
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

day 3-your siblings(or closest relative)

i hope that u all know who my brother is. or should, if ur a decent friend lol its reeky, yes reeky. hes in yr 8, is already 179cm and is frikin annoying.

sometimes, a lot of the time, he just feels like an object in the background that u know is there and will stay there, which is highly unnecessary and useless. yes im harsh. with my brother, i always have been. for about 1% of the time, when he really needs me, and i know when those times are, i can be caring and older sisterly. but for the other 99% i can assure u that he is the vain of my existance.

siblings sometimes feel like their sole reason on this earth is to annoy you and make everything difficult. no srsly...i swear he just provokes me to the point of madness, we used to fully rage and fight and attack each other physically every single day. it was madness. i hated him so so much lol i didn't know how i would live like that everyday, shouting pointlessly and crying all the time. nowadays, we still fight like everyday lol but we dont bash each other or cry. ye well, he cries sometimes >.> just take it like a man. he has more anger issues than i do. he is the BIGGEST goody two shoes i have ever met. and ppl think im innocent...its like he never does anything majorly out of line and cant think for himself. hey hes only 14, i know, but i dont remember any of us being so clingy and dependent wen we were 14. jeezus instead of researching himself, or looking up a dictionary, he has to ask me all the small insignificant details of his own work that he doesnt understand. things like the meanings of easy words. every 10 min. it gets annoying >.>

ugh my whole life ive always wanted a sister, prob cos ive had a brother the entire time. but sisters bond better. the only gud thing i get from having a brother is that i can wear his oversized man shirts and add belts and necklaces and make them part of my wardrobe (Y)

on the other hand, i have a lil 12 year old cousin in china and shes like a sister i never had. excpet we only get to see each other wen i goto china, which isnt very often. for one, we can have fun together and we respect each other. thats a gud start. sigh my mum ses that ill learn to relate to my bro wen were both older, and value his existence more. i cant see that happening.

lol so yes that is my fully negative overview of my sibling. hope u learned something (Y)


cathricax said...

gosh emma!

your sibling rivalry is like a gajillion times worse than mine!!!!!

awwww! im sure the philosophy made by your mum will be right when you grow older ^^~~

Nurrh said...

the time will come when you can finally make use of him.

as for me, we're on neutral ground.

we forget easy, so that helps LOL.

as for my cousin, like you i have one younger that i used to go along with.

she pisses the fuck outta me now.


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