17..I hope your not thinking what im thinking.....kekekekkeke lol jokes


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