
Friday, December 17, 2010

getting girls? requeeeest

ok kinda generalized but usually these, if not all of these things, should work in a gud way wen ur talking to most girls.

1. be real
dont try to be someone you think someone will like cos wen they find out ur not that person it will make u seem like a jerk who just doesnt have the self confidence to be who u are

2. be confident but not cocky
girls hate cocky guys. and its prob the same vice versa. cos its like the peron thinks theyre above you and are talking down to you when theyre rlly not all that. the right amount of confidence however shows ur not desperate

3. make her smile
kinda optional? but like, in a way that makes her comfortable. and smile urself too, it never hurts. even tho that sounds kinda stupid and obvious-smiling and looking ppl in the eye-little things do count

4. dont try too hard
e.g. use pick up lines (davo) unless its the greatest pick up line of all time from how i met ur mother: hehe =D
other than that pick up lines, winking, grinding (remember jackie?), dirty innuendos dont work srsly

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

shoe fetish

while procrastinating sc practice and browsing shoes online, the thought of heels returned to my mind. as much as i love them, what is the limit for buying shoes?

the price? how it looks? comfort? or just practicality???

i told myself a few years ago that i would never buy any shoes over $300. even if they were amazing tall leather boots. but seeing as i have no money now, i dno how much is too much. what if i impulse buy and then after all my saving and i have them, what if i dont love them as much as before. its highly i dont rlly trust myself.

and then theres the general height problem. this is just what i find for tallish girls. such as me and wing ;]

im not angry but theres just some things i dont get. whats with ppl, especially guys, fussing over me being taller than them in heels? its not like its a whole 20cm taller. and if it is, why r u blaming me? do i choose and wear clothes and shoes to make YOU look gud? no. its for me.

other than the obvious being-in-a-couple thing and how its a bit weird if the girl is towering over the guy. cos i mean it would make kissing awkward lol-why do you care that some girls are just taller. and that you just didnt grow that much. am i in a relationship with you? no. even if i was i would still wear heels.

now if you look at all the models, singers, actresses and celebrities guys drool over-so many of them are taaaall.

miranda kerr-175cm

emma watson-168cm

kaya scodelario (effy from skins)-168cm

yuri from snsd-167cm

nam jihyun from 4minute-167cm

and then add on the heels these celebrities often wear and u get an extra 8-10cm. i hope you see my point lol because i. will rock. my heels. its my problem if it hurts sometimes or is a bit high for practicality, not urs. as long as guys can respect that, im happy =]

quote of the day:
"do my shoes go with my eyes?...hey stop checking me out" ;]

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


special i love chia. and her html script skills. she is epic. making my new layout possible~~

quote of the day:
"Imma be, imma be, imma imma imma be-LOL JK im a wasp ;]"

Monday, October 4, 2010

im blogging cos chia blogged. ages ago.

dont u love sleeping in summer with minimal clothes and smooth legs? yes i do. just something ive been saying a lot today lol

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

despicable me and going the distance

both entertaining movies,that i watcehd a while ago but couldnt b bothered blogging about.

first of all justin long is actaully very cute. well in this movie at least. its not about a couple working up the courage to do it as in 'go the distance', but about them in general and their long distance relationship. at first its a bit slow but its cute, not in the sappy kind of way. ok a little i guess but guys could watch it and they should find it somewhat entertaining cos there are plenty of innuendoes and talking about stuff only younger generations would get. ye i watched it with my mum, she didnt get half the stuff i was laughing about.

for some people, they could absolutely hate it, like the british woman sitting in front of me, who loudly announced it wen she got up at the end. so be wary. but i liked it =] its not something i would watch over and over agn tho cos its just a one time comedy type. 3 1/2 stars.

i hafta say its very kidish and some jokes are meant for 10 yr olds, but it made me laugh and want to dance along with the retro 60s music and flashing lights. there are so many cathy references its not funny.

srsly the little yellow minions are so adorable i wanna take one home XDDDD

can u refuse that face? =[

the moral and ending is sweet and gooey lol 3 stars.

quote of the day:
"its so fluffy im gonna die. ITS SO FLUFFAAAAY!!!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

gossip girl

season 4 is preeeeetty epic so far. just look at that shot right there. and that ridiculously amazing red dress. theyre just amazing. it all is. gossip girl ftw wen it comes to scandalous, sexy, stylish.

omg chuck bass if only u were real.

yes the plot is rlly fluttery and omgomgomg like cindy sed. but its so gud. i cant stop watching lol and PARIIIIIS~~ the latest eps of season 4 (1 and 2) are filmed in paris and its everything i couldve dreamed of. even if i wasnt there. looking at the fotos on google just makes me sigh and wish i was there. srsly look at them.

love serenas outfit. the one on the left. pink pants r epic.

quote of the day-in honour of the man himself:
"you got me an airplane ticket?"
"i dont need a ticket. im chuck bass"


Thursday, September 16, 2010

day 30-your reflection in the mirror

a lot of the time i dont like my reflection in the mirror. but like chia says, beauty is from within and there is no definition of it. so wen i can, i try to see the gud in that reflection. becos being depressed about what u look like wont make it any different =]

then theres always that annoying model girl who u see from time to time. it might not be the same person, but shes always gorgeous and dressed perfectly, her hair effortless. its those times that i feel under or over dressed and just internally shake my head at her. ive learnt to just let her walk by in all her glory and focus on how nobody is perfect, including her, and that im just amazing =] lol maybe not like that.

alright one thing i do want from my reflection, is better skin. just saying, u know, its neva a bad thing to not have to worry about ur skin. and gavin leering at u while u eat something, saying 'ITS BAD FOR UR SKIN!'. srsly, i go back to china and everyone has perfect skin. mostly. its RIDICULOUS. i feel so out of place lol and yes a few ppl commented on my skin. not in the gud way. and that never makes u feel gud. just awkward.

OMG 30 DAY CHALLENGE IS OVER. took me long enough. now normal blogging will seem so weird. but i liked some of the topics to write about. i hope ppl learned something >=]

day 29-the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

nobody knows everything about me. its not possible. and privacy can be a gud thing tyvm. lol but ye the times wen i want to say something but dont is mostly because of me being afraid of what ppl will think.

it seems so naive to think that ppl would b afraid of saying things which make them look bad, but ppl these days value others' opinion way too much. at times, myself included. im not gonna lie and say i dont care becos i do and im pretty sure we all know what it feels like to say something then wonder if that person will now judge u for it.

on the other hand sometimes i want to just spill everything to somebody for the sake of the physical action of speaking the words aloud to a person that will respond to them. saying something is basically facing something. no matter how many times it is repeated in my head, its not true until i say it. like 'va is due in 4 days maybe i should start' or 'that dress she has on is omg its so ugly i just dont wanna say it and feel mean'.

i hope we do get over this caring about what ppl think thing cos it doesnt let us be who we are, or get closer to the ppl we rlly want to be closer to.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

day 28-someone that changed your life

um yeah ive returned to blogging. i did say i would finish this thing and so i am.

lots of ppl have changed my life. to pick one would be boring. so i pick my entire group. asian invasiooon.

not to be corny. but i have learnt so much from u all =] u are the ppl i get to go thru highschool with, and i couldnt have picked better ppl if i had to. becos rlly, our group wasnt rlly a choice. it was just a bunch of azn girls coming together in yr 7 thru mutual friends and eventually getting to know each other. in the end it all worked out gud and fine cos look at us now. we no longer fight over handball or cry all the time lol

im happy with these ppl that changed my life. if i didnt have them, i wouldnt have gone thru a sticky foto craze or shared all our azn lunches so much. azn lunches ftw. omg my eyes are so tired -.- blog ends here

Friday, August 27, 2010

day 27-the friendliest person you knew for only one day

this is such a random topic lol who thinks of these random topics? or even thinks of people to write about for these random topics.

er. idk. cant remember. prob some girl who i met in china? ye her english name was oak o.o but she was nice =] i remember me, her and my cousin went out shopping in little boutiques that she knew about and had dinner at a jap place in a small streed somewhere =] had street food and nice mango icecream at an icecream parlour. that was a nice day. we added each other on msn but nothing much became of that. never spoketo her agn after that day lol

i cant think of anything else to write. this topic rlly is random.

day 26-the last person you made a pinky promise to

i remember this cleary. it was like 2 weeks ago, when we were hanging out at the mall food court after sport. chia got a text from a certain someone and i was so excited i wanted to reply for her. so she sed i could as long as i dont say anything retarded in her name. she made me pinky promise. i am a woman of my word. i kept my promise =D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

day 25-the person you know that is going through the worst of times

there are always ppl i know that are going through bad times. but i love how after something bad happens, whether it be about school, people or other situations, that that same person can learn from their problems and be changed so much. i admire those people who arent afraid to face their problems and then if you look back on it later on, you realize how differently you thought about it then compared to now =] then you feel pity for your previous self lol

i know people who have problems but somehow they convinced themselves that there is absolutely no solution to it and that theyll just wallow in their own misery forever. WROOOOONG. BIG CROSS. just no.

there is ALWAYS a solution, but ppl dont see them or arent willing to give up some things for them. if it means that much to you, you will learn to compromise =] I BELIEVE IN YOU <3 hehe

of course when ppl go through hard times, i try to be there for them as much as they need me and let them know that i always will be there. cos i know how much that can mean.

i hope these problems will go away soon~~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

day 24-the person that gave you your favourite memory

there cant possibly be one single moment or person in my life that has been amazingly, tremendously awesome. cos there are heaps =]

no one person can give me a perfect moment and one time so i will list a few~~ <3

-when izzy, whitney and i enjoyed our many good memories at the park
-fireworks nights at nbps
-shopping. self explanatory.
-sneaking out at 4am at lizzys sleepova to watch the sunrise. it was so worth it.
-711 bus memories =D i remember it would b 'the seedy bus' and all the convos were sick and twisted lol
-a few snapshots from my lovelife are definately there
-doing ballet with witnee at that church studio =D
-going overseas
-just hanging out ppl i love

Monday, August 23, 2010

day 23-the last person you kissed

william jin. period. we should all know this by now yes? lol agh alas there has been noone else =[ haha

speaking of kissing. i think it was jackie? but i was tlking with someone about kissing a guy with a tongue piercing haha its on my list of things to do before i die...if i get the chance ;]

the best kisses are either spontaneous, sweet or hot. but i doubt those amazing scences in movies like 'the notebook' rlly happen. the classic-kissing in the rain, against a wall, in the water(<3), when one of them is about to die lol or leaving for a long time, upside down (omg like in spiderman looool)...eeerm cant think of anymore. wouldnt the world b just that little bit beta if stuff like that happened more often? lol =D

Sunday, August 22, 2010

day 22-someone you want to give a second chance to

my blogs r getting repetetive cos i cant think of people for half of the topics lol but at leat im trying, u ppl, u started this challenge as well so finish it ye!

i dont wanna give a second chance to anyone cos i dont hate anyone that much ._. there is one person actually that couldve been a beta person before, but then again u cant change a person or wat they are. so it prob wont do much difference.

if something doesnt work for me, its cos i did something as well or that person is just the person they are and if anything happened then it was meant to be. or just happened. and its not like u can change it so ye. it would b gud if more bad stuff dint happen tho =]

Saturday, August 21, 2010

day 21-someone you judged by their first impression

actually i dont remember judging anyone by their first impression, cos first impressions dont mean much to me if i get to see that person often. and for people i dont see often, well then i dont even rememebr their first impressions.

i cant even remember first impressions, the ones that i can are-

jackie. i met her in bowdens yr 7 english class cos we were both noob and didnt know wat to do with such a weird teacher lol

cindy. izzy introduced us in yr 7 and u had ur polite smile on haha

cathy. weird individual.

will. new kid on the 711, who happened to be shang as well =D

erin. cindy introduced u to us where we used to sit in that bench place beside the podium in the quad. i didnt believe her wen she sed u were in yr 7 too, i thought u looked like yr 9 or sumthin.

maria. you walked into a music lesson as part of the tour group for new students haha everyone was so anticipating seeing u and for the rest of the day i kept telling ppl that i saw this new maria girl. polite and shy u were lol i think we were a bit too enthusiastic =D

helen. in the canteen and i hear maria shouting 'LIZ LIZ LOOK, SHES KOREAAAAAAN!!!' and liz going 'oh, hi...o.o'

i dont remember any more, this has already taken a lot of brainstorming from me lol but i got to know these ppl beta and i neva actually 'judged' them by that first impression.

oh ye i remember now. BLOG PPL. hurry up and get to it.

Whip It

as i type im listening to the ending credits of the movie whip it, directed by drew barrymore. rlly i havent watched such an entertaining movie in a long long time =D

its just the perfect balance of feel good, predictability, unpredictability and sweet teenage love. not too corny tho.

its about this girl and her roller-derby adventures. but the way the movie is made, its all so original and the music complements everything so well. i love it so much im downloading the soundtrack (Y) ellen page (Juno) is the main girl and i hafta say she was so much better to watch in this than in Juno. shes just so lovable and dorky at the beginning its the cutest thing <3

plus, roller-derby is a fast, dangerous contact sport and the way these girls play with their fishnets and crop tops would probably make it entertaining for guys to watch as well ;] plus, the guy is like wow *swoon. and the way the main character deals with him in the end is just hilarious. it all feels relatable in some way, especially to teenage girls but is frikin entertaining at the same time. i found myself getting into it heaps and getting all worked up watching them smash each other on the skating rink lol

ten out of ten.

its so epic. i prob wouldnt give a movie like this ten, if you just base if on the descriptions ppl give you, but its such a different kind of movie. the style is so alternate, but...fiesty i guess lol great movie =D

Friday, August 20, 2010

day 20 -the one that broke your heart the hardest

Alright this is never a merry topic lol u may or may not know this person. actually u prob dont lol but its beta if u dont anyway. so its all gud.

this person. hmmm. well. to describe this person, id say that this person meant a lot to me. and still does. technically it was them, but they didnt even know half the time that they were causing me pain. i guess thats y it hurt more-the fact that they didnt even know they were doing it. i know that i was purposely pushing the fact that i was in pain, away. because i didnt wanna make wat was happening any more harder than it already was. god, ive changed on the inside so much since that. that person, did things, said little things that to me, was just painful to watch. this is hard to describe without actually saying what it was lol at times i told myself to stop being ridiculous and stand up for myself like the obvious thing to do. the way they acted around people and to me, wouldn't have meant much to most people, but i thought i could trust that person. now that i think about it, that person didnt give me the respect i think i deserved back then. and i say that confidentally, not sounding vain because i know fully that its true. that person took me for granted one too many times, even unconsciously or subtly, but hey when someone takes you for granted like that, u notice. they didnt do things that could be called 'mean' but just stuff that made my self confidence fall so much. while i knew this person, stuff just kept coming and information was flowing in from all sides. someone i hardly even knew told me something that just made me want to fall apart for a while. the mountain of reasons why i 'highly disliked' this person just kept piling up and it was pretty shaky. logically, if u keep piling something up like that it will fall and break. and ye it broke.

It broke hard, i remember one particular afternoon and what happened. There were other people who tried to be there for me and I thank them for trying. It was so much better that I had people there for me than just sitting there alone.

The one that broke my heart the hardest eh…well its hard to categorize it like that cos when I think of hearts breaking, I think of love and boy meets girl, but im not sure it was exactly like that? Lol ye…of course I do blame that person for what happened but nothing is never 100% one sided, so I was at fault too. One gud thing I can say that happened from this was that it taught me some pretty important lessons and it was definitely a learning experience.

The point is. Im not gonna forget this. Who knows, theres prob gonna be someone in the future who does something worse and they can claim the title and this person will be set free. If uve never had ur so called ‘heart broken’ then you rlly are lucky. Cos man it sucks lol not to sound corny, but I was in pain for a while and it just feels like…I guess it wasn’t heart break then cos it didn’t feel like what ppl say-like ur entire body is about to collapse and you cant sleep or face it properly. Still it was as if there was a permanent weight on ur conscience that u know wont go away and it slowly starts making everything negative-sometimes all I wanted to do was hold something tight and lie on my bed. Lol it sounds pretty pathetic if u haven’t felt it or seen it but trust me ull know what im talking about when it happens to you. I hope it doesn’t tho <3

day 19-someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

if i actually think about this one, id hafta say there were a few people. but the one i can talk about is. slutgirl. aka cathy zhang.

pesters is a strong word. id say always happens to pop up in my mind wen i see things taht are just classic cathy style. like va. agh va, the memories...

wheneva someone does something oddly stupid i think of cathy hahaha it just happens. i cant help it. but its hilarious wen it does happen cos i start laughing to myself and sigh.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

day 18-the person that you wish you could be

Theres obviously the perfect person scenario, perfect personality, perfect friends, perfect family, perfect love life, perfect grades in school, perfect relationship with siblings. but that person doesn’t exist in me, or many people in general actually. Because perfect is subjective and once we reach it, therell be something else missing.

sometimes i wonder if i was in someone else’s position, meeting myself for the first time, would i like me? There are times when i know i definitely would not like me, i would probably highly dislike me lol

dear me,
i wish i could have less split ends. I wish my temper would stop getting in the way. I wish i could be more confident about myself. I wish i had frikin fabulous skin forever and ever. I wish i would stop procrastinating when i really shouldn’t be. I wish i had no problems whatsoever in school. I wish i had unlimited amounts of money. I wish i actually liked my brother. i wish i could go out whenever for whatever time. I wish i was the kind of person who is highly ambitious and self-dependant. I wish i had heaps of connections. I wish i could be myself all the time. i wish i didn’t get nervous about things like speeches and performances and interviews. I wish i could get along with anyone fine. I wish i could give more back to people. I wish i could keep doing ballet. I wish i hadn’t stopped right before i was going on pointe-that rlly annoys me. I wish i had more time for myself. I wish i wouldn’t be afraid of stuff like rollercoasters and horror movies. I wish sometimes i could be more ladylike lol i wish i could be the kind of person that always stood up for themselves. I wish i could stop impulse buying things that i regret buying later. I WISH I COULD STOP BEING LATE FOR SCHOOL EVERYDAY LOL
Wow thats a long list. But its not even half of what i wish i could be. I sound so demanding haha but its true =[ ill b happy if any number of those things came true.

day 17-someone from your childhood

There were plenty of people in my childhood. Heaps of them are still here. But i remember that when i was in Kindy, when my mum and i first came to Australia, i went to Summer Hill Public School. It surprises me that no one knows where that is. Its actually just next to Ashfield. Well being the asian kid i was that couldn’t speak much english, i had an asian best friend. I cant even remember her name lol but i do remember i did everything at school with her and she was my best friend back when i was a 5 year old =] i also remember my teacher, Mrs Meldrum who was a really gud teacher. Believe it or not i was a rebel and a firkin pain wen i was 5. Stole stuff and interrupted people and would not stop talking while the teacher was talking. Mrs Meldrum somehow made me a nice little child and i guess shes a big reason i am the way i am now. I always said to myself that i would go back and visit that school and my teacher, but as i got older, the thought just drifted further and further away from my mind. It would be gud to go back there and see everything again, if shes still teaching there =]

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

day 16-someone that’s not in your state/country

I would’ve sed my cousin, but ive already blogged bout her. Hmmmm someone else. Would be. Eh.
well the other time, wen i was looking for nice gumboots to buy, i was searching online and i saw these pretty lil marc Jacobs collection ones. They were just simple and block coloured in a rainbow of colours. And omg it was frikin $38. Ignore the fact that its marc Jacobs and gud quality, most fashion gumboots are more than $38 these days. I was so happy <333 so i immediately started looking for a store in Sydney but lo and behold they don’t have marc Jacobs. OR AUSTRALIA. I was so annoyed and upset. Ye have them in America and all other countries, but firkin Australia is such a loner island in the corner of the world, that marc Jacobs doesn’t notice us and set up stores to sell his gumboots here. Screw Australia. Aaaagh.
Speaking of Australia being a loner island, where is FOREER 21?!?! If many brands and labels and products that Australia misses out on. Don’t even start on internet.
Just not cool >=[

Monday, August 16, 2010

wat is this. how come this neva happens? eh??

1. Get kissed in the rain
2. Have that one hot kiss where your pressed against the wall
3. Have a guy that thinks you’re the world
4. Have a guy that holds on as long as possible when giving hugs
5. A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear
6. Have that moment where you just gaze into each others eyes
7. When you cry, he kisses your tears away.
8. When you’re not with your guy he’s all that you can think about
9. Wearing his jacket and every time you breath in, his scent surrounds you
10. A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may get.
11. A guy who squeezes your hand
12. A boy that says he loves you and means it
13. A guy that will play her favorite song outside her window
14. A guy who is loyal
15. A guy that will sing to you no matter how bad he is at it.
16. A guy that will kiss you on the forehead.
17. A guy that will call you beautiful or adorable…not hot, fine, or sexy
18. A guy that will never judge you for how you look.
19. A boy that says cheezy stuff to you just to make u smile
20. A boy that is the same when he is with you and when with friends
21. A boy that tells you everything honestly
22. A boy that is good with your family and introduces you to his family
23. A guy that will always let you win
24. A guy who stands up for you no matter who it is against
25. A guy who calls you at night just to say ‘hi’ and see how your day has been
26. A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything better
27. A boy who will sit on the phone with you when you’re sad, even if you’re quiet
28. A boy who you can hangout and have fun with
29. A boy that will just randomly call you for no reason at all, just because he missed you
30. A guy who will hold your hand through the roughest parts of life.
31. A guy who would love you forever no matter the circumstance.
32. A guy who wouldn’t mind you wanting to get all dressed up and do your make up for him. Even if he says he likes you better without make up.
33. A guy who you can be yourself with and he will never give a care and would still tell you that you are amazing to him.
34. A guy who runs his fingers through your hair, like he’s washing your worries/troubles away.

day 15-the person you miss the most

i miss my auntie and my cousin in chinaaaaa T^T i really do *sniff we were TIGHT man, they were so awesome. still are.

like i sed, my cousin is like a sister that could easily replace my bro lol no problem. my auntie is like, one of those easy breezy happy go lucky ppl who does NOT force my cousin to goto coaching. in fact they goto the same art classes lol theyre like sisters its amazing. my auntie is the coolest adult i know. frikin shame they live in china >.>

wen i was over there, my auntie like just bumped me and i sed ow and shes like oh oops and proceeds to go 'sorry sorry sorry sorry' with the hand actions from the song sorry sorry by superjunior. she is cool lol she is the most caring, altruistic, open-minded person i know, let alone adult. shes the one that i goto for gud azn dramas to watch haha and shes usually always right about them. dude she introduced me to boys before flowers lol she is so extremely open and her sense of humour is at a level that anyone can get along with. sometimes i dont think shes an adult at all lol srsly she acts like a kid, but in a gud way =]

and she also has a ds. enough said.

my cousin is just my cousin because she is cool. or maybe she is cool because she is my cousin. idk. either way, we bond and talk about all the things sisters talk about. its hilarious wen i talk to her about guys and i end up giving her tips. shes a 12 yr old haha but its just these funny life lessons that make the best memories. i guess the age gap is enough that she looks up to me about stuff and i definately will be there to warn her about mistakes ive made haha and the shortcuts in life :D

and so im sitting here typing this, missing them, and wondering is the next time i will see them...=[ i hope it will be soon.

day 14-someone you’ve drifted away from

i feel like ive drifted away from someone but then when we get time to b our awesome selves again, together, it feels like nothings changed =] i think that if someone really is a gud friend, even after a long time apart or not talking for ages just cos u didnt, shouldnt change anything wen u finally end up getting together agn. all my true friends i can bond with no matter how long its been, and everything would be exactly the same as before and i would be reminded of y im such gud friends with this person =D

i love that feeling of 'rekindling' i guess, with someone that uve felt hasnt been in ur life lately. because u just feel happy wen ur reminded that u have such a person in ur life.

this person that im thinking of right now-i hope that we do reconnect a bit more, like we used to before. i loved those long conversations about anything and everything and when we would tell each other the pains and joys in our lives and just trust each other. its not that i trust them any less, it would just be great to have those moments again =] they brightened my day, or in some cases darkened them, but all the same they were very...fruitful and interesting lol

but hey i know were still gud without them =] that hopefully wont change.

day 13-someone you wish could forgive you

heeeeeeeerm...actually i cant think of anyone...i dont think anyone hates me...? lol =]

no rlly i cant think of anything for this blog o.o

SOOOOO instead ill just post up some pretty pictures from deviant lol

day 12-he person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

i was sick hence the gap. but now im back =] ok here we go.

alright, kinda like cindy sed, i like to think that there is gud in everyone.because there is =] plus i really cant keep grudges unless its something epicly life changing. and even then i dont really hate a person because...i mean hate is such a strong word. i know i use it all the time for ppl like ms. blundell lol and ms. richards-but i dont actually HATE them, themselves, their spirit, their heart, their actions. i might hate my bro a little tho, but thats too complicated to be classified as real hate. so i wont for now.

i use the word hate rlly casually just out of frustration and to show my dislike for something/someone. but if ur rlly talking about hating someone for who they are or what they did-somehow in my head i think of all sides and i guess u cant rlly hate someone if u see any sense in what they do. does that make sense?

i dont hate anyone but i have highly disliked people. it never lasts tho. its neva a burning, sensation of hate lol as for the person that caused me the most pain, i cant think of any one person that has caused me so much pain that i jsut think of their name immediately for this blog. i highly dislike those people for the fact that they did cause me, or people around me, a lot of pain. but life is full of those people and im not about to go around hating on them all lol accepting, or understanding, for me, is more useful than hating. its also more healthy and just smarter.

if u think about it, if u hate someone, its just gonna b a thorn in ur side and affect ur life negatively. ull start thinking things and making assumptions and judgements and thats never gud. ye i know there are those people who may deserve that for what they did, but even if u did just hate them eternally, u couldnt live ur own life like u wanted to. im not telling anyone to do anything, hey if u hate someone and with gud reason, go ahead and do so, thats ur issue lol but personally hating isnt something thats very long term. im talking months or years. maybe in my life, as more stuff happens, ill hate someone who rlly does get on my nerves or is just a i can only imagine.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

day 11-a deceased person you wish you could talk to

my grandpa passed away 2 years ago. it was of lung cancer. it was sad. first time someone had died in my grandpa spent a lot of time with me when i was a toddler in china, before i moved to australia at 5 yrs old.

i remember him taking me to and from ballet lessons and that on the taxi home, he would always have peanuts, or a lollipo, or something exciting for a 5 year old. i remember when he didnt have them, i would get really upset for like 10 min like a toddler does, but it would b all gud agn wen he somehow made me smile. i remember how he was a rlly gud story teller and that he would make up all these stories all the time for my bro and i. one was about a mouse who was looking for someone i think...another was about a bear who lived in a cave and had no toilet paper lol cos bears used toilet paper =]

he would always teach me short poems and famous rhymes and i would remember all of them and we would walk around saying them together. when i went back to china a few years ago, i remember how there were rows of big trees across the road to my aunties house, on the edge of a river. we climbed so many trees, and we climbed up mountains. my grandpa used to love climbing mountains, he would just keep walking on and on and we would all have to catch up to him.

he lived through the times when china got invaded by japan and felt strongly about the war. he was in the army his entire life, in the navy i think. and my god the amount he writes. he used to keep journals and wrote basically everyday, i went into his room and on one side was just stacks and stacks of paper and books that hed written throughout his life. im guessing thats where i got my love of writing? ye i dont rlly write anymore, but i used to love writing all the time =] i only feel real regret when i realize im prob not ever gonna learn how to read and write in chinese properly cos then id never be able to read the hundreds of pages my grandpa wrote. when he was sick with lung cancer , he wrote a letter to me and my brother, it was 4 pages long, written on thin, delicate paper that reminded me of him and just lines and lines of beautiful cursive chinese. i have it in my desk. i just feel heavy wen i remember that i cant read it...

the day i was gonna go on the flight back to australia from my trip to china few years ago, he called me into his room and told me about the pages and pages of writing he had wrote about his life. he told me that the name of his book was named after a famous mountain in szechuan ,where he grew up and told me to not forget it and showed me a picture of it on the map. i really cant remember it now. agh i feel so sad.

i also remember that wen he'd heard id got into state finalists of a writing competion, he encouraged me to one day write something that would be published in a newspaper. i promised myself that that would be one of the things id do before i die. of course, i miss him.

to prevent my mood from falling any further, ima stop this post right here. well that turned out to be more emotional than id thought...

day 10-someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to

there isnt anyone in mind for this topic, but if i hadto pick, it'd prob be a friend i dont see as often as id like to, like whitney. ye she lives like 2 streets away from me, but we come home from skool at different times and we just hardly see each other anymore o.o

it would be gud to just go back to primary school and be as relaxed as we were then when the most stressful thing id ever encountered was having THREE assignments at the same time lol

someone else id like to talk to would prob be my cousin and auntie in china. like i sed before, my cousin is like a sister that i neva had, and my auntie is really just an amazing person. i hate how we live on different sides of the world. QQ doesnt do much cos u cant rlly say much in chinese and im noob at typing it lol the phone also isnt as gud as just seeing them, cos it just wouldnt be complete without being wherever they are.

i cant think of anything else to say for this lol so yes that is my tiny little blog for now

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

day 9-someone you want to meet

I don’t have anyone right now that i wanna meet. I don’t rlly think about this lol but if id have to choose, i usually just think of some famous. Such as coco chanel <3 ive done her for a few assignments and stuff and shes just someone id like to meet.

First of all, chanel fashion is like omg *drool even tho its expensive. But its so pwetty =] after everything ive read about her, shes just such a strong, independent, ambitious person. A woman in a man’s world. She did wat she wanted to and man it looked gud. Her love life was also like omg u lucky girl...had such gud guys going after her lol jeez

i just find her inspirational, she started as an abandoned child then a dressmaker, thn a hat maker, then finally a fashion designer. she smoked like a man, wore pearls better than any woman and designed like a god. id b pretty intimidated i guess if i met her, but shes always been someone i look up to. classics man, little black dress, the skirt suit, pearls, epic black and white, dressing like a man but looking hot at the same time. now that i think about it, so much modern day fashion started with chanel. her fashion morals r so true and just efficient. her stuff was always comfortable, simple and classy with no massive butterfly broches or rows and rows of frill like other stuff at her time.

the movie 'coco chanel' is also rlly worth watching. i blogged bout it ages ago but srsly, its gud. so emotional but the clothes, the cinematograaphy and acting was just like a fairytale. its the latest one-go watch it.

of course these days i obviously cant meet chanel, but i def will always worship her style. heaps of my own style i guess is from her. chanel ftw.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


dont tell me this is late. cos i know that =] half u ppl prob wont even remember taht i went to china in the holz. well ive been putting off all the fotos and blogging till now. lots of fotos :D these are just the people and the places. the FOOD will b in a separate blog haha cos its just so amazing it deserves its own blog <3 this will be minimal writing, maximum photo attack. the above photo is prob one of the rarer times u see my bro and i in such a relaxed, luvo mood.

35deg+ every day, so going to the pool helps. chinas so conservative, bikins rnt that common...
my cousin =] without my heels, shes same height as me and shes only 12
omg love the night life. this is xiamen, fujina i.e. mainland

azn maccas woooo~
there were so many stores of wat we in australia call super fobby, cute azn fashion =] omg so pretty lol

met a new friend~

airport o.o
oh ye this is some empresses hat thing lol
going up and down the great wall, theres actually a ride that takes u most of the way (Y)

beijing is smoggy. this is tiananmen square and u see the sky here? its like that all the time...theres no blue ever =[

forbidden city.

olympics-birds nest and ice cube.

idk where this was. but it was pretty

that was like 1/10th of all my fotos, not even including food. agh i miss china eeeeh. so much now =[ so much happened, u wouldnt believe. sigh. it really was epic.


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