
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

day 25-the person you know that is going through the worst of times

there are always ppl i know that are going through bad times. but i love how after something bad happens, whether it be about school, people or other situations, that that same person can learn from their problems and be changed so much. i admire those people who arent afraid to face their problems and then if you look back on it later on, you realize how differently you thought about it then compared to now =] then you feel pity for your previous self lol

i know people who have problems but somehow they convinced themselves that there is absolutely no solution to it and that theyll just wallow in their own misery forever. WROOOOONG. BIG CROSS. just no.

there is ALWAYS a solution, but ppl dont see them or arent willing to give up some things for them. if it means that much to you, you will learn to compromise =] I BELIEVE IN YOU <3 hehe

of course when ppl go through hard times, i try to be there for them as much as they need me and let them know that i always will be there. cos i know how much that can mean.

i hope these problems will go away soon~~



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