
Monday, August 23, 2010

day 23-the last person you kissed

william jin. period. we should all know this by now yes? lol agh alas there has been noone else =[ haha

speaking of kissing. i think it was jackie? but i was tlking with someone about kissing a guy with a tongue piercing haha its on my list of things to do before i die...if i get the chance ;]

the best kisses are either spontaneous, sweet or hot. but i doubt those amazing scences in movies like 'the notebook' rlly happen. the classic-kissing in the rain, against a wall, in the water(<3), when one of them is about to die lol or leaving for a long time, upside down (omg like in spiderman looool)...eeerm cant think of anymore. wouldnt the world b just that little bit beta if stuff like that happened more often? lol =D


cathricax said...

hahaha that pictuer is hilarious! it symbolises the end of the depression i think..

and your blog hah!
i would actually want to kiss someone with a tongue piercing too. that would be sweeeeet! hahaha :)

Em said...

lol ye its a pretty famous picture. it was the end of world war 2 i think and apparently one of the soldiers was so happy that when he saw his girl he just kissed her spontaneously =D


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