
Monday, August 16, 2010

day 12-he person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

i was sick hence the gap. but now im back =] ok here we go.

alright, kinda like cindy sed, i like to think that there is gud in everyone.because there is =] plus i really cant keep grudges unless its something epicly life changing. and even then i dont really hate a person because...i mean hate is such a strong word. i know i use it all the time for ppl like ms. blundell lol and ms. richards-but i dont actually HATE them, themselves, their spirit, their heart, their actions. i might hate my bro a little tho, but thats too complicated to be classified as real hate. so i wont for now.

i use the word hate rlly casually just out of frustration and to show my dislike for something/someone. but if ur rlly talking about hating someone for who they are or what they did-somehow in my head i think of all sides and i guess u cant rlly hate someone if u see any sense in what they do. does that make sense?

i dont hate anyone but i have highly disliked people. it never lasts tho. its neva a burning, sensation of hate lol as for the person that caused me the most pain, i cant think of any one person that has caused me so much pain that i jsut think of their name immediately for this blog. i highly dislike those people for the fact that they did cause me, or people around me, a lot of pain. but life is full of those people and im not about to go around hating on them all lol accepting, or understanding, for me, is more useful than hating. its also more healthy and just smarter.

if u think about it, if u hate someone, its just gonna b a thorn in ur side and affect ur life negatively. ull start thinking things and making assumptions and judgements and thats never gud. ye i know there are those people who may deserve that for what they did, but even if u did just hate them eternally, u couldnt live ur own life like u wanted to. im not telling anyone to do anything, hey if u hate someone and with gud reason, go ahead and do so, thats ur issue lol but personally hating isnt something thats very long term. im talking months or years. maybe in my life, as more stuff happens, ill hate someone who rlly does get on my nerves or is just a i can only imagine.



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