
Friday, August 6, 2010

day 5-your dreams

Day 5-your dreams
Ok just to clarify. I did NOT fail the 30 day challenge by not posting yesterday lol blogger hates me and deleted my draft for this blog not once but twice last night. So i gave up and decided to write it once agn today sigh chia is my witness and can prove this =]
So anyway. I know ive always been competitive and i can be independent, but ive never been especially ambitious for anything major. Nothing like jobs or careers or exactly how many children i want in exactly the perfect house that my imagination has conjured. My dream job would be something like working in a fashion magazine, or being an accessories buyer. Something that would let me learn useful life skills, as well as get connections and travel. Something that i would enjoy doing for years and years. Of course the chance of me getting such a perfect job is pretty slim, so im not rlly going for it lol
Everyone around me is telling me that school is most important right now, and it is, but its just the warm up that gives u options in case u don’t get ur dream job =] apart from anything academic, i dream of doing wat i love. I love to dance, and im really happy that i have something so amazing to turn to, its an expression of anything i want. I don’t know how my world would feel like without it o.o i wanna be keep up my dancing my entire life, or at least never stop doing it <3

If only all dreams could come true.

I dream of travelling the world with my friends during gap year (which is more like 6 months). I dream the cliché dream of a house, a perfect guy and maybe kids. I dream of money =] I dream of shopping sprees full of fashion, shoes, bags and jewellery. I dream of owning a dog in my own apartment. I dream one day in the future, moving out and getting my own apartment. I dream of a cute lil BMW Mini Cooper. I dream of having perfect skin always lol I dream of never-ending quantities of chocolate. But most importantly, I dream of my future, in which i’d like to see all u people reading this blog still in, and having great relationships with my friends and family. Hehe i love u guys, so much so that i decided to put u all in my dream lol



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